It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Honey looked at herself in her hotel suite full length mirror. She couldn’t decide if she liked the black pencil skirt that hugged her hips or her black skinny jeans better. Tonight she had decided to go for a different look; she wanted to look a part of the whole ‘scene’. On her top was a My Chemical Romance shirt, but it was the bottoms she was having trouble with.

Eventually she decided to wear the skirt, but wear it high-waisted complete with her leopard print heels and fish-nets. Honey giggled to herself as she danced around the room to Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. She knew she looked fairly ridiculous, but she didn’t care.
There was a knock at the door and Honey ran over to answer it, nearly killing herself by stumbling over some clothes left there from earlier. She opened the door, breathless and panting, to find a bemused Frank, Gerard and Brian.

“Hi guys”, Honey panted, her ‘run’ across the room leaving her exhausted. Frank raised his eyebrows, Gerard shifted uncomfortably while Brian stood there smirking.

“Uh we were just going to tell you that were leaving for the venue now, but if your busy…”, Brian started.

Frank peered over her shoulder, looking into the room. “Who are you fucking in there anyway?” He asked. Frank had a knack for asking people questions that everyone wanted to ask, but just never had the courage to.

Honey looked at him and blinked, not understanding what he meant.

“What?” She said bluntly.

“You just answered this door breathless and panting. Were not stupid, you can tell us who it is, then we’ll leave you two alone”, Frank said as Brian nodded in agreement.

Honey started laughing at the three men outside her door. “You are stupid, because there is no one in here. I ran to the door and nearly killed myself on these shoes. You thought…”, Honey trailed off laughing.

Frank crossed his arms, not enjoying being laughed at.

“Okay boys and girls, lets go, or we will be late”, Brian said gesturing towards the lifts.

Honey looked outside the window of the large SUV they were in as they approached the venue where MCR would be playing that night. There were fans everywhere, some that had been lined up all day, some for only a few hours. They all tried to look in the heavily tinted window of the car as it passed, but with no luck, looked away again assuming that the band would turn up in a much flashier car. The car pulled up at the back door, where some fans were gathered but held back by security and fences. Ray was the first to step out of the car Honey was in and was greeted enthusiastically by the fans. Honey jumped out next, as she had sat in the middle and waved to the crowd. She walked over to the fans, even though they weren’t hers, to sign a few things if they wanted. Honey signed her name on a couple of pieces of paper before a MCR poster was thrust at her. She looked up at the owner of the poster.

“Are you sure you want me to write on this?” Honey asked, not knowing whether or not the fan would want her signature on her favorite bands poster. The girl nodded frantically.

Honey took the poster from her, “Can I draw on it?”

The girl nodded again.

Honey put the poster on the ground and added a stick figure drawing of herself into the poster, so that it stood in between Ray and Mikey. Honey signed the poster and smiled warmly at the girl as she handed it back, who stuttered her thanks.

Honey felt a hand on her back, “Come on Hon, lets go in”, Gerard said leading her inside and away from the fans who squealed at the mere excitement of just being in the presence of the singer.

The show that night was great, even though Gerard wasn’t as energetic as usual; they still gave a great performance. Honey had stood at the side of the stage, dancing and singing along enjoying the concert just as much as she had enjoyed the others. Frank kept pulling funny faces at her during the show, as she was on ‘his side’, to which she would respond by pulling one back at him. She laughed at him when he messed up a chord because he became distracted by the face Honey had pulled. He simply glared at her mockingly and resumed his intense concentration on his guitar.

After the show Honey was walking out the back towards the car when she heard some fans at the side screaming her name. Honey turned to see a small group of people, all wearing My Chem shirts, held back by metal fences waiting to catch a glimpse of their idols. Honey felt happy that they were calling her, because she figured all MCR fans would dislike her.

“Hello everyone. Did you have a good night?” Honey asked them as she walked over to them.

