It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Ten

Honey surveyed the damage she had done to her room. Clothes were strewn everywhere, as were over 80 pairs of shoes, not to mention the jewelry, make-up, bags and accessories. She was trying to fit everything she thought she might need for the two months she would travel with MCR into just three Louis Vuitton suitcases. It was an incredibly difficult task.

“Kirstinnnnn”, Honey whined for her assistant to come and help her. Kirstin, upon entering the room, took one look at Honey’s mess and closed her eyes. She was going to be here for a while.

It took the two girls nearly an hour to pack, as Honey was indecisive and wanted to take everything she possibly could. In the end, she settled with fitting as much as she could into her three suitcases and over-night bag, starting with her favorite items down to less favorite. When they were finally finished Honey and Kirstin flopped down on the luxurious king sized bed.

“You know there going to be here in an hour, with the camera crew” Kirstin said.

Honey sighed getting up, she better go and make herself look good as she was going to be on camera all day after all.


Honey was just squeezing into her short white dress when she heard the doorbell ring. Oh no, they can’t be here already!, Honey panicked. Luckily she had already perfected her make up and straightened her hair, but she was still getting dressed. Quickly throwing on her much loved casual jimmy choo’s, she ran out the door and looked over the stairs balustrade to the foyer below where the band was standing with a camera crew.

“Hello everyone”, Honey said smiling as she walked down the stairs.

“Honey. Your house is really nice. Really big”, Gerard said, as the others except for Frank who was giving himself a tour, had suddenly gone shy in the presence of the camera.

“Thanks. Ready to go soon?” Honey replied as Frank wandered back in.

“Shit yeah, she has a pool, spa, cinema and a freaking huge recording studio in here. Why are we going on tour, can’t we just stay here? Pleaseeee” Frank whined to everyone. Honey rolled her eyes.

“Grab my bags for me Frankie dear?” She asked sweetly.

“Uhh yeah”, Frank replied until he turned to look at the bags and realized how many there was, “What! Tell me this isn’t all for you”. He turned to look at her amazed.

“It’s not all for me”, Honey said. Frank looked relieved.

“Okay I lied”, Honey laughed, “There’s more”.

The camera crew followed their every move, from the house to the tour bus parked outside. A producer came up to greet Honey.

“Hi love, now just ignore us. Pretend were not here, you know. We want you to be really natural, you know. Now the deal is that your going to almost become part of the band so you do have to travel with them, except probably only for a few days and then we will get you your own bus. We just need footage so it looks like you travel with them, you know?” The fat balding man said.

Honey was confused. “So i’m not really going to stay on the bus the whole time?”

The producer looked at Honey like she was stupid, “Yeah, you know. So the audience thinks you were on the bus the whole time, but really we only need you there a couple of days to get footage and we can just reuse it. Its TV, doll, it’s not real”.

Mikey appeared at Honey’s side. “Ready?” He asked.

“Ready”, Honey replied as she followed him onto the bus, which she was then followed by the camera crew. Honey looked around the bus. She had just entered the lounge area, and it really was quite nice. Off to the side was a small kitchenette, which included a table and some chairs. The band looked at Honey, almost as if they were waiting her approvel. They knew she wouldn’t be used to “slumming it” and might find the bus quite repulsive.

“Aww it’s cute”, Honey said, instantly setting their minds at ease. Ray, Bob and Milkey started down a small hall carrying their bags.

“Ahh, let me show you to your bunk madam” Frank said bowing. Honey giggled at his display.

“Nah seriously”, Frank said leading Honey into a small room with six bunks, “You can have the very bottom one because it’s the best. And look, right across from you is the handsomest gentlemen you will ever wake up next to”.

“ Who, Mikey?” Honey said knowing full well that Frank had been referring to himself.

Frank laughed, “No I said handsomest gentlemen, not handsomest woman”.