It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Twelve

Honey awoke slowly from her nap, keeping her eyes closed but stretching her body a little. Wait, why is my bed moving, she thought suddenly feeling slightly alarmed. Opening her eyes she looked around her, and realized that she was not at home. Honey lazily moved out of her bunk and walked into the lounge area, where everyone, apart from Ray, was watching a movie.

Gerard looked up and noticed the sleepy figure standing in the lounge entrance. “Hey sleepy head, have a good nap?” He asked.

Honey nodded, still not fully awake yet, “What time is it?”

Ray, coming out of the kitchen with several pizza boxes in his hands, answered her, “It’s about seven and your just in time for dinner.”

“Seven!” Honey yelped, “Geez I slept all day nearly.” She couldn’t believe how lazy she was on this bus.

Frank smirked, turning to her, “Big night last night huh Honey?”

Honey ran her fingers through her hair, “No, well kinda, my boyfriend came over but that was it.”

Gerard looked sharply up at her, “You have a boyfriend?” He asked with a small frown.

“Yes, I do.” Honey wasn’t lying either, she had recently started seeing Alex Turner from an English band, the Arctic Monkeys. Honey had a reputation for having relationships that were short and sweet. She had dated half of the world’s hot men, and loved the feeling of a new relationship. Not that she needed a man, but in a way it was her insecurities that forced her to date men so often as it made her feel secure and wanted. So far, she had been seeing Alex for three weeks, which was a fairly long time by Honey’s standards. Of course it helped that he was half way around the world and Honey loved it how it drove him insane not being able to see her and her being so far away. She was definitely a keep em’ mean, keep em’ keen type of girl.

“Who?” Mikey asked curiously.

“Uh you guys know the Arctic Monkeys?” They nodded. “Yeah well Alex, their lead singer.”

“Huh,” was all Bob had to say on the matter, but it seemed to be enough.

Honey broke the silence that had plagued them suddenly, “How on earth did you get pizza delivered to a moving bus?”

Frank raised his eyebrows, “That my dear, is a story for another day.”

It was eleven pm and Honey seriously doubted she would sleep at all that night. Her huge nap during the day would make sleeping normally impossible. After dinner Honey replied to some fan mail from her laptop and updated her myspace, then she had dressed in her pjamas which consisted of some fairly short pink shorts and a white bonds top. She had then rang Alex to see how he was, and he was of course green with jealously about Honeys current situation, which had made Honey pleased. After her unusual phone conversation with Alex, Honey had joined the rest of the band watching a movie.

Honey was painting her toenails red when she was suddenly struck with a thought which she voiced to the band. “Why are there no cameramen on here filming? The producer man said I would only be on here a few days for them to get enough…so why aren’t they here?”

The band teared their eyes away from the television screen to look at her. Frank, who obviously hadn’t considered this either, looked confused. Bob however pointed at a particular spot on the roof, “There may not be cameramen but there are certainly cameras”.

Honey looked up and saw that hanging out of the ceiling was a camera. “Oh god, they’ve been filming the whole time and I haven’t even realized!” She instantly began trying to recall if she had done anything that could possibly embarrass her, she didn’t think so but it was still a scary possibility.

Later that night Honey was tossing and turning trying to sleep. It was so far proving impossible. Ugh I give up, Honey declared to herself as she threw her covers back. She scrambled silently out of her bunk, trying not to wake the others, smiling to herself when she saw Frank asleep, his mouth open a little, looking very peaceful. Honey wandered out into the living area, figuring she’d just watch a movie or something, but was surprised to see she wasn’t the only one still awake. Gerard was sitting on the couch, his face illuminated by the glow of a laptop. Honey padded over to him, her sock encased feet allowing her to sneak up next to him unnoticed. She came up behind him and whispered in his ear, “Hello Gerard.”

Gerard quickly closed whatever he was looking out and turned to face her, looking ever so guilty. Honey looked at him suspiciously. If she didn’t know any better she would have thought he was looking up porn, wait- she didn’t know any better. Honey jumped over the back of the couch and landed right next to Gerard and snuggled up next to him, holding onto his arm. “Were you looking up things you shouldn’t have been Geeerard?” Honey asked, rolling her r’s.

“Uh…well I wasn’t looking up porn or anything suss if that’s what you’re thinking,” He replied being deliberately vague.

“What was it then,” Honey said eyes narrowed.

“Nothing important, hey you wanna look at what are fans are saying about My Chem. I love reading that shit, sometimes,” Gerard said changing the subject and clicking on one of their many fan sites.

Gerard and Honey spent the next hour reading what the fans were speculating about the band, which she found quite funny. They read all about the band personal lives theories and Honey also found that many fans disliked Eliza, but they seemed to like the rest of the girlfriends. Honey wondered how Gerard felt about that, but didn’t really want to ask. It would be hard if your fans disliked the women you loved.

“Who’s Frerard?” Honey asked after she had seen the name for the seventh time.

Gerard laughed, “That’s me and Frankies name’s together. Some of our fans kind of wish me and him would get together, crazy huh.”

“Yeah, a bit”, Honey yawned, “I’m going to try sleep now, night night Gee.” Honey turned and walked began walking out of the room.

“Oh and Gee? I will find out what you were looking up before.” With one last smile Honey turned and left the room.

Gerard grimaced to himself. He would have to be more careful when he was looking up the very girl who he was currently sharing his bus with.