It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Twenty Two

“Nope! Your never getting these back. Ever”, Honey cried as she dashed down the hotel hallway as fast as her Prada heels would carry her. She spied a fire exit that she knew would lead to the roof and hurtled towards it, pushing open the door with force and leaping on the first step.

“Come back here, I only wanted one”, Gerard panted as he ran after her, pulling open the fire escape door as it began to close and ran up the stairs after Honey.

Honey grasped the box of cigarettes closer to her as she ran up the stairs, feeling immensely grateful for all the workouts she was regularly forced to do.

“It’s a filthy habit Gerard, Its high time you stopped it”, Honey said as she spied the roof entrance only a further staircase away. She grasped onto the handle to help pull her up the stairs and continued the climb, with the intention of reaching the roof and throwing his cigarettes off it.

Gerard spurred on by a sudden burst of energy knowing that the roof was near, hurtled up the stairs quickly gaining on Honey. Honey made the fatal mistake of turning around to see how far away he was and shrieked when she realized he was only a foot away. Gerard leapt up two steps, wrapped both his arms quickly around her and tacked Honey to the stairs. They landed sideways on the metal staircase, both in incredibly uncomfortable positions.

“Ow”, Honey exclaimed as she sat up and rubbed her ankle which was throbbing. Gerard sat up too and lifted up his shirt, wincing when he saw the red graze on his side.

“Fuck, that hurt”, He said examining his newly acquired graze which was prickling with spots of blood.

“You weren’t even the one tackled by someone twice your size!” Honey exclaimed irritably as she tried to roll her ankle, and gasped out in pain when she found it too unbearable.

“Well if you hadn’t of stolen my cigarettes in the first place I wouldn’t have been chasing you up a stupid staircase and we wouldn’t even be here!” Gerard snapped back.

“If you didn’t feel the need to fucking smoke so much, then I wouldn’t have to feel compelled to help you. The thing is Gerard I don’t want to see you die, because that’s what’s going to happen if you keep it up”. The pain in Honey’s ankle was getting stronger and more noticeable; she closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

“It’s my choice. I’m trying to quit, it’s just so damn hard” Gerard said, his voice softening slightly.

“Uh huh…Ow fuck”, Honey cried out in pain as her ankle size grew. Gerard’s eyes widened as he noticed her obvious discomfort.

“Honey, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” He asked with growing concern.

“No, Gerard, I’m not o-fucking-kay”, She quipped from their song, “It’s my ankle, it really hurts. Help me up Gee?”. Gerard stood and held out a hand, which Honey gladly accepted.

“Can you walk on it?” Gerard asked as he slowly pulled Honey from her sitting position. Honey shifted her weight so that some of it was on her injured foot. As soon as she did, she felt her knee buckle and pain shoot through her leg. Gerard quickly grabbed her before she fell on to the stairs once more.

“No”, Honey whispered as a stray tear escaped down her face from all the pain her ankle was causing her. She looked down at the ground, embarrassed of how hopeless she was feeling. Gerard placed his thumb under her chin and gently pushed her head back up so that she was looking at him.

“It’s okay. I’ll help you, and then we’ll go see a doctor or something” He said, feeling somewhat responsible for the pain she was feeling. Honey nodded miserably as she grasped the side rail and hopped down one step, paused and then hopped down another. Gerard came down and put an arm under Honey, to help support her down the steps. He became increasingly frustrated with how long it was taking and took matters into his own hands by scooping her up and carrying her down the remaining stairs. Gerard, with some difficulty, pulled open the fire escape door and carried Honey into the hallway and down to his room. He paused outside the door, before knocking.

After a few moments Eliza came to the door, her eyes widening as she saw Honey in Gerard’s arms.

“I think she might have broken her ankle”, He said to the bewildered Eliza as her carried Honey in the room and placed her on the bed. Eliza nodded and followed him over to the bed and sat down at the end. Gerard crouched at the front, near Honey’s head where she lay with her eyes closed.

“I’m going to call Brian, and then we’re going to take you to hospital. Okay?” He told Honey who nodded, before walking over to his phone.

Eliza looked at Honey’s rapidly swelling ankle, “I’m going to see if we have any ice for that ankle of yours”.

Honey nodded gratefully, “Yes please”. Eliza returned a few moments later with some ice that she had put in a small plastic bag. She gently put it on Honey’s ankle, “I couldn’t find any ice packs, so I made my own. Nice shoes by the way”.

Honey let out a small laugh, “Thanks, although I highly suspect these shoes played a major role in my injury”. Eliza smiled as Gerard came back into the room.

“Brian is on his way, and I think some camera crews will be joining us as well because…well the drama will rate well on the show”.

Honey groaned and flopped back against the pillows unhappily. A few moments later there was pounding at the door, Eliza got up and opened it but was instantly pushed aside by Kirstin who came tearing into the room.

“Oh my god”! Kirstin screeched, “What have you done! How did this happen?”

“It was an accident”, Honey said in a low voice. Brian came over to her, accompanied by three camera men.

“Honey a car is waiting for you down at the lobby, with security because naturally there is a million paparazzi”, Brain said to her. Gerard bent down to pick her up, but only got one arm around her neck before Honey stopped him.

“No Gee, I don’t think that is the best idea. Not with the stupid rumors around at the moment”. Gerard looked hurt that she didn’t want him to help her, but he understood why.

“Brian, do you think you could…” Honey trailed off. Brian looked confused for a moment before he understood what Honey was getting at, and scooped her up in his arms. Kirstin followed them out of the room, on her phone alerting all of the necessary people about Honey’s injured ankle. Eliza and Gerard trailed behind the camera crew that was capturing every moment of Honey’s agony.

The lift doors opened on the ground level and they all stepped out of the elevator onto the marble floor of the hotel. The lobby was instantly lit up with the flashes of the cameras of the paparazzi that were pressed up to the glass windows of the hotel. The security men came and formed a circle around the group who were escorted into a waiting black SUV, which as soon as everyone was in, sped away headed for the local hospital.