“Yes”, came the reply chanted back to her. Honey smiled at them, unsure of what to say now.

“Will you sign this?”, A girl with long jet black hair asked holding out a large item.

“Sure”, Honey said smiling and took the item of the girl. Honey realized what she was holding was a home-made My Chemical Romance board game. She took the lid off the box and looked inside. It was like monopoly, but modified to relate to the band. Honey picked up one of the little playing pieces and saw a mini version of Ray in a black parade uniform.

“Did you make this?” Honey asked the girl in amazement.

The girl nodded, “It took me about a week”.

“It’s really good. Do you want to play it with me now?” Honey asked.

The girl laughed, “Right now?”

“Why not?” Honey said moving the metal fence so she could go to the other side, “Who else wants to play?”

Everyone’s hands shot up in the air and a cry of “me” filled the air. Honey laughed.

“Okay, why don’t we, like, get into teams? So there’s five…so five little teams?” Honey proposed to them, to which they all nodded and began to arrange themselves into groups of about three. Honey looked at two little blond girls next to her.

“You guys want to come with me?”, She asked them.

“Oh yes please”, One said, both their eyes shining with excitement. Everyone arranged themselves on the concrete, with the board game in the middle.

“Who do you want to be Honey?” The girl who made the game asked.

Honey paused thinking, as she thought that who she picked was going to tell a lot to this small group. There is no way I can pick Gerard, or they will definitely think something, Honey thought to herself. She decided to go with the safe option and be Bob, which resulted in a series of disappointed sighs from some fans who had obviously wanted be be Bob.

Eventually everyone received a playing piece they were happy with and Honey, being the guest of honor, got to throw the dice first, rolling a five.

“Sweet”, Honey said as she picked up her little Bob and moved him up so he was now on ‘the jetset life is gonna kill you’.

“So Honey can we ask you questions? Not, like, an interview or anything…”, A girl asked.

“Yeah sure”, Honey said as the group with Frank moved him on ‘vampires will never hurt you’.

“What’s your favorite MCR song?”, The black haired girl asked.

Honey pulled a face, “That’s really hard. Um…I’m going to say I’m not okay, no Helena, no the ghost of you. Aw I don’t know, I like them all”.

“So you’re a fan of My Chemical Romance? You don’t like to listen to your own kind of music?” Another asked.

“Oh yes, definitely a fan-“, Honey started saying but was interrupted by a series of sequels. She looked up and saw a mass of hair.

“Hi Ray”, Honey said waving up at him from her place on the ground.

“Hello”, Ray said politely thinking it was a fan until he actually looked down at the ground and saw Honey there, “Honey! What are you doing down there?”

“Playing this cool game. Want to join? You can be on my team”, Honey told him looking up at him with big eyes.

He smiled down at the beautiful girl, marveling at how innocent she could be sometimes. “No thank you, I’ve got some shit to do on the bus before we head back to the hotel. Were just waiting for some meeting to finish and then were going”, Ray replied.

“Okay, do you think you could bring me back a jacket? It’s way cold out here, but I’m too lazy to walk over to the bus”, Honey said to him.

Ray nodded and said “sure”, before dashing off to the bus and returning a moment later with a large black hoodie which he threw at her before returning to the bus. Honey slipped the hoodie over her head and instantly recognized Gerard’s smell on it. She closed her eyes and breathed it in, enjoying the sensation.

“Who does that belong to?” One of the girls asked Honey. Honey dropped the hoodie from were she was holding it to smell it.

“Not sure”, Honey lied knowing they would think something of nothing if she told them the truth. Another series of squeals erupted from the group, even louder this time, and Honey looked up to see the lead singer glance in the direction of the group and lift his hand in an attempt at a greeting, before continuing across the deserted parking lot towards the bus.

The group groaned and sat down once more feeling dejected that they had been so clearly ignored and brushed off by their idol.

“Oo is it my turn now?” Honey asked grabbing the dice.