It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Twenty One

Honey leaned against the kitchen cupboards clutching a mug of hot chocolate in her hands. She was still in her pajamas as it was only early and everyone else had managed to sleep through Eliza’s many squeals. Eliza came bouncing into the kitchen, not looking at Honey, and walked over to the coffee machine and began pressing buttons to make an espresso.

“I’m making Gerard a coffee now. To wake him up”, Eliza said not looking up at Honey and down at the machine.

“Oh…that’s…nice of you”, Honey said lamely, “I’m more of a hot chocolate girl myself, I can’t really drink coffee”. This time Eliza looked at her, smirking.

“Well I’m sure that’s bound to cause a few problems between you and my Gerard. He just can’t get enough of it”, Eliza said, allowing the coffee machine to fill the mug she placed under it. When it was done she picked it up and went to leave, but not before leaning over to Honey so she was close to her ear.

“I’m here now”, She whispered, “and I’m watching you. So don’t even think about my Gerard, because I will know and you will pay for it. If you think I’m going to let you ruin what he and I have, your wrong,okay?”

Eliza smiled a fake smile whilst her eyes shot daggers at Honey. Honey stared back at her, narrowing her eyes in disbelief of what she had just heard. Honey was about to say something when Gerard came into the room, and saw the hostile scene before him.

“Is everything okay here?” He asked tentatively.

Eliza turned to him beaming, “Oh sure pumpkin, I was just telling Honey what great friends I think we’re going to be!”

Gerard turned to Honey with a questioning look. Honey nodded and forced a smile, “Yeah, just the best of friends”.

It was six in the evening and they had arrived at the hotel at which they were to spend the next two nights. Honey had spent the last hour getting herself ready, knowing she was to be greeted by fans and wanted to make herself look nice for them. She had put on a nice outfit of a black dress and black boots, made her face the image of perfection and her glossy hair swung around her shoulders. Honey didn’t normally go to so much effort just to sign a few autographs, but she needed to feel special again and she still wanted to be everyone’s favorite. Honey looked at herself in the mirror and smiled before a worrying thought popped into her head, did she do this all just to prove to Eliza that she was more famous then her? That she was more special to everyone than her and that Eliza was never going to be the woman she was? Honey shook her head and pushed that thought out, no, I just want to show everyone I am still the same Honey and I haven’t changed. Reassuring herself, she stepped out into the lounge from the bathroom to where everyone was waiting, rather impatiently.

Bob let out a sigh of relief when he saw her. “Finally! Can we go into the hotel now?” He grumbled.

The bus door opened and Brian poked his head up, “There is security down here, but it’s just crazy. People everywhere, so just look out for each other okay?”

Kirstin, Honeys personal assistant, came on the bus with a burly body guard. She gave Honey a quick hug before saying, “I want you to come off last okay? Your want the fans want”.

Honey smiled to herself as she looked at Eliza’s face, which was looking exceptionally bitter about Kirstin’s last comment. Your what the fans want, she thought to herself again as the band climbed down the steps and upon seeing them the crown roared. Eliza followed them down the stairs and Honey felt herself smile when she didn’t hear any cheers for Eliza’s exit from the bus. Honey took a breath and slowly made her way down the stairs, pausing on the last step to wave to her fans. The fans that had gathered were screaming so loudly that My Chemical Romance, who were in the midst of it, had to block their ears. Honey jumped off the last step and ran straight into the crowd, hugging every fan who came to her, and signing anything that was thrust into her arms. She smiled the entire time, even kissing a few of the shyer boys, who had been dragged along with their sister, on the cheek. After ten minutes Honey looked next to her and saw Gerard and Frank had appeared at her side. Honey jumped in between them, wrapping an arm around each of their waists, and posed for photo’s.

Honey was in the “zone” tonight, and laughed as she heard the screams erupt as she placed a soft kiss of Frank’s cheek, holding her stance for a few moments so everyone could capture it. She then turned to Gerard and repeated the exercise, the only difference being that crowd screamed twice as loudly as when she had kissed Frank and Gerard had gone slightly red in the face. She laughed as she pulled away and ran over to a different group of fans, hugging each of them, posing for their photos and signing the many posters.
Honey was just signing a photograph of herself when she felt an arm link in with hers. She turned in surprise to see Eliza grinning back at her. Honey smiled half heartedly at her before signing another autograph, Eliza’s arm still linked firmly with her own as if she was holding on for dear life. Eliza followed Honey over to a new group of people who began jumping up and down in their excitement. Honey turned to Eliza with a questioning glance to which she shrugged her shoulders and smiled, even though it didn’t disguise the coldness in her eyes.

“Who are you?” A blonde teenage girl asked Eliza as she waited for Honey to sign her shirt.

Eliza smiled down at her, “I’m Honey’s best friend!”

Honey turned and gaped at her. Eliza shot her a look that clearly said go along with it or you’ll regret it later. Honey cleared her throat and turned her attention back to the waiting fan, “Yes this is my friend Eliza. Now would you like a picture?”

The girl eagerly nodded and gave her camera to her friend to take the shot. Honey wrapped an arm around the girl and was surprised when she felt an arm wrap around her. She turned her head to see Eliza next to her, smiling widely at the camera. Honey felt her eyes widen, what was Eliza thinking. Honey didn’t have long to think about it as the flash from the camera jostled her out of thinking. Honey hoped it hadn’t caught her surprised expression at Eliza joining her for the photo.

“How about another one for the road then?” She asked the girl holding the camera, who nodded and held it up to her eye. Honey smiled, but couldn’t hide the confused look in her eye.

Why was Eliza suddenly so nice, especially after practically threatened me, Honey thought feeling more confused then ever by her sudden friendliness.

Man, I don’t get this girl.

[A/N: Just so you all know, I don't really hate Eliza at all. In fact, i dont mind her. For the purpose of this story though, she has to be a bit of a bitch. Sorry to anyone who doesnt like it, but its not what i really think!