It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Oh Gerard?” Honey started in a sickly sweet voice.

He looked up at her suspiciously, “Yes Honey?”

“Have I told you lately that I love you?” She continued, fluttering her eye lashes at him and smiling.

Gerard put down the pencil and notebook he was holding. “What do you want?” He growled at her.

“Can I go on your laptop and play Sims? Please Gee?” Honey begged. She was incredibly bored, having only been on the bus for two hours she decided she needed something to keep her occupied.

Gerard laughed, “Go for it. It’s on the kitchen bench”. Honey jumped up and went to the kitchen to retrieve the computer.

“Just don’t mess with my people!” Gerard shouted after her as she went into the bunk area.

After doing a couple of phone interviews and watching a movie with Bob, Gerard decided to go and check on Honey, who still hadn’t returned his laptop. She was sitting on her bed, hunched over the computer screen in complete concentration. Gerard slowly crept up on her, deciding to scare her while she remained oblivious to his presence.

“Rahh!” Gerard yelled and grabbed her shoulders. Honey jumped out of her skin, letting out a small gasp of shock as she turned to face the person who scared her.

“You evil little man”, She said upon seeing Gerard, “You know I’m going to get you back for that mister”.

Gerard crossed his arms, “I’m shaking. How’s your Simming going?” Honey wrinkled her nose in confusion, to which Gerard responded by pointing at the game that was up on his laptop. Honey turned to it.

“Huh, oh! Sims, Simming. I get it. It’s good. I downloaded your band, and your all in your black parade uniforms, it’s so cool. Oh look there’s me, I downloaded myself too, I can’t believe people actually took the time to make me!” Honey said, rambling enthusiastically about the game.

Gerard turned his attention to the screen, “Hey it’s me!” He was impressed to see the Sim version of himself looked fairly similar, especially in the Black Parade uniform. His Simself was busy cooking food as Sim Frank walked in, looking just like the real thing.

“Awe look at Frankie- wait Honey. Why are we kissing? No, Sim Gerard don’t do that!” Gerard turned to a giggling Honey.

“Honey, why are Frank and I making out?” Gerard asked her just as Frank walked past the bunks.

“Uh Gerard, were not making out. I’m here. Your there”, Frank said slowly as Bob and Ray came in also.

Gerard just glared at him, “Not here stupid, on the Sims. Honeys made us and we’re making out on it- wait why are Mikey and Ray in bed together? Are they cuddling?”

“What!”, Ray said looking alarmed.

“Maybe…”, Honey said looking down but giggling at the same time.

“You made us all gay with each other!?” Gerard exclaimed.

“Yes, well not all of you. Bob’s not with anyone”, Honey said back to him.

“Awe thanks Honey”, Bob said patting her head.

“Oh no Bobby, that’s because I want you all to my Sim self”, Honey said running her tongue along her upper lip while making eyes at Bob. Bob promptly turned a dark shade of red and excused himself from the room.

Honey chuckled to herself, “I love making him embarrassed. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a male wedding to plan on here”.

It was nearly six when the bus pulled up at the hotel. Not only would they be staying there whilst they preformed that night, but the next morning Honey had to do a press conference to try and fix her tarnished image.

“Brian called before. We have to go straight to where we’re playing tonight for a practice”, Mikey called out as everyone gathered up what belongings they thought they might need for the night. The group exited the bus and dashed across to the hotel lobby as quickly as they could, ignoring the camera flashes that were lighting up the sky as the sun faded in the background. However there was no getting away from the camera’s, as a crew from the reality show joined them in the lobby so as to not miss out on any action again, particularly any from Honey and Eliza. Just as Honey was about to leave to go up to put her bags in her room she felt someone pull on her arm from behind. She turned around to see Eliza standing there with arms outstretched. Honey placed her bags down on the floor and walked into Eliza’s waiting embrace. After a few moments Honey lifted her head and pulled away.

“What was that for?” She asked Eliza with a confused look on her face.

“I’m going now. I have a plane to catch and so I just wanted to say…goodbye”, Eliza explained as Christa came up behind her.

“Honey!” Christa exclaimed pulling her into a hug, “I’m going to miss you, take care of my little Ray for me and make sure you kick Gerard’s ass in singstar”.

“You’re going too?” Honey asked her as Christa nodded sadly in reply.

“Well won’t I just miss you both then, being stuck on a small bus with those stinky men!” Honey exclaimed pulling both of them into her arms.

Christa smiled at her one last time before leaving to go and find Ray. Eliza turned to go before turning to face Honey once more.

“Honey?” Eliza said softly.

“Yeah?” Honey said back.

“Could you…um…on this tour…” Eliza trailed off, “Don’t worry about it”. She turned to leave but Honey stopped her by grabbing her arm.

“What is it Eliza?” Honey said to her knowing she had more to say.

“Can you just be…be careful around Gerard”, Eliza finally blurted out.

Honey knew what she was worried about. “Eliza. We’re friends now. I won’t do anything I wouldn’t do in front of you”, Honey said with a smile. Eliza nodded, smiling also, and finally walked out the doors.

Honey smiled to herself as the lift doors closed and she went up to change her clothes for tonight’s MCR show. She felt glad she had taken the time to become friends with Eliza and felt confident she could keep the promise she made to her.

Well, pretty confident, Honey thought to herself as the lift doors opened on her floor.