It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Thirty-One

Honey’s eyes snapped open the second she woke up, realizing that a pair of men’s arms was wrapped around her waist. Oh shit, who is this person, Honey wondered to herself, too afraid to turn around and see who it was or lift the blankets just to look at the arms. Honey scrunched up her face, trying to think of who it would be. She knew who she hopedit would be, but couldn’t come up with who she thought it would be. Honey decided that she would have to just bite the bullet and turn around to see who the stranger was that was currently inhibiting her bed. Honey turned over slowly, and sighed in relief in seeing Frank’s sleeping face, looking much more innocent then he really was. That was until Honey remembered why Frank was in her bed in the first place. She narrowed her eyes at him, even though he couldn’t see her, quickly scheming of a way to get him back.

“Frankie…” Honey whispered to him in his ear and pulled back to lean on the pillow, watching as his eye lids fluttered open.

Honey smiled at him, gently stroking the side of his face and leaning in to kiss his nose, “Oh Frankie baby, last night was amazing”.

“What?” Frank said groggily, not yet fully conscious, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Honey continued on, wrapping an arm over his bare chest and snuggling into him, “I mean I have had my fair share of good sex but last night just…AHH!” Honey finished with a loud moan.

Frank sprung up in the bed, knocking Honey off him and looked at her with wide eyes. “W-what?”He stammered. Honey looked up at him, tears forming in her eyes.

“You mean you don’t remember? Oh Frankie how could you? You told me you loved me!” Honey gasped loudly and buried her head into the bed covers, pretending to cry. Frank put his head in his hands, desperately trying to remember the events of the previous night.

“Uh Honey…are you sure we…you know. It wasn’t just a dream or something?” Frank asked cautiously not knowing what to do with the crying woman. Honey looked up at him with horror.

“It wasn’t a dream, but only the most beautiful real thing I have experienced in my life and the man I shared it with is trying to tell me it never happened!” Honey said dramatically before flouncing back down on the bed. Frank felt himself starting to sweat.

“Oh fuck…oh no what have I done? I have a fiancé and I…oh shit. Oh god”. Frank jumped out of the bed and began pacing the room, muttering quickly to himself. Honey stopped pretending to cry and watched him pacing back and forth. Honey watched him with amusement for a few moments before deciding to put him out of his misery.

“Frank”, Honey said plainly. Frank turned to her.

“Honey, now if I said some things to you last night I am very sorry but I didn’t mean it. I love my fiancé and I don’t know what happened last night and it is true I don’t remember so maybe I was asleep but I am very sorry if I hurt you and this will never happen again”, Frank choked out.

“Frank I made it up. To get you back”, Honey said looking at him with a smirk.

A look of relief washed over Franks face. “You mean we never…?” Frank enquired just be sure.

“We never”, Honey replied. Frank closed his eyes momentarily and let out a breath. He opened his eyes again and narrowed his eyes at Honey.

“You lied!”

“You woke me up!”

Before Honey knew what was happening a little body was running towards her and launched himself at her, crashing them both down on the bed. Frank pinned Honey down and held her hands above her head so that she was incapable of moving.

“That’s funny, this is just what it was like last night”, Honey giggled as Franks face turned pink. Frank quickly let Honey’s hands go, but remained sitting on her.

“You know you really had me going”, Frank said to her.

“Oh I know. The guilt was what got to me when I saw how pathetic you were. I wish I had a camera to capture your face when I told you how amazing last night was”, Honey laughed.

“Oh if last night had been that amazing I would have remembered and YOU missy wouldn’t be able to move. You would have been too rocked by the Frank experience”, Frank said smugly to her.

“The Frank experience?” Honey asked and raised an eyebrow.

Frank nodded, “Yup, the side effects are long and painful, but totally worth it. You would have been moaning so loud the whole hotel would have woken up”. Honey giggled again.

“No way, I totally would have had to fake it”, She said to him.

“Hmph, if anything I would have had to fake it”, Frank told her.

“Like you could”, Honey replied, starting to feel the pressure of his weight, even though he was small.

“So could…ohhh….OH…AH…AHHHHH”. Frank started moaning loudly and rocking gently on top of Honey.

“UGHHHH”, Honey moaned loudly from underneath him, determined to show him up.

The only sounds that could be heard from inside the hotel room were two people moaning louder and louder each time, determined to beat the other.

Honey brought her hands up into her hair, rolling her eyes back in her head, as Frank ran his hands down his chest being as sexy as he could. Honey and Frank were too busy moaning they didn’t hear the door open and footsteps cross the room.


Frank whipped his head around as Honey raised hers off the pillow, to see the shocked faces of Gerard and Mikey who were just standing there.

“Oh hi guys”, Frank said as if everything was normal. Mikey covered his eyes, thinking they were naked as Frank had no shirt and his boxers were covered by the blanket, Honey was obviously covered by Frank. Gerard just stood there staring with his eyes wide open.

“FRANK! What the fuck man?” Mikey asked him, eyes still covered.

“What?” Frank said innocently, playing dumb.

“Ohh…you think were...” Frank said slowly, like he was catching on even though he knew full well what they thought. Frank rolled off Honey and onto the part of the bed next to her so they could see he still had clothes on.

“Did you guys think we were sexing it up in here?” Honey asked them as Mikey brought his hands off his face.

“You guys were moaning like whores and from here, looked like you were naked. Wait-what were you doing?”Mikey asked them.

“Oh just a friendly little competition combined with a big bit of payback”, Honey told him as Frank nodded in agreement. Mikey just shook his head.

Gerard finally spoke up. “We’re leaving in half an hour, get your shit together”, He said coldly, shooting a glare at Frank and striding out of the room.

Mikey poked his tongue at Gerard behind his back and came and jumped in the bed with Frank and Honey. “I don’t know what’s up his ass this morning, but he has been in a foul mood since he got up. Eh, screw him”, He said then turned to Frank.

“But I didn’t mean that last part literally”.

[A/N: That scene was way longer than I intened, but its funny how you just type and the story writes itself. So sorry if you hated it, but I love Frankie so i have a feeling thats why all the scenes i write with him in it end up being so long!}