It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Fifteen

(A/N: sorry its not very good tonight. Bit of a filler! :))

“Honey…Honey wake up”, someone was whispering. Honey gradually opened her eyes and looked up at Gerard who was gently shaking her.

“Were here, were at the hotel now” He said to her.

“Already? What’s the time Gee?” Honey asked him as she sat up, slowly regaining consciousness.

“It’s only five now, but we have a show at eight and your coming” Gerard replied, now kneeling next to the couch with his hands on Honey’s knees.
Honey nodded sleepily, as Gerard stood up and offered her his hand. Honey reached up, putting her hand in his as he pulled her up of the couch. Honey was now standing two millimeters away from Gerard, and they both felt the uncomfortable intimacy of the situation. Honey leaned her head against Gerard’s chest. “I’m still sleepy Gee”, She said closing her eyes and breathing in his scent. He smelled so nice!

Gerard laughed and wrapped an arm around her. “Well you can do plenty of that in your nice hotel room after the show” He said, leading her down the bus stairs.

The parking lot that the bus was parked in lit up in flashes the second Honey and Gerard exited the bus. Photographers swarmed in a circle around them, their cameras taking picture after picture. Gerard quickly dropped his arm from Honey’s waist as she put her hands up to shield her eyes. Honey took a deep breath and, grabbing Gerard’s arm whilst still holding one arm over her eyes, she ploughed her way through the media circus towards the front doors of the hotel.

“Honey, Honey! Is it true you and Gerard are dating?”

“Honey, are you really cheating on Alex with all the members of My Chemical Romance”.

“Is your song ‘loves it’ a reference to the band?” Honey scowled at the ridiculous questions they were asking her, especially “Do you really have a crush on Gerard?” The answer to that one was yes, of course I do because who doesn’t find him insanely attractive. At last they ran through the sliding doors to the grand hotel they were staying at, the photographers were pressed against the windows but at least they were safe.

Gerard looked at Honey with wide eyes, “That was…scary. Having to go through that every time you step out of the house that must be really tough”.

Honey looked at him and held his gaze before saying “yes, it is”.

“Gerard, Honey!” Ray came running over, “There you are. Crazy out there huh, who would have thought Bob was so popular? Anyway Brian booked us two normal hotel rooms and one apartment with two bedrooms, but the thing is Jamia and Alicia are here too. So I guess us three will have to take the apartment”. Ray looked nervously at Honey, like she would find it outrageous that she would be forced to share.

Honey smiled, “Sounds good to me. Actually a bed or even a couch sounds good to me after sleeping on those bunks”.

Gerard, Ray and Honey entered their room. It had a big lounge room in the middle, with two rooms either side and a bathroom as well. Honey looked at them.

“So I know you guys would love to share with me, but I don’t think Christa and Eliza would like that, so that leaves you two sharing a bed and me having one all to my lonely self”, Honey said picking up her bags and walking to her room.

“Great, I get to share with Mr.Way. Don’t try anything in the night buddy”, Ray threatened.

“What you think I want to sleep with you?” Gerard said, eyebrow raised.

“Oh I know you want to sleep with me, just not in the way I’m talking about”.

“WE ARE MY CHEMICAL FUCKING ROMANCE!” Gerard screamed at the crowd, who was going absolutely wild for them, “and this songs called Give em’ hell kid”.

The show was in full swing, the band was going off and the crowd was loving it. Honey had never experienced anything like it before. She thought it was amazing how their fans loved them so dearly. Honey thought it was so amazing how this band impacted peoples lives, going so far as to actually save peoples lives. Honey watched from the side of the stage as Gerard began singing Cancer. It was so beautiful, he was so beautiful.

“Call my aunt Marie, help her gather all my things and bury me in all my favorite colors” Gerard sang while waving his arm above his head, encouraging the crowd to do the same. He sang it so well, that by the end of it Honey was feeling incredibly emotional. I wish I could impact people like that she thought wiping a lose tear that had slipped down her face. She caught Gerard’s eye as he glanced her way and smiled. He gave her a half smile before returning to his awaiting audience that was screaming for more.

“Have you all heard of Honey Meadows?” Gerard asked them.

The crowd cheered loudly. Gerard took that for a yes.

“Well she’s here tonight, and she’s watching it all, so were going to do this next song for her. It’s called the Ghost of You, sing along if you know the words”.

Honey was touched. What a sweet thing to do, she thought. She took a deep breath, it would take all her strength not to pounce on Gerard the minute he walked off stage, because she was becoming more and more attracted to him and it was begining to scare her.