It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Thirty

Honey stared at out through her hotel room window at the bright city lights down below. The men and women who were waiting in long lines to get into clubs, already drunk and dressed to the nines. The homeless men who shuffled slowly down the pavement, stopping every now and then to ask for some money. The women who would wait in their fishnets and wild make-up on the corners for a man who was looking ‘for a good time’. Honey looked down at the city that was below her and felt herself detached from the real world, feeling saddened that she would never experience things such as this. It was like she didn’t live in reality, but more provided entertainment for those that did. A knock on the door sounded through the silent room and Honey turned her head slightly in the direction of the noise.

“Come in”, Honey said softly turning back to the window to look at the view. She heard feet padding on the carpet towards her but did not turn around to look at who was approaching. The person came and stood right next to Honey, just gazing out at the bright city lights but not saying anything.

“It’s so beautiful”, a mans voice came from beside Honey. Honey finally glanced to the side of her and saw Gerard Way standing there just staring out at the city, lost in thought. Honey murmured in response and turned her attention once more towards the line formed outside the local night club.

“I’m not real. Sometimes I just feel like…I’m not a real person. I’m here and I exist, but I don’t live with the rest of the world”, Honey suddenly said voicing her thoughts. Gerard turned to Honey, just staring at her with his piercing hazel eyes.

“It sounds so stupid, but when I look down at those people who are living a real life I realize how different I am. How I will never be like that”, Honey continued, “I’m like a puppet. Everyone is looking at me and watching what I do, but no one notices the strings that make me do what I do. I’m a puppet, and my publicist’s, managers, agents and everybody else in the whole god damn world are the puppeteers”.

Honey looked down at the crowd sadly. “You want to know why I have so many boyfriends Gerard?” Honey asked him. Gerard kept looking at her, as if he could see right into her soul, and gave a small nod of his head.

“Because it’s the only thing in my life that I have control over”.

Gerard turned his attention to back out the window, amazed at the insight into Honey’s life he had just heard and knowing he knew exactly how she felt. He felt the same sometimes. Gerard pulled Honey into a one armed hug, feeling words were not necessary at this moment.

“I know. There’s a lot of pressure and unrealistic expectations. I know it’s harder for you then me, but I can relate. I really can”, Gerard said softly to Honey as the both stood there embracing in the dark. Honey lifted her head up and looked at Gerard, whose face was illuminated by the lights outside, starting at his hazel eyes which were staring into the distance, his little nose and finally his soft pink lips, upon which her eyes rested lustfully on.
Honey looked back up to meet Gerard’s eyes to find he was now looking right back at her, only inches from her face. They held each others gaze, as their heads slowly moved towards each other, finally lingering when their lips were only centimeters apart. Honey could feel his breath on her lips as he slowly exhaled, their eyes still locked. The realization of what they were about to do dawned on both of them at the same time, as they opened their eyes wide in shock and Gerard quickly looked away.

“Um…I better…go”, Gerard said awkwardly wringing his hands. Honey nodded quickly, putting a hand to her forehead.

“Uh yeah, I’m going to go to bed anyway now”, Honey replied quickly. Gerard gave a small nod and crossed the room to the door, where he opened it and paused.

“Honey…I actually came in here to ask if you would like to sing ‘the ghost of you’ at our next concert with me.” Gerard said and looked up at her expectantly.

Honey grinned, “Fuck yes Gee”. Gerard gave a toothy smile back at her and finally left the room.

Frank Iero stood outside Honey’s room in just his boxers, a wide grin on his face, motioning with his skeleton gloved hand for the camera crew to follow him. He opened the door a crack and crept into the room towards the sleeping figure lying in the plush bed. Frank climbed on the bed and over the sleeping figure so he was just above her face. The camera crew came up the side of the bed, eagerly waiting to capture the next scene.

“WAKE UP!” Frank screamed into her face. Honey snapped open her eyes and jolted up in bed, slamming her head into Franks, which was still inches away from hers, in the process.

“Ow”, Honey complained as she slumped back down on her pillow holding her hand to her aching head. Beside her Frank was rolling around the bed dramatically holding his head whilst groaning in pain. Honey smacked him on his side.

“What ARE you doing fucktard?’ She said angrily to him.

Frank stopped rolling around the bed and glared at her, “I hurt my head”.

“No, what are you doing in my room waking me up”, Honey hissed at him, her head now pounding from where her skull had met Franks.

“Oh we have to leave soon, so I thought I would wake you up”, He replied jumping on his knee’s on the bed.

“Oh how kind of you”, Honey replied sarcastically, then looking at the camera crew with pure venom.

“Do you think you could go now?” She spat at them. They nodded quickly, scared of how Honey was acting and practically ran from the room.

Frank looked down at the bed covers, “Are you…uh…mad at me?” He asked quickly.

Honey felt her heart soften upon seeing Frank’s innocent face. “No Frankie, I’m not mad at you”, she said drawing him into a hug and kissing him on the top of her head.

“What’s the time?” Honey asked him lazily. Frank bit his lip to suppress a laugh and seemed to suddenly find the wall very interesting.

Honey narrowed her eyes at him. “Frank, what’s the time”, Honey said to him warningly.

Frank burst out laughing, not being able hold it in anymore. “Four…in the morning”, He said between laughing at his own ‘clever’ joke. Honey opened her mouth in shock and grabbed her pillow.

“You-stupid-little-man”, Honey gasped between hitting Frank with her pillow, who was on his side, giggling and covering his face. Eventually Honey tired of hitting Frank and let the pillow fall to her side.

“Your so mean”, Honey said to him sticking her lower lip out.

“Thank you”, Frank said scrambling under the covers of the bed and pulling Honey with him, “Shh now, lets get some sleep”.

Honey nodded, putting her pillow back under her head,.“Night, or morning rather. Evil little man”, She muttered before finally succumbing to sleep.