It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Thirty-Four

As the bus rolled into the outskirts of New York, the young woman standing in front of the handsome mad stomped her foot and folded her arms.

“Ger-RARD, can we go and practice now? Please? I want it to be perfect for tonight”, Honey begged, getting down on her knee’s so she was know eye level with the man sitting on the couch. Gerard ignored her and continued flicking through his comic book, pretending she wasn’t there which he was finding increasingly difficult.

“Please Gee?” Honey whimpered, placing her hands on his knees and throwing him her best puppy dog eyes. Gerard looked up, meeting her eyes and could almost feel himself melting, how could he possibly say no now?

Gerard threw down his comic and stood up quickly. “Fine”, he said in a exasperated tone.
Ray, Bob and Mikey all let out sighs of relief.

“Thank god you finally said yes. Maybe now we can actually hear our movie”, Bob said glaring at Honey, to which she stuck out her tounge.

“You should have just offered him, like, a blow job or something”, Frank said as if that was the solution to all Honey’s problems.

“What the fuck Frank!” Gerard said, putting his hands on his hips. Honey looked between the two of them.

“Well, it normally works when I want you to do something for me”, Frank replied cheekily as the rest of the bus broke down in peels of laughter. Gerard simply stood there, mock insulted, and ,throwing his nose in the air, stalked off to the end of the bus dramatically.

“I’ll remember that for next time Frankie”, Honey giggled before following her duet partner up the back of the bus.

“Ten bucks says they don’t just practice singing back there”, Bob said un-pausing the movie and getting comfy on the pillows.

Honey made a face at Gerard, as he demanded she sing the introduction to the song yet again, but slower this time. First it had been too fast, then she had apparently put emphasis on the wrong words and now she was singing it too slowly.

“It’s a slow song Gerard!” Honey protested to the man who was sitting next to a CD player, his finger on the play button.

“Yeah but it was tooslow. Just speed it up a little”. Honey sighed and nodded as Gerard pressed play once more and she chimed in with the opening lyric. After ten minutes of singing the first verse, Gerard finally seemed satisfied she could do it fine and they were able to move onto the chorus.

“At the end of the world”, Honey sung as slowly as she could, just to annoy Gerard, who glared at her until she sped up. Honey laughed as she finished the last lyric in the chorus, as Gerard was making wild hand gestures at her which she had no idea meant.

“Gerard, just sing with me”, Honey told him plainly.

“I will be, but we need to practice so you get it right”, the perfectionist replied, pressing the back button on the CD player.

“No, now. I think it will be much easier if you sing with me now, then I can hear how you do it”.

Gerard chewed on his lip thoughtfully, thinking what option would be better.

“I’ll give you a blow job”, Honey added helpfully.

Gerard chuckled at that. “I will sing with you now, I think that’s a good idea…so from the top”, he said hitting the play button. Honey swiftly crossed the room, turned it off and walked up to Gerard’s ear.

Standing on her tip-toes she whispered into it, “No music, just us”.

The four men in the front section of the bus were bored. The movie had been switched off, as it wasn’t that good, and they were left with not a whole lot to do. They were simply sitting on the couch staring at the ceiling above them.

“Mikey, I’m bored”, whined the youngest one.

“Me too Frankie”, Mikey replied, playing with the hem of his shirt.

“Ray, I’m bored”, Frank whined to the afro haired man next to him.

“So I heard Frankie”, Ray said giving him a pat on the head.

“Bob-“ Frank started.

“Yes I know, you’re bored. Join the club”, Bob snapped. Frank sighed, resting his head back on the couch.

“Wanna go mess with Gee and Honey?” Frank suddenly said. The men suddenly turned to look at him.

“How?” Ray asked him to which Frank shrugged.

“Didn’t get that far”, he said sadly, “Lets just go see if there making out yet”. Frank bounced off the couch and headed for the back of the bus, followed by his fellow band mates.

“Frank, Gerard has a fiancé. Don’t say things like that about him”, Mikey scolded the younger boy.

Frank shrugged, “If I had Gee alone in a room I would probably want to make out with him too”. Frank motioned for quiet as they put there ears to the door, only to hear the voices of Honey and Gerard coming from the room and nothing else. Ray and Bob looked at him in disappointment, as if they had been hoping for something more exciting.

Suddenly the bus gave a lurch and the boys were all thrown to the floor, a squeal coming from behind the closed door next to them. The bus lurched again and they were all pushed roughing to the right by the sheer force of the swaying bus.

