It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Seventeen

The bedroom door opened and Honey walked out in a daze. She walked over to the couch and sat in the middle, with a shocked and disbelieving look on her face. Ray and Gerard looked at each other worriedly.

“Honey?” Ray said tentatively, not really knowing what to do or say.

“I’ve never been dumped before. Ever. I’ve had more boyfriends then you’ve done shows and not once, not once have I ever been dumped before”, Honey said quietly whilst slowly shaking her head. She was almost in shock. She wasn’t sad about losing Alex, because really she couldn’t care less. It was more the fact that she was always the one in control and she decided when the relationship was over, not the other person. Her shock began turning to anger, when the reality sunk in.

“I am going to make him regret dumping me. Nobody dumps me! What makes him so special? NOTHING!” Honey suddenly got up and walked quickly back into her bedroom to continue packing, as they were leaving for the bus soon. As she heaved her clothes into her suitcase, she began thinking up ways to get her revenge on the first man to ever dump her.

Ray knocked on Honey’s door, “Are you almost ready to go?”

“Almost”, Came the reply from the person with their head under the bed.

Ray paused, “Uh Honey you know today’s the day that you can go on your bus…if you like”.

Honey looked up, her face dropping, “Oh yeah”, she almost whispered.

“I’m sure you’ll like it. It has a big shower and a big bed, not small bunks” .

““I like my bunk though. Its not that I don’t want all that it’s just…” She trailed off.

“Well if you wanted to, you could always stay on our bus and let Frank and Jamia or Mikey and Alicia have your bus, for some…privacy”.

Honey’s face lit up, “You know Ray, you’re not just a pretty face. I’m going to do that, it’s the nice thing to do anyway”. She leaned over to hug him for coming up with such a good idea.
Gerard came into the room and stood their awkwardly, “It’s time to go”. Honey picked up her suitcase, which Ray then insisted on carrying. Honey giggled at his face as he strained when he picked it up and heaved it out of the room. Honey picked up Ray’s small bag and joined Gerard outside the room. The lift ride down to the lobby was awkward and silent, not for Ray though who stood their humming. The second the lift doors opened Honey’s heart sunk. There were twice as many paparazzi waiting for them, for her. Frank, Bob, Brian and Jamia came to join them.

“Honey, you want your own bus today?” Brian asked.

“Actually I was thinking of letting Alicia and Mikey ride on it because there married so they need time and I just thought it would be a nice thing to do. It’s not like I have any boyfriend so who I am to stand in the way of love”. Honey said the last part rather bitterly. Frank looked at Gerard for an explanation of what Honey meant, but he just shook his head as if to say ‘don’t ask’.

Brian looked confused also, “Okay then, well hotel security is waiting to walk you on the bus seeing as we don’t have bodyguards for you…yet”.

“Do I get an escorted walk to the bus?” Frank asked Brian hopefully.

Brian looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “You ready to go Honey?”

Honey nodded and began walking to the doors. The second she got outside it was complete madness. Everyone was yelling for her, asking about Gerard and what was really going on inside that bus. Even though she had five big security guards around her, she was still getting pushed around. She reached the bus and quickly ran onboard, thanking the security guards who walked her over as she climbed the steps. She slumped down on the couch, enjoying the moment of peace which was shortly disrupted by more camera flashing and yelling. She guessed that MCR were trying to get to the bus and sure enough a grumpy looking Gerard, a happy Frank, Jamia, Ray and Bob climbed the steps.

Frank came over and nearly bounced Honey off the couch by jumping on it. “We got an escort too”, He said proudly.

Honey sat silently on her bunk as the bus moved along the freeway. She sat reflecting, about herself, about her career and about Alex. She felt like her life was changing, she didn’t feel the same anymore. Before Honey had embarked on the tour, she had always felt like a star. Everyone wanted to be her, and she knew it. Something was changing though because she had never felt more insecure or small in her life. Honey sighed getting up out of her bunk, walking towards the kitchen. It made her smile seeing Jamia and Frank snuggled up on the couch together, looking at something on his laptop. Ray and Bob were versing each other in some game on a play station, often shouting profanities when they lost or missed a hit. Where was Gerard?Honey wondered as she made some toast in the kitchen, even though it was 11pm at night. Honey walked to the back of the bus where the little recording studio was and found him on a couch with a pen in his hand and notebook on his lap.

“What are you doing Gee?” Honey asked him softly. Gerard looked up to see who it was, and upon seeing it was Honey quickly put his head back down again.

“Just working on some new ideas I had”, He replied and as if to prove it he began scribbling something down. It was obvious he didn’t want anyone around, or at least didn’t want Honey around.

“Well night then”, Honey said before returning to her bunk, wondering why Gerard was becoming so withdrawn. It wasn’t just her he was behaving differently with, it was also his fellow band members and even his fans. A couple of fans had waited in the hotel lobby in the morning, desperately wanting an autograph or photo from Gerard, but he had simply brushed them off before retreating to the privacy of the lounge where the band was waiting.
Maybe the fame is just going to his head, Honey thought before drifting into a restless sleep.