Sequel: Holding On

Bat Country

Chapter Four

It's been few hours since the doctor came in. The tests didn't take long, less than an hour I'd say. But after it he told Val and Zacky that I need some rest. Seriously what the fuck is up with that? Didn't I sleep enough, what is that shit?

I don't know how long after, but finally someone came in. When this someone got close; I realized it wasn't Val and felt disappointed. Suddenly I felt tired but I'm too awake to sleep. Instead of seeing who it was; I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping. I just didn't want anyone to be worried about me now.

He probably thought I was sleeping because I heard him go away and open the curtains. "He's sleeping" Jimmy's voice reached my ears. Now that Val wasn't here I could think of my own feeling. Now that she's not around I didn't feel all happy anymore, I actually felt weak. Maybe I really do need some rest.

I tried to fall asleep for at least an hour but failed. There were so many questions in my mind. What happened? Why am I like this? How come that Val cares?

After getting lost in my thoughts I finally fell asleep. When I woke up it was noon already, I just knew it. Weird, but I did. This time I felt so much better. After all, apparently the doctor was right, I needed some rest.

I sat up in my bed and tried to see what I remember. Well I remember everything from the airport to getting home clearly. Then it gets blurry. I remember being at Brian's house and I remember everything that has anything to do with Val. The thing I don't remember is what I did; I remember everything that Brian did but none of my actions. Not how I reacted, what I was thinking, when did I leave and where the hell did I go.

All I remember is actually nothing at all when I think of it. Anything I know from that night is information not memories. It's like that you know about the French Revolution, you don't remember it. For me it was just like it.

Okay maybe it wasn't the best example but you know what I mean! It was so weird and I don't even know what happened! Oh wait, did I just sit up in my bed? In meaning that I'm able to move? That's a good thing, that's even great. Yes, finally. It totally sucks when you try to move and fail, especially when you need to tell someone something and can't.

But now I was alright! I felt good, I felt strong; I felt alive. Few hours ago, or was it a day already? It doesn't matter! Before, I was sure that I am dead and now I feel so lucky to be alive. I know it sounds cheesy but, that's how I felt.

Now I want to get out of here. It's about time, who knows how long I've been here!
That's it I'm out of here. I tried to get up but as soon as I moved I felt a slight sting in my right arm. Damn, what the hell?! When I looked at it I saw a needle stuck in my vein connected to that cannula, man I totally forgot about it!

I let out a sigh; I didn't want to stay here but what could I do? Before I even planned what to do, when I was just about to lay down again on the uncomfortable bed, someone opened the curtains, all of the sudden the area I was at gone so much lighter and I had to cover my eyes. Two seconds after that the bright light was covered and someone walked toward to me. "Fuck, Matt, you're awake!" My hands were still covering my eyes as I mumbled back 'yeah, yeah, what's up?’ "It's so fucking good to see you like that, bro'! We had no idea what was up with you"

I slowly took my hands off my face; the light wasn't that bad anymore. Zacky stood there in front of my smiling. What was I supposed to do now? I don't want him to start asking all kind of questions!

Just when he was about to say something I asked a question before. Still not sure if it was 'cause that bothered me or just to shut him up. "Where is Val?" His smile turned to a caring one instead of happy as he answered that she was getting some rest at home.

"You took care of her well while I was…like that, Right?" I looked at him serious straight into the eyes. That was something I wanted to make sure of. As a respond he nodded at me and then added "Don't worry, me and the guys made sure she was alright" His honest smile made know she was alright.

"Where is she anyway?"

"She's hmmm, we, the guys and me, sent her home to rest", his face turned worried at this point, "She haven't slept in 5 days"

"Why?" Five days? Did I miss five days? That doesn't sound much but, it feels weird to know that I slept five days without waking up. "That's how long I was like this, right?" He just nodded and then got up.

"Hey you know what, I'm gonna go tell everyone outside that you're awake, they misses you and are worried about you, alright?"

"Uhh sure" I would really rather be alone right now or with Val but I guess it's just fair. If they're really here for me then I have no right to not let them come in, right? Who are they anyway?

