It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Thirty-Two

“Honey, are you ready yet!”

Honey heard Kirstin screeching at her for the fourth time, but she still continued to ignore her in favor of digging through her bags for the dress she wanted to wear. She finally found the navy dress and slipped it over her head, adding a necklace and heels to make the outfit complete. Honey sauntered out of the room and into the lounge, where Kirstin was glaring daggers at her next to a scared looking Brian.

“Oh look, she’s here. Only forty minutes late too”, Kirstin muttered sarcastically as Brian rolled his eyes, looking as though he had already had enough of Kirstin for one day. Honey just grinned at Kirstin, to further annoy her.

Kirstin scowled at her, “Get your ass in the elevator and get downstairs. The media is all waiting for your explanation as to why you have been kissing and groping girls, and you better have a good one”.

Honey poked her tongue childishly at her and waltzed out the door and into the elevator, followed closely by Brian and Kirstin. Honey thought about what she should say to the waiting media, and eventually decided that she would go with her original story of it being a dare. The lift doors glided open and they were met by the hotel manager, who led them down a hall and into the conference room which was over flowing with reporters who all started talking as once as Honey entered the room. The room was lit up with flashes, as cameras took pictures and started their video cameras rolling to capture every moment. Honey went and took her place in the middle of the table, with her publicist, agent and manger on her side. Apparently this was some sort of big deal to them, even though Honey couldn’t really care less. Honey gave a small smile to the crowd as Dave, Honeys agent, began the talking to them about what they were permitted to ask and not ask. Honey tuned out not really listening until Kirstin nudged her, and pointing to the reporter who was asking a question.

“Honey, who is the woman you were seen kissing?” A woman with bushy eyebrows asked.

Honey looked at her. “I’m not going to tell you that, but I will tell you that it was only for a dare and in good fun. The woman in question is one of my friends, and that kiss didn’t mean anything”, Honey said to the now silent room.

Dave pointed to another reporter, who had their hand in the air.

“Are you saying then that you don’t ‘bat for the other team’ “A man asked.

Honey laughed a fake laugh, “No, I am straight. Not that there is anything wrong with being anything else, hence my reaction to this situation as not being a big deal”.

“So do you don’t see your actions as irresponsible to your younger fans who may see you as some what of a role model” A shrill woman put forward.

Honey pursed her lips and thought about her answer before saying, “ No I admit I don’t like the idea of my younger fans seeing that, but I don’t see my actions as irresponsible as I was in a hotel restaurant, not on stage or in the street. I wasn’t in public and I think I should have the right to do what I like in private”.

This caused uproar in the room, as the reporters yelled out their objections to what Honey had just said. Honey frowned at them as Dave stood up, putting his hands up in front of him signaling for quiet. The room eventually went silent, as all were eager for more.

“I think we have heard enough about this subject, so there will be no more questions about it”, Dave said and pointed to a reporter, nodding at them as he sat down.

The reporter was a timid, shy looking woman who was hiding behind heavily rimmed glasses. “Are you having a nice time touring with My Chemical Romance”, She asked in a quiet voice.

Honey smiled at her, “Yes I am having a very nice time. They are all lovely boys and I am glad to have made some new friends”.

“What about romance Honey? Met anyone that catches your fancy recently?” Someone up the back asked.

Honey laughed, “I am fine with being single right now, so the answer to that is no”.

“Not even Gerard Way?” A voice said. Honey looked up and saw the mean reporter who had asked her those uncomfortable questions on the bus, the very same one who Honey had kicked off. Honey gritted her teeth.

“No. Gerard is my friend. Just because he is a man, and attractive does not mean I want to jump his bones”, Honey said in a slow voice.

“Ah so you admit he’s attractive”. The reporter sounded triumphant.

Honey just shook her head in amazement at her. “Yes of course I find him attractive. I also find Brad Pitt attractive, but you don’t see anyone making a big deal out of that”.

The reporter opened her mouth to say something else but Honey got in first. “Okay if everyone’s finished I have a bus to catch”, she said, standing up and walking towards the door. She called hear Kirstin calling for her, but ignored it. She turned and gave a final wave before closing the wooden door behind her.

Five hours later they were all on the bus, travelling to their next destination, wherever that may be. Honey, Bob and Mikey were all sitting on the couch, while Frank and Gerard spooned on the floor, all were waiting for the second episode of their show to come on with anticipation. Honey rested her head on Bob’s shoulder and propped her legs up on his lap so that she was more comfortable, not noticing how un-comfortable Bob suddenly looked. Mikey girlishly clapped his hands together as the show started, the theme song being Honey’s cover of ‘I’m Not Okay’ that she had preformed before they went on tour. It was the first time they had watched the show, even though it was the second episode as they had been at the hospital when it premiered. The episode started on the bus in the morning, just everyone chilling on the bus. Honey laughed when they showed her asking Gerard for his laptop and then her running away to make them all gay together on the Sims. Honey laughed even harder when they showed Bob running out of the room after Honey had told him she wanted him for her ‘simself’.

Honey enjoyed watching herself interact with the boys, and as the show went on she realized how well she really did get along with them.

The show then cut to a scene a few weeks back, showing Gerard and Honey playing singstar together. However the stupid producers at MTV had put a love heart around their faces as they sung a duet together. It then showed Honey being carried to her bunk by Gerard and him planting a kiss on her head. Honey felt herself getting angrier and angrier as the television show put together some random pieces of Honey and Gerard together. Honey and Gerard laughing, Honey and Gerard play fighting, Honey and Gerard singing. It was obvious it had been edited to make it look like they were lovers, but it wasn’t the truth and Honey knew people were going to get hurt from this. Possibly even her friendship with Gerard.

The show ended with Honey and Gerard hugging each other and as the credits began to roll Gerard turned to Honey and pulled a face at her. Honey could tell by that face that he wasn’t mad, but she was still upset that her own television show would add fuel to the fire. Gerard, sensing Honey was angry, got up, pulled her off the couch and wrapped his arms around her.

“Better not do this Gee, we might get ‘caught’”, Honey joked to him.

“Oh fuck ‘em” He replied.

Honey pulled away from him and looked him in the eye. “Someone is going to pay for this”, she said as she pulled out her cell phone and found the number she was looking for. After a few rings he answered.

“Yes love?” He said in a smug voice. Honey felt anger boil up inside her.



At the same time, in a town not too far away a man sat on his chair, having just watched the show. He stroked the ginger cat that sat on his lap and reflected on the show. Honey was amazing, as always. There was no one more perfect than her. He felt his insides go warm as he recalled how the show had shown her dancing up and down at a concert, the obvious happiness in her eyes. The warmth he felt was soon replaced by anger, mixed with hatred, as he thought of how her eyes had sparked even more when Gerard had looked her way during ‘The Ghost of You’. His blood began to boil as he thought of the last piece at the end of the show, which had shown Honey and Gerard together. The thought of them being together made him want to kill himself…or better yet, kill Gerard.