It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Twenty Five

The five men of My Chemical Romance held their ears. As did the people all along the hotel halls, as did the people in reception, and probably even people as far as Australia. In the room next to them was one small woman, screeching at the top of her lungs, making it impossible to hear anything else.

“I’M NOT STAYING HERE!” Honey screeched at the five executives, “I’M GOING BACK ON THAT BUS AND YOU CAN’T STOP ME”.

“Honey, all we care about is your safety. We want to see your leg better so we think its best if you miss a few days of the tour in order to rest”, said one of the kinder executives.


The five executives, sent from Honey’s agency, had made the fatal mistake of trying to tell Honey that she would have to miss a few days of the tour for the sake of resting her broken ankle. However she wouldn’t hear of it and was refusing to see reason, making life very painful for all involved.

“Your going to stay right here missy, because you don’t have a goddamn choice”, snapped one of them, losing his temper at the diva.


Honeys stormed out of the room and into were My Chemical Romance had been hiding.
“I’m sorry you had to hear that but I am truly sick of someone who doesn’t care about me thinking that they own me and have the right to tell me what to do”, Honey said to the band before leaving to go to her hotel room.

The executives wandered out muttering things to themselves like “she used to be such a good girl” under their breath. Finally Brian came out, as he had been in their too with Kirstin.
He laughed when he saw the bands horrified faces, “I guess she’s coming with us”.

Honey sighed to herself. This was the part of her life she detested, the whole getting told what to do and when to do it.

How would they even know what’s best for me?, she thought grumpily to herself, I need a drink.

Honey finished packing her belongings and made her way down to the lobby, giving the peace sign to some staring fans on her way, being much to grumpy to stop and sign anything. Honey glanced in the restaurant that was off to the side and noticed a bar. She glanced at her watch, and as she was early figured she had time for one drink. She walked into the dimly lit restaurant and approached the bar, which had just one other person sitting at it. Honey smiled at the bartender who grinned at her, obviously recognizing her.

Honey smiled flirtatiously at him, “I want something strong. Can you make me up something yummy sugar?”

He nodded at her, being seemingly unable to speak, and went to work fixing Honey a drink. Honey glanced to her side, at the person perched at the bar and widened her eyes when she realized it was Eliza. Honey didn’t know what to do, it wasn’t like they were friends but they certainly weren’t enemies. Honey decided to approach her.

“Eliza?” Honey said cautiously. Eliza turned to see who it was, but turned back away when she saw who it was. Honey sat down next to her anyway, as the barman handed her the drink.

“Thanks”, Honey smiled at him.

“It’s my pleasure, on the house”, the bartender turned away leaving the two women alone. Honey turned back to Eliza, who was brushing a stray tear of her face.

“Eliza, I’m sorry about your fight with Gerard”, Honey said placing one hand on Eliza’s back and the other holding her drink.

“What do you have to be sorry for? All your thinking is ‘great now Eliza’s gone I can finally bang him’, well congratulations you can. I hope its wonderful”, Eliza snapped back.

Honey shook her head, “No E, that was just something stupid I said while I was loaded with drugs. I wasn’t myself and it was a stupid thing to say. I’m sorry, I really am”.

“So you’re saying that, given the chance, you wouldn’t take him to bed?” Eliza asked.

Honey bit her lip, thinking of what to say, “I think of Gerard like a brother, we have fun, we’re stupid together but it ends there. Just because I would want do, doesn’t mean I’m going to”.

Eliza sighed unhappily.

“What was your fight about anyway?” Honey asked, not knowing if it was her place to ask.

Eliza rolled her eyes, “After that thing you said at the hospital I was talking about how ridiculous it was and how it was unlucky for you that Gerard didn’t want to…sleep with you, but he didn’t say anything to that, he just kept quiet. There was no, ‘Yes I agree, I don’t want to’. So I took his silence for meaning that he would…with you and I went nuts at him for being a jerk and he started yelling at me for various reasons…” Eliza trailed off.

“Well I think someone needs one of these”, Honey said, holding up her drink and signaling for the waiter.

One hour and ten drinks later Honey and Eliza were dancing around the bar singing loudly. The bartender had put on club music loud for them and they had, in their drunken state, quickly jumped up and begun dancing. Honey and Eliza shrieked together when Justin Timberlake came on and Honey jumped up onto the bar and held out a hand to bring Eliza up with her. Together they danced provocatively on the bar counter, running their hands through their hair, licking their lips and also running hands down the others body, not noticing that a small crowd was forming.

“I’m bringing sexy backkkk”, Honey purred as she crawled along the counter and then rolled over on to her back where she kicked her legs up and slid one down the other seductively.

“You mother fuckers don’t know how to act”, Eliza sung and she danced over to where Honey was and sat down on her stomach. Eliza rolled her head around, running her hands through her hair and then down over her chest. Honey and Eliza then stood and Eliza grinded Honey’s body as Honey rolled her eyes back, like this was giving her immense pleasure. The song finally ended and Honey and Eliza looked at each other, grinning and laughing at that dance. The sound of clapping quickly put an end to their ‘moment’ as they snapped their heads around and noticed the small number of people that had stood their and watched them, including most of My Chemical Romance and a few fans.

Honey and Eliza looked at each other in horror, but then Eliza started giggling and soon Honey joined her, stepping carefully of the bar.

“Woah that was hot”, Frank said as he came up to them, offering a hand to each girl who stumbled down.

“It looked like you two were that-“ Ray held up his index finger and thumb leaving a small space between them, “-close off kissing”.

“Oh I think we can be closer then that”, Eliza slurred to Honey grabbing her wrist.

“Oh definitely”, Honey drunkenly replied as she pushed her lips onto Eliza’s, drawing gasp’s from the crowd. Eliza and Honey stood there and heavily made out for a minute, before pulling away, laughing drunkenly. Frank looked at both of them as if they were crazy.

“Okay that’s enough I think”, He said picking Honey up and swinging her over his shoulder. Eliza was pulled over by Brian who helped her walk out of the bar area.

“Hey Honey”, Eliza yelled out from behind her and Frank.

“Yeah”, Honey said lifting her head up from her view of Frank’s ass as he carried her out.

“I don’t blame Gerard for wanting to fuck you, if I was a boy- actually- even as a girl, I would want to fuck you too!’

[A/N: bit of a strange one, i had no idea what possesed me to write it, but i did so hey!]