Well I guess I knew pretty well who they are. My family probably, or the guys, or both; I have no idea. Probably both, that makes more sense. Either way I didn't feel like talking to anyone, I know they will all start asking questions that I don't even know the answer to. Or even worse, questions that I'm dying to know the answer to.

Zacky left the room as I laid in the bed again. Something was different, something was missing; I felt it. I don’t know what or why, but something was really, really wrong. Or, right. Either really wrong or really right.

Before I actually succeeded getting deep in my thoughts someone went into the curtain-room again, the lights coming to the room gave me a small headache. I guess I'm just not used to it yet. I had to blink many times before I could see anything, even after the curtain was closed again and it got darker.

Now that I could see again, it was two people; Johnny and Brian. For a little while they just stood there and stared at me, which made me feel a bit uncomfortable, but not long after they smiled and sat on two chairs next to me bed. "So dude, how are you feeling?" I had to turn to my right so I could see Johnny's face. "Pretty good I guess. I breathe", I smiled, "How about you?"

We just started talking like we used to. While talking to both Johnny and Brian I realized how much I missed those guys. I am not talking about the five days in which I was sleeping, I talk about everything ever since Val and I had the fight; I just now realized how much I ignored everyone. When it happened I didn't realize what I was doing; I didn't think. Now if I look back I do realize how I just pushed everyone away when they had no idea what's up with me. But you know, sometimes you think that everyone knows and like if it's stupid to talk when you don't realize how things really are.

All of the sudden the white light came back, which means someone got into the room. I don't know why it blinds me so bad but I just couldn't help and close my eyes. Once the light was not as bright I could open them and see Jimmy punches Johnny's head. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight, I wanted to join Jimmy but then I'd need to get up and I can't find the energy. Oh well I'll punch him later for sure. Jimmy was now laughing as Johnny tried to hit him back, failing as always. "So anyway guys", Jimmy shook his head still smiling, "I was just gonna get myself a drink, does anyone want anything?"

I slowly licked my lips with my tongue, I was dead thirsty! I was about to ask Jimmy for a drink as well when I felt a strong pain going through my mouth, actually through my gums and teeth….Eyeteeth. The pain was just too big and unexpected that I couldn't handle it; I couldn't even move my mouth and had to shut my eyes. Then, it stopped. I slowly opened my eyes, Brian was just telling Jimmy what he wants; no one noticed me. I turned to see what Johnny does as I tried to move my tongue at the place where my gums hurt just a second ago. Something in my mouth was not right. I moved my tongue along my left eyetooth; it was sharper and longer than usually… What the fuck is that supposed to be? Something here is very weird.

After I realized my mouth have been open, which made me even thirstier, I closed it. Then I felt another pain, this time it was a quick one in the same place as before and then nothing. Another second and I realized my bottom lip was hurting. "Damn it", I whispered to myself. I wasn't sure what just happened but one thing for sure, no one needs to know about it. I licked my bottom lip and had no doubt, it was bleeding. I moved my side lip so it would hide the wound just on time, a second later Jimmy turned to me.

"What about you, Matt?" Jimmy asked me "Uhh, can you get me some water please?" I felt how all of them looked at me. "Yeah just water, thanks", I smiled uncomfortable and saw how the guys looked at each other. "Sure, I'll be right back"

When Jimmy was about to open the curtain I closed my eyes, knowing already that the light would come, when I opened them again I found Johnny and Brian staring at me. "Dude, what was that?" Brian asked me confused "What?" I was wondering what Brian was talking about, a lot of weird things happened in the last minute, or was it even shorter then that? Anyway, I really had no idea what he noticed and what not.

"You know what? I think he needs some rest, right Matt?" I didn't expect that from Johnny, but I was pretty thankful about it. "That wouldn't hurt me, thanks", I said smiling. Brian looked at me weird again before getting up. They both walked over in order to get out. As Johnny opened the curtain I closed my eyes for a sec. then opened them again. Brian was still in the room.

"By the way, you have some blood on your teeth" And with that he walked out of the room as well, as I wasn't ready, the bright light blinded me again. I sighed; I guess I have some things to figure out now.
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Hope you enjoyed :D