“Oh shit”, Ray muttered as the bus gave another giant swerve, this time pushing them into the other side of the bus and Bob some how wound up on top of him, seemingly crushing Ray.

The bus finally pulled to a sharp halt causing all their heads to bounce on the floor and back down again. Bob rolled off Ray, just missing landing on Mikey who was rubbing his arm, looking a sickly green color. Frank was sitting up, holding his head in his hands muttering “son of a bitch” under his breath.

“You okay back there?” Came a yell from the front of the bus.

“N-Yes” Frank yelled back, nearly saying no.

“You guys alright?”Mikey asked, sitting up too.

Ray nodded, pulling himself up, “A bit bruised seeing as I had Bob fall on me”. Bob just moaned and continued lying on the floor.

“Better see if these two are okay”, Ray said motioning to the closed door. Frank nodded, as he and Mikey pushed it open to reveal Gerard lying on top of Honey, a hand either side, staring at her in concern as she wiggled uncomfortably underneath him. Honey turned her head, feeling their presence in the room, and gave a small smile. Gerard didn’t seem to notice at first, and continued staring at Honey, but he soon realized she wasn’t looking back and turned his head as well. He flushed a pink shade when he saw everyone looking at him.

“I fell”, He said automatically.

Frank cocked his head to the side, “and you just happened to fall on Honey?”.

“Yes. No. Well when the bus started going crazy I grabbed onto her, you know to protect her-“ Gerard started, but was interrupted by Honey punching him lightly in the arm.

“No way, you were fucking scared shitless”, she told him.

“-and then on that last swerve we fell”, he finished.

“He’s telling the truth because there is no way I would willingly let him fall on me, he weighs a ton. I’m surprised I could even breathe!”

“Nah that would have just been the sexual tension in this room. Its suffocating”, Frank said nodding sincerely.

“I’m going to go see what happened”, Ray said, backing slowly out of the room and stepping over Bob, who was still on the floor.

Bob, still a green color, suddenly sat up. “I’m gonna puke!” He said jumping up and running for the door of the bus. Honey and Frank exchanged worried looks and went after him. Mikey turned to face his older brother.

“Gerard, you aren’t going to do anything with Honey…are you?” He asked in a quiet voice.

“Nah Mikey, I’m a good little boy. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it”, Gerard replied, gesturing for Mikey to follow him to the outside of the bus, where Bob was now sitting on the grass and Honey was patting his back in a comforting way.

Ray came outside to join them. “The front tire popped somehow, so that’s why the bus went crazy. The bad news is we have to wait for help to come and fix it because the other bus is miles in front of us”, he told everyone, which resulted in a series of loud groans.

“Are we going to make the venue tonight?” Gerard asked with a hint of panic in his voice.

Ray shrugged, “Should do if help comes quickly enough, but they are pretty busy so you never know”.

“It could be worse”, Honey said to them. Gerard turned and gave her a look like she was crazy.

“How?” He demanded to know.

“Well there could be cameras here”, she told them, gently stroking Bob’s back as he groaned because of his motion sickness once more.

“That’s true. Mind you that could have been fun, then we could have messed with them and given them something really sexy to film”, Frank thought aloud.

“Like what Frank?” Ray asked him, sitting down next to Bob on the grass.

“Like…me!” Frank said licking his finger and then putting it down on his shirt, accompanied by a hissing noise. Honey started giggling at him, and was soon joined by everyone around her except Bob who jumped up once more.

“Gonna puke”, he said in strangled voice, clutching his stomach and ran off to the bushes nearby, which was soon followed by a retching noise.

“Ew”, Honey said wrinkling her nose, “That’s a mood killer”.

“I thought of something sexy. Honey, why don’t you sing sexy-back again for us? Gee didn’t see you do that special dance and I don’t think its fair he misses out”, Frank said as Gerard suddenly perked up.

“You do Justin Timberlake? I like his songs, you should totally do it!” Gerard said excitedly as Honey death glared Frank for even bringing it up.

“I’m going to go check on Bob”, Honey said rising from her place on the ground.

“Aw do it Honey. I’ll be Eliza and Ray and Mikey can be the bar table and Gerard can be that pole you were climbing up”, Frank told her, half begging.

What kind of dance was it?” Honey heard Gerard ask Frank as she walked away.