It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Eighteen

The following day Honey was sitting on the bus couch conducting an interview with someone from some crappy teenage magazine, and she was positively bored to tears. Unfortunately for Honey her “break” was never going to include no interviews, so the reporter from Teen Scene had been let on at the last stop, along with her annoying assistant. They had been rude and nosy from the moment Honey had sat down with them, she knew this wasn’t going to be a pleasant interview. The band had all suddenly gotten extremely “busy” and was avoiding the bus lounge like it had a disease that would kill them instantly should they step foot in there. The interviewer was glad they were not around, because she fully intended to get to the bottom of Honey’s current personal life dramas. After asking the first few mandatory questions, she began to get down to business.

“So Honey, are you still with Alex Turner? Or has that relationship gone sour?” She asked.

Honey paused briefly, considering what to say. “No, Alex and I are not together anymore, but were still good friends”.

Ha, the interviewer thought, “good friends” so that means they hate each other basically.

“And who broke up with who?” She asked.

Honey cleared her throat, feeling desperately uncomfortable. “Uh it was a fairly mutual thing”.

The reporter raised her eyebrows, “Oh really because Alex has already said that it was him who dumped you”.

Honey frowned, feeling very annoyed. “Then why did you bother asking?” She said through clenched teeth.

The reporter smiled a fake smile, “So why was it again he left you?”

Honey wondered what else Alex had said to the world without her knowing. She was getting angrier by the minute now.

“The long distance made it difficult to see each other enough, and as were both very busy it was incredibly hard”, Honey said hoping that Alex hadn’t said different.

The reporter raised her eyebrows, “Well you were scheduled to have a break, you could have spent that time with Alex, and maybe even touring with them, but instead you chose to go on tour with My Chemical Romance”.

Honey bit her lip, not really knowing what to say at that and felt increasingly frustrated at where this interview was going.

“So maybe the reason was more that he didn’t like his girlfriend having feelings for another man?” The reporter continued on.

Honey narrowed her eyes, “and who, may I ask, is this other man”.

The reporter gave Honey an evil smile, “I think you know who I mean. Gerard Way ring any bells?”

Honey glared at her, “What you are suggesting is positively unbelievable and untrue! There is absolutely no truth to those silly little rumors”.

The reporter sensed she had hit a touchy issue with Honey and continued with this angle. “How will your relationship with Gerard affect your career? I mean obviously you’ve put it on hold for him momentarily, but what about after?”

“WHAT RELATIONSHIP WITH GERARD? How many times do I have to tell you? There is no relationship, were just friends” Honey didn’t know how much more of this she could take.

“Oh the just friends line? Your “just friends” ahh yes I get it” The reporter knew she was hitting gold here, “so did you two, being “just friends” of course, like being able to take advantage of a big hotel room the other night?”.

“No”, Honey said slowly through clenched teeth, “we didn’t, because were not together”.

“Oh so your just sleeping together then? Friends with benefits?”

Honey looked at her through wild, angry eyes. “NO! Were NOT fucking friends with benefits and were not FUCKING SLEEPING TOGETHER”.

“But you want to be right!?” The reporter winked.

“STOP THE FUCKING BUS!” Honey screeched and ran down to where George, the driver, was, “George, can you please stop the bus. We have some people that need to leave right now”.

George was confused, “But there cars at the next gas station and that’s not for another 15 minutes”.

“Well good, they can use the walk to think about their behavior. Just stop please”, Honey begged.

George nodded and began pulling over at the side of the road. Honey went back to the lounge.

“Right. I’ve had quite enough of you, so you are leaving right now!” She said sternly to the reporter and her assistant who had sat their the entire time with a smirk on her face.

“But its at least a two hour walk to our car”, they protested.

“You are leaving this bus NOW”

“No, were waiting until our stop”, the reporter told Honey. If there was one thing Honey hated, it was being told what to do.


They look once at Honey’s wild eyes and thought it was probably best they didn’t stick around. They quickly gathered their belonging’s and walked down off the bus, with Honey’s evil glare following them. Honey stuck up her middle finger to them, as the bus door closed and began driving away. She went back to the lounge and saw the whole band staring at her with wide eyes looking fairly shocked.

“So…you going to tell us what that was about?” Bob asked.

Honey gave a small smile, “Oh it was nothing really. She just asked if m&m’s or skittles better, I flew off the wall. The nerve of her asking such a question, it’s just too personal for me”.

“Not for me”, Frank said, “Skittles wins everytime”.