Sequel: Holding On

Bat Country

Chapter Twenty Four

Brian coughed and waited for me to look at him. "So, what…why, like… What happened with you and Val today?" he asked. I didn't know what to say, and then Jimmy talked again. "Listen man, we know something is up with you but we have no goddamn idea what. Lots of weird stuff happened with you lately, so well you know we're here if you want to talk to anybody, alright?" he said and put his arm on my shoulder. I nodded again. I didn't want to talk to anybody about it, they would never understand.

After a few minutes of silence and countless of looks exchanging between Brian and Jimmy; Brian talked. "What are you?" he asked out of nowhere. Jimmy glared at him but Brian ignored him. "Just tell us what the fuck is up with you, I bet it's not as bad as we already think" I felt attacked. Johnny and Zacky looked out of place, Jimmy looked like he wants to punch Brian and Brian just looked…angry.

"What-" I started saying but hearing my voice I coughed "-what do you mean?" I asked trying to not showing everything that had gone through my head. No one can find out about what I do at nights! It will just be…no it just can't happen.

"What he is trying to say-" Jimmy started talking "-is that we've been friends for a very long time and you can trust us with anything" he said and smiled at me. "Well, again, thanks" I started "but it's really something I gotta do on my own, you know?" I tried to get them off it.

Jimmy shook his head smiling and Brian was talking again. "Man we love you and shit but there are two options; either you are telling us everything now or we will just ask you questions until we figure it all out by ourselves" he said simply. I was shocked; I just had no idea where it came from all of the sudden.

Zacky and Johnny seemed as shocked as I was except that they were also confused and I…I was also scared. I didn't know what to say and what exactly they want to know. I was afraid of anyone finding out, even if those are probably the closest people to me on earth. I was still unsure about what exactly I am, how could I explain it?

"Example for a question I could ask is why your teeth are red right now" Brian said, causing me to look at him as my eyes widened. I was lost for words; I had no idea what to answer. Instead of saying anything I buried my face in my palms and closed my eyes, trying to settle my thoughts. I just couldn't understand what happened there and why Brian was acting like that toward me.

I sighed and looked at Brian, "What do you want from me?" Brian just smiled and let Jimmy answer this one; "We just want to know what happens with you, we can help you out you know…just tell us" he said with a smile. They both seemed very weird.

"What happens with me?" I half asked half wondered. "I don't even know, alright? I have no fucking idea what the fuck is wrong with me so how the fuck am I supposed to tell you what's wrong with me?" I got up annoyed and walked over the backyard with a cigarette.

Leaning on the wall I smoke it slowly, breathing in and breathing out, calming myself down. A few minutes later I heard someone coming out; I thought it would be Brian or Jimmy but to my surprised Zacky came and stood next to me. He didn't say anything; he just took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it up. I was thankful for his silence as well as I was happy to have some company. I felt so lonely because of Val and all those questions from Brian didn't help a bit.

When my cigarette was over I realized the whole pack is still inside, I didn't want to go back in there so I had no choice but ask Zacky for one. I didn't really want to talk or start up a conversation but I needed another cigarette so bad. "Hmm, Zack?" I waited for him to look at me. "Could I have a cig or something?" he nodded and handed me one as well as a lighter. Thankfully I took the cigarette and held it with my lips as I took the lighter from his hand and with one hand lit it up as the other one was protecting the small fire from the wind. "Thanks" I mumbled as I gave him the lighter back, he nodded as an answer.

A minute later he was done with his own cigarette. He started walking over the door back to the house when he stopped and turned around to me. "Listen, I have no idea what Brian and Jimmy are up to and what the hell is goin' on but it will be better if you will come back inside, alright? Take your time and shit but just go back and talk to them, I think it will be the best thing to do." He said with a smile; I nodded and he went back inside. I know that I have to deal with it and figure out what the two are up to but I just didn't have the energy to. Well, seems like I have no choice.
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Thanks for reading and stuff, I hope you like it and....well, next chapter should be interesting!