It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Sixteen

The next morning Ray, Gerard and Honey were sitting on the couch watching morning television when Gerard’s cell rang. Glancing briefly at the caller ID he answered the phone, “Hey babe, what’s up?”

Gerard suddenly held the phone away from his ear, as the person on the other end was absolutely screaming. Honey and Ray exchanged worried glances.

“No, babe, no, its not like that at all” He was trying to explain. The person on the other end wouldn’t listen. Honey could hear snatches of what they were saying, which included words like “little slut”. Gerard got up of the couch and walked to the balcony for some more privacy.

“Eliza no, it wasn’t like that at all…NO I’m NOT sleeping with her” He was saying as he walked outside.

Ray and Honey turned to each other. “I wonder what that’s about?” Honey said. Ray glanced back at the t.v. and suddenly widened his eyes.

“I think I know, Honey look”, He said. Honey looked back at the screen and let out a small gasp. It was the footage of her and Gerard getting off the tour bus, with his arm around her.

“Not even two weeks into the tour and My Chemical Romance front man Gerard Way is obviously hoping to have a little romance of his own. Honey Meadows and Gerard were seen leaving the tour bus after clearly having a ‘little session’” The report was saying.
“I was sleeping. It wasn’t anything like that”, Honey protested to Ray. He put a comforting arm around her as they listened to the rest of the story.

“Honey Meadows is supposedly seeing Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys, so whether that is still continuing is unknown” The reporter finished as the shows presenters began commenting on the developments.

“She’s a fast mover isn’t she? I think they look sweet but Gerard better watch out because he will end up with a broken heart with that woman” One presenter was saying as the showed the footage again of Gerard and Honey being “caught”.

Ray and Honey both turned around at the sound of the glass balcony door sliding shut. Gerard walked in the room, and he didn’t look to happy. Honey gave him a small smile, but Gerard just looked at her and looked away again, as if it was all her fault. Honey looked at Ray for comfort.

“Don’t worry about him. He’s just not used to this extremely high level of attention that comes with having the gorgeous Honey on our bus” He said wrapping his arm back around her shoulders.

Honey felt a little upset. She knew that his fight with Eliza would be because of her, but couldn’t Gerard see that she didn’t want or ask for all this attention? Honey sighed, “I’m going to take a shower Ray”. Ray looked at her worriedly as she got up, he was desperately wishing Christa was here because she would know what to do, how to handle the situation a little better then he was. Honey walked into the large bathroom and entered the marble shower, feeling instantly better as the hot water soothed her. She closed her eyes and relaxed in the warm spray, momentarily forgetting about her troubles. After a while she turned off the shower and wrapped her body in a white fluffy towel. She lathered her body up in her Chanel moisturizer and sprayed some of her matching perfume, which always made her feel better. Changing into her lacy black expensive underwear (that always made her feel gorgeous), she picked up her toothbrush to clean her perfectly white teeth.

In the other room Gerard was thinking. He felt bad because he knew none of this was really Honey’s fault and it felt wrong to blame her…well entirely blame her. Gerard pushed open the bedroom door and strode into the lounge, to find only Ray sitting there.

“Where’s Honey?” Gerard asked Ray, who was surprisingly finding the Hollywood gossip part of the morning show extremely interesting.

“Fuck. I didn’t know Lindsay Lohan was such a bad driver. Do you know she wrote off her second Mercedes last night?” Ray said

“Raaaay”, Gerard said warningly.

“Alright, alright she’s in the bathroom man…whoa shit is that Jessica Simpsons new nose? Ew”

Gerard rolled his eyes and walked to the bathroom door. He paused for a second before knocking, “Honey. Um...can I come in…please?”

“Oh. Just a min…oh fuck it, yes come in Gee” came the reply.

Gerard opened the door and felt his heart skip a beat when he saw Honey. His mouth fell open and his breaths became rapid, as he openly stared at Honey who was standing there in underwear, although it would be a shame to call it that, because it was more like lingerie. His eyes started down at her feet and travelled up her legs, which were encased in black stockings. At the top of her thigh high tights was a dash of lace, which was all held up by suspenders that were attached to her lacey black panties. His eyes travelled further up, over her perfectly toned stomach and up to her cleavage, barely covered by a matching lacey black bra. His eyes lingered there momentarily before he continued up, finally meeting her eyes. Honey smirked at him and raised one eyebrow, as if to say like what you see? Gerard felt flustered and realized he had just stood there staring at her for at least a minute but she was even better outside a magazine then she was in

Gerard shut his eyes for a second or two and opened them again. Only looking at Honeys eyes he said as quickly as he could, “I am sorry for before, because I thought about it and its really not your fault you get followed every where and it should be my fault just as much as yours”.

“It’s okay Gee, I know. It’s hard to get used to”, Honey said quietly. Gerard nodded quickly, knowing that he just had to get out of that bathroom.

“Okay. I’ll..uh..leave you to it” Gerard quickly exited the bathroom, shut the door and lent his head against it. Taking a deep breath he tried to calm himself down. It’s just Honey, you shouldn’t think of her this way. Gerard knew he didn’t like her more then a friend, but he couldn’t help but feel so attracted to her. It was just lust and he knew it would pass, but when? Ignoring the tightening feeling of his pants around his crutch area, he walked over and joined Ray on the couch.

It was later in the day when they were packing to get back on the road. Honey had brought the least amount of things she possibly could to the hotel, but she still found it difficult to pack. Her cell started ringing from somewhere in her room. She quickly looked around for it and found it underneath her bed. Her heart sunk when she saw it was Alex. Here we go, she thought to herself.

“Seen this yet Gee?” Ray asked him holding up a magazine. On the front page was a picture of Honey with one finger over her lips, with the headline across it reading ‘My Sinful Romance’. Gerard rolled his eyes.

“Where did you get that from anyway?” Gerard asked him, wondering how they printed it so fast.

“Brian found it. He bought it here while you were sulking in your bedroom”.

“I hope Eliza hasn’t seen it then” Gerard replied.

A squeal suddenly came from Honey’s bedroom, followed by the words “your dumping ME!”.

“Well” Ray said, “I’m guessing Alex has”.