It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Twenty Four

Honey opened her eyes slowly, blinking as she regained consciousness. She looked at the alarm clock that was next to the bed, it read 5:30AM. Honey groaned to herself thinking of the early hour of the morning and cursed her broken ankle for keeping her awake a good part of the night and finally waking her up now. Honey looked around her plush hotel room. There wasn’t a lot you could do at that hour of the morning, especially when you were seemingly bed ridden. Honey felt for the remote on the bed side table and flicked on the plasma television that was at the foot of the bed to see what morning shows were on. After flicking through numerous foreign news shows, she finally found one to her liking and settled back to watch it, ignoring the growing pains in her lower leg.

She watched intrigued as the smiling host turned brightly to her co-host. God, how could anyone possibly be that happy at this hour, she thought to herself.

“Now Greg, don’t you think it is time we checked in with Neil for the celebrity corner?” the cheery host asked the well groomed man sitting next to her. Honey let out a groan, knowing this would most likely involve her, although she couldn’t quite remember what had
happened after her cast had been put on due to the copious amount of various drugs that had been administrated to her. A fake tanned man with bleach blonde hair and very white teeth appeared on the screen.

“Good morning guys”, He drawled.

“Good morning Neil. What is the latest celebrity going on’s you have for us?” The male host asked.

“Well I’m sure everyone is keen to know how their favorite starlet is doing since she was yesterday rushed to hospital, with no word on what had happened to her. I am of course talking about Honey Meadows who is currently on tour with My Chemical Romance filming for her new reality show”.

As Neil said all this images of Honey being carried by Brian appeared on the screen.

“It has now been confirmed that this was merely a broken ankle and she is recovering in a hotel currently”.

Merely!?, Honey scoffed, it’s certainly not merely a broken ankle to me.

“The real interesting stuff happened outside the hospital doors, when one reporter asked Honey the question on everyone’s lips- the true nature of her relationship with Gerard”.

True nature…

Honey sat up suddenly, as those words had jogged her memory. A shock of realization dawned upon her and she began to dread what she knew she was about to see on the television screen.

“Honey’s answer was quite revealing really, I’m not sure how Gerard felt about it, a little shocked I’m sure judging from his face when she said it, anyway lets take a look at it and just a reminder to any parents and kids watching the following clip contains strong coarse language”.

Honey watched with fear as the screen changed and the television was now showing her sitting in a wheel chair, clearly not herself but she was sure everyone would over look that. Honey watched herself listening to the question.

“Honey what is the true nature of the relationship of Gerard’s and you’re self’s relationship?”

“The true nature? I want to fucking fuck him, oh yes I-“

Honey cringed to herself as she heard that answer, and then watched as the camera cut away to look at Gerard who was standing there with his mouth open and a look of shock plastered on his face.

Honey covered her face with her hands, never having felt more stupid in her life. She quickly pushed back the covers and swung her legs over the bed. Picking her crutches up off the ground she hobbled to the door, desperately hoping that she hadn’t wrecked whatever friendship she had with Gerard over a few stupid words. Honey pulled open her door, still in her pajama’s, and made her way down the hall as quickly as her crutches would allow her. She got to Gerard’s door and pounded on it, not really thinking but not really caring either. The door opened, but instead of Gerard’s boxer clad form greeting her stood an grumpy old man.

“Yes?” He asked angrily, clearly annoyed that he had been deprived of an extra ten minutes sleep.

Honey, still registering the shock of having this man open the door stood there with her mouth open feeling very embarrassed. Honey shook her head, remembering who she was and that it was quite below her to get embarrassed over such a silly thing.

She cleared her throat, “I’m sorry. I was looking for Gerard Way and clearly you are not him”.

The man nodded sarcastically, “Clearly”.

Honey turned to leave.

“Wait”, The man said, “He is in the room next door. Bloody prick kept me up all night, what with all the yelling”.

“Yelling?” Honey enquired.

“Him and his…I don’t know…girlfriend…groupie, whatever, they were screaming at each other half the night, before I think she left the room, not quietly I might add, and then he kept me up for the other half of the night with his bloody crying and whining”.

Honey felt her heart give a pang, knowing she had probably been a cause of this fight. She nodded at the man, “Well thank you and good night”. The man merely nodded at her and returned to his room. Honey tentatively approached the room next door and paused outside to hear if there was anybody moving inside. She didn’t hear anything so she gently knocked on the door, hoping it was loud enough to be heard. She waited a few moments, but no one came. Honey realized Gerard had probably fallen asleep and it would be rude of her to disturb him. As she turned to go, the door swung open to reveal a scruffy looking Gerard. He was wearing only his boxers, his eyes blood shot and his hair messy. He simply stood there and stared at Honey, an unreadable expression on his face.

Honey bit her lip before saying, “Gerard, Gee, I’m so sorry for what I said outside the hospital. I wasn’t myself, I didn’t even remember saying it really. Oh god, I’ve really messed up this time, I’m sorry. If I could take it back I would, but I cant and now I have to live with the consequences but I really don’t want one of them to be that we’re not friends anymore and-“

Gerard put up a hand to silence Honey’s ramblings. “It’s okay” He choked out in a small voice. Honey nodded and an uncomfortable silence fell upon them. Honey looked sideways at Gerard, he looked truly awful.

“Are you okay? You look like shit” Honey asked breaking the silence. Gerard shot her an exasperated look.

“Thanks and no I’m not really okay”.

“Was it…my fault?” Honey asked.

Gerard threw his arms up in the air, “You know, not everything is about you. The world doesn’t revolve around you, on the contrary to what you might think, and my relationship with Eliza certainly doesn’t revolve around you, so to answer you question no, for once, it wasn’t about you”.

Honey was taken aback by words and nasty tone of voice. “Well that’s good then isn’t it?” Honey said quietly, “I’ll guess I’ll see you in the morning”. She turned to leave but an arm shot out and stopped her.

“Honey”, Gerard said still holding onto her arm, “I’m sorry. It’s just…yeah…” He trailed off awkwardly.

Honey gave him a small smile, “I know. I’m sorry about your fight with Eliza. I’m sure it’s just a rough patch though, everybody goes through them at some stage”.

Gerard gave a small nod, “Yeah well I hope so. Anyway you should try to get some sleep, that ankle can’t be much fun”.

Honey looked down at her ankle, “Yeah I guess not. Night…or morning then Gerard”.

“Morning”, Gerard chuckled in reply and swung his door shut once more. Honey shuffled down the hallway, back to her room.

I wonder what caused such a big fight between Gerard and Eliza? Honey found herself wondering.