It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Twenty-Seven

“Oh. My. God” Honey uttered looking at the headline on the magazine which read: ‘Honey’s new honey’. Wow, how clever, using my name as another meaning, Honey thought bitterly to herself.

No wonder there were so many photographers outside, because they all thought Honey had a female lover and wanted to capture it all to feed to the hungry fan’s. Eliza looked at Honey nervously.

“I’m sorry Honey, I cant help but feel this is all my fault”, Eliza said slowly.

Honey jerked her head up from the magazine to look at her, “No way Eliza, it’s not your fault at all. We were just having fun, it’s just unfortunate that they captured it and are making something out of nothing”. Eliza nodded, looking better but still staying silent.

Honey snapped open her cell phone to ring the other bus, silently praying Kirstin wouldn’t answer. Luck was not on her side this day.

“What the hell are you playing at!?” Kirstin shouted down the line to her. Honey rolled her eyes as Kirstin continued her rant.

“Engaging in lesbian antics? Do you know what this is going to do to your image? Oh god, all your young fans, I can just imagine the hate mail that will flow in and the controversy this is going to cause”.

Honey glanced at Eliza, who she was sure could hear everything Kirstin was saying as she looked on the verge of tears. Honey mouthed ‘Don’t worry’ to her as Kirstin kept yelling at her for the poor example she was setting and how she was a role model to people much younger then her.

“Yeah okay, look can you just send my body guards here and don’t let the camera crew come!” Honey snapped back at her before hanging up her phone and turning to Eliza.

“I’m so sorry, I’ve wrecked your career and all because you were trying to help me with my stupid problems”, Eliza mumbled.

“No, no Eliza, don’t think that at all. Technically it was my big mouth that caused your problems, and I made you drink all those drinks. Eliza, you’re the first one I’ve told this too, but lately I couldn’t give a shit about my image. It’s fake and not really me”, Honey said as Eliza brightened considerably.

Three burly men came bursting through the glass gas station doors. “Ready to go miss?” One asked.

“Just a minute”, Honey called back, walked up the counter and chucked some money at the poor cashier for the magazine. Honey and Eliza stood at the door, waiting to face the world. Honey linked her arm with Eliza as the doors pushed open and they were escorted back to the bus amidst a small scale riot.

“No, I am not dating the woman from the photograph. It was only for a dare…no, I’m not going to tell you her name…no we have nothing to hide…no I’m not…oh just go away will you. Leave me alone”.

Honey snapped her phone shut for the tenth time in the past 15 minutes. Kirstin and the rest of her “team”, as she liked to call them, had encouraged Honey to personally take some of the calls from the media in an attempt to diffuse the whole situation. What a stupid idea, Honey thought to herself, angrily opening her phone and finding Kirstin’s number.

Honey didn’t give her a chance to speak as her assistant answered the phone. “Arrange a press conference, I’m not talking to anymore of these stupid people”, Honey barked at her.

“But-“, Kirsten was cut off by Honey hanging up on her. She was in no mood to be told what to do anymore. Honey sighed and rested her head back against the couch, the magazine on the floor catching her eye. She bent down to pick it up, not really knowing if she was eager to read what it contained or not. Honey paused to consider this and decided to read it anyway, knowing it was better for her to be well informed on the matter. Grimacing at the huge picture of her and Eliza embracing tightly, Honey proceeded to read.

Honey Meadows has a hot new lover. It may seem that the reason she never seems to have the same boyfriend has been uncovered and her deepest secret revealed to the world. Through a very public display of affection, Honey was seen with My Chemical Romance stylist Eliza Cuts and they appeared to be more then just friends. Since Honey first burst onto the music scene she has dated a string of hot men, including Jared Leto, and more recently Alex Turner from Brit pop group The Arctic Monkeys. Rumors have been abuzz of a possible relationship that had appeared to be forming between My Chemical Romance lead singer Gerard Way and Honey, due to the cozy friendship that had developed between the two. However now it seems that Honey may have revealed to the world as to why she has never kept a boyfriend for longer then four weeks, because she does not like boys- she likes girls.

Honey stopped reading the rest of the article and tossed the magazine carelessly down to the floor. Honey was unsure if she should be laughing or crying. A picture told a thousand words and Eliza and herself had seven. It wasn’t like she could say this was just a rumor either, because there were pictures to prove it. What a mess!

Christa walked in from the back of the bus, where Honey presumed everyone else was, and sat down on the couch next to her. For a while they didn’t say anything, just sat in a comfortable silence with Christa looking at Honey thoughtfully and Honey just staring at the magazine that was lying on the floor.

“How’s your ankle holding up?” Christa asked breaking the silence.

Honey looked down at her foot. The cast had been almost immediately replaced by a bandage as it was not severely broken and she was able to walk on it.

“It’s okay. A bit sore”, Honey eventually replied.

“How are you holding up?” Christa asked, still looking at Honey with a thoughtful look in her eye.

“I’m okay. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry or get mad at this whole situation”, Honey replied truthfully.

“Are you mad at Eliza?” Christa asked, remembering how Eliza felt like this was all her fault.

“What! No, no, no. Not mad at her at all, just more…the situation. I mean, this could end up being the end of my career. This could be the thing that finally kills it. No parent is going to want their child to listen to a lesbian”, Honey ranted.

“So you are…a…” Christa trailed off uncomfortably.

“What! No I'm not. Not that there’s anything wrong with it”, Honey said hurriedly as Gerard came into the room accompanied by Frank.

“Awe so you’re not batting for the other team?” Gerard said flopping down on the couch, “I thought it would be kind of cool cause you could have been like the new Tatu. That would have been awesome!”

Frank hit him with a pillow, “Stop trying to brainwash them for your own sick pleasure. He was in there before trying to tell Eliza it's her destiny” Frank said, adding the last part when he noticed Honey’s confused face. Honey laughed at Gerard, who was busy glaring at Frank.