It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Twenty-Six

Honey groaned as she opened her eyes, her head was spinning and her stomach was queasy. Why did I drink so much? I’m never drinking again!, Honey thought to herself, knowing that was a promise she would never keep. The door to the bunk area on the bus opened and Bob walked in, peering down into Honey’s bunk.

“Rough day?” He asked her with a smirk.

Honey groaned and chucked her pillow at him, hitting him square in the face.

“Don’t just stand there Bryar, get me some damn pills to fix this headache”, Honey snapped at him.

“Oh well since you asked so nicely”, Bob said sarcastically before walking out the door and returning a few moments later holding a glass of water and some headache pills. Honey took them from him gratefully, gulping down the pills and water.

“Thank you my lovely, kind, sweet, gentle Bob”, Honey said flashing him her million dollar smile.

He smiled back at her shaking his head, “How is it that you can make any man do exactly what you want? I mean I’ve known you for like a week and a half now, and all you have to do is look at someone and there under your command”.

Honey giggled, imagining herself as an army sergeant, “I guess it’s...”

Honey paused to think. “It must be my AMAZING SEX APPEAL!” Honey shrieked jumping on top of Bob who then toppled onto the floor, with Honey still clinging to him.

“Oh you know you want it Bryar”, Honey said to him jumping onto him, placing one leg either side. Bob flushed a dark red shade, his eyes growing wide wondering what this crazy woman was doing. Honey noticed his discomfort and decided to have some fun with him.

“Ohh Bobby”, She moaned, running her fingers through her hair and clenching it.

“Ah ah ah”, Honey panted loudly, causing Bob to look on in a mixture of horror and curiosity.

“OH GODDD BOB!” Honey moaned loudly screaming his name as Gerard burst into the room.

“Holy shit”, He said looking down at the scene below him, eyes widening.

Honey turned around to look at him, acting as if it was the most normal thing to be doing.

“Oh hi Gerard”, She said hopping off Bob.

Gerard looked from Honey to Bob, then back to Honey, “Uh so everything okay here?”

Honey nodded, “Oh yes, I was just showing Bobby here how horny he makes me”.

“Right”, Gerard said, looking pissed off at something whilst Bob scoffed in a 'yeah right' way, but was none the less feeling secretly pleased. Honey punched him in the arm for that before walking out into the lounge. Mikey was sulking on the couch with Frank, while Ray and Christa were sitting together at the small kitchen table. Honey decided to sit with them, rather then the two sulky looking men.

“What’s with them?” She asked Ray and Christa referring to Frank and Mikey.

“Alicia and Jamia went home”, Ray replied, “and Chris is going home tomorrow”. He said the last part sadly, kissing his girlfriend on the top of her head.

“And Eliza is?” Honey prompted.

“Going home tomorrow too”, Christa said, “and last time I saw, throwing up in the bathroom”.

Honey laughed, knowing it was partly her fault.

“I think I shall go and check on her”, Honey said in a terrible impression of a British accent, wanting to give Christa and Ray some space.

She walked off to the bathroom, passing Gerard and Bob who were talking in whispers to each other. She reached the bathroom and knocked on the door, before letting herself in. Eliza was crouched in front of the toilet, her head resting on the seat cover.

“So…how’s it going?” Honey asked in a high pitched voice she knew would annoy Eliza in her current state.

Eliza glared up at her, “Why are you fine? Why is it me here?” She asked in a whiny voice.

“Just lucky I guess. Want me to bring you anything?”

“Nope, unless you have some get-rid-of-your-hangover pills anywhere”.

“Oh darn, just ran out”, Honey said with a giggle.

One hour later the bus was pulling up at a gas station, to refuel and to allow the band to get some snacks.

“Hey Eliza”, Honey yelled, “Want me to get you anything?”

Eliza emerged from the back, “I’m feeling better, I’ll come with”.

Honey nodded eagerly and grabbed Eliza’s hand, in a strictly friends manner, leading her down the steps, where upon which they were greeted by hundreds of photographers, much more then usual. Honey blinked in surprise, she hadn’t bothered to get body guards from the other bus as she assumed it would be the normal five paparazzi that were following them on the tour. She glanced at Eliza, who pulled a funny face making Honey laugh.

“Shall we battle our way through my dear?” Honey asked in her terrible British accent.

“Lets”, Eliza replied in a much better British accent.

Honey stepped off into the crowd, still holding Eliza’s hand, and pushed through the photographers, who parted slightly to let them through. Honey ducked her head down as she was used to doing when she was swarmed and pulled Eliza through the crowd, into the sanctuary of the gas station. Honey wandered over to the ice cream section, feeling in desperate need of something rich and choclately.

“Oh shit!” Someone said loudly.

Honey walked around to where Eliza was standing holding a magazine and was gaping at the cover.

“Eliza?” Honey asked.

Eliza whirled around upon hearing Honey’s voice, looking white and horrified.

“Look at this!” She exclaimed thrusting the magazine at Honey.

Honey looked down at the cover and felt the blood drain from her head. On the front was small picture of Honey and Eliza dirty dancing with each other, and in the very middle, blown up as big as a front cover picture could possibly be, was another picture of Honey and Eliza. Kissing.