It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Two

Honey was bored. I am so sick of these things, she thought to herself while playing with her napkin to keep herself occupied. She clapped politely as Justin Timberlake won an award for best dance video. Duh, Honey thought, how predictable. Even though she was a pop singer, it wasn’t what Honey truly liked to listen to; it was just what she did. Honey preferred alternative bands, like Green Day, The Used, My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold etc. God how she wished she was at one of those shows instead of here, now listening to Nicole and Lionel Richie giving some presentation.Oh shit., Honey thought when she realized they were presenting the award for best music video clip, for which Honey was nominated. Honey quickly perked up, realizing cameras were going to be on her any second.

“and the nominees are….” Nicole Said.

“Fergie, Glamorous,” Lionel chimed in after Nicole. The camera tore away from the pair to show a “reaction” shot. Fergie smiled and attempted to look nonchalant. Pfft, stupid cow., Honey thought.

“Christina Aguilera, Candyman,” A shot of Christina was shown, who had a similar reaction to Fergie.

“Fall out boy, This aint a scene, it’s an arms race.” Fall Out Boy came up on the screen, all waving and Pete sticking his arms up like he was a god. Honey laughed, .now that’s a cool band..

“Honey Meadows, As I Ever.” Opps that’s me, Honey smiled graciously and blew a kiss to the camera. She already knew she was going to win. How could she not?

“My Chemical Romance, Welcome to the Black Parade.” Hmm…I didn’t know they were nominated. I don’t even deserve to win this compared to them,. Honey thought to herself as images of the band waving cheesily at the camera filled the screen. Whoa, that Gerard Way is fine., Honey noticed. They were one of her favourite bands, yet she had never met them. She even knew all their names. Well, maybe tonight’s my lucky night!

Nicole stepped back up to the microphone, “and the winner is…Honey Meadows with ‘As I Ever’.”

“Guess that’s me,” Honey said as she smiled, kissed Kirstin on the cheek and was hugged by several people at her table. She made her way up onto the stage to accept the award from the father and daughter duo.

“Thanks Nicole," Honey said kissing her on the cheek, then Lionel, before stepping up to the microphone to make her acceptance speech.

“Well…thanks!” Honey said. The crowd waited for more, but Honey was finished. She had decided to keep it short and simple, as she knew how boring speeches were. With one final smile, Honey turned swiftly around and began walking towards the exit from the stage. The audience finally realizing she was done broke out in loud cheers and claps. Ha ha that will keep them talking! Honey thought to herself as she reached the backstage area. Honey looked down to admire her award, which she now had a small collection of. Even though she already had many, it was always nice to get more.. Kinda shows I’m still loved I guess., Honey thought still looking down at her award, not really looking where she was walking until she ran right into someone, poking them in the stomach with her pointy award.

“Ugh,” The person said as Honeys award met their body.

“Opps , I’m really sorry!” She said quickly and looked up at the person she had practically stabbed. She gasped as she realized as she recognized the curly haired guitar player as Ray Toro, from My Chemical Romance.

“Whoa I’m really sorry,” Honey said, eyes widening, “That must have…hurt.”

“Nah its okay might bruise a little, but I’ll be fine. Don’t sweat it, “Ray replied.

“Well if there’s anything…” Honey was interrupted by the rest of the band coming up behind Ray, all holding their intstruments.

“Com’mon man,” Frank Iero said slapping Ray on the back, “were on,” and kept walking with the rest. Ray gave Honey a smile and went with Frank. Gerard brought up the rear and Honey couldn’t help but stare.. God, he’s so…incredible.. Gerard, sensing someone’s eyes upon him looked up and saw Honey staring at him. He held her gaze for a few seconds before directing his eyes back to the ground. That was enough for Honey though, and if she didn’t know any better, she saw a hint of sadness in his eyes as well.