It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Thirty-Six

“Frank, have you seen my black and white heels that were out here before?” Honey yelled down to the other end of the bus.

“No and I didn’t try them on again if that’s what your thinking!” came the yell back.

“Did you try under the couch?” Ray yelled from somewhere in the depths of the bus. Honey quickly got down on her hands and knees, scrambling over to the couch to check underneath it.

“Ah uh!” Honey said triumphantly as she pulled them out.

The mechanics from the local garage had finally come to fix the bus, only an hour late. As a result they were going to make it to the venue, they just had to go straight there which meant getting completely dressed and ready on the bus, a task which was proving to be rather strenuous.

Honey ran to the bunk section of the bus, shoes dangling from her hands which she threw on her bed and proceeded to rummage through her bag for the dress she was fixated on wearing for tonight’s concert. Honey found it and quickly pulled off the short black dress she had been wearing around the bus over her head, much to the embarrassment of Bob, who was in the room getting ready himself. Honey had no problems with being in front of people in her underwear, she was used to it when she had to have costume changes during her own concerts. It was Bob however who was not used to beautiful women standing in front of him in their black lacy undies with no inhibitions whatsoever. Bob sighed a sigh of relief as Honey pulled her new dress over her head, because, being a man, he found it hard to see her looking like she did and not get excited. All men would feel something if they saw Honey Meadows in her underwear, it was something teenage boys regularly dreamed of.

“You think I have any chance at all of getting near the mirror?” Honey asked Bob, interrupting his thoughts.

“Only if Gerard and Frank are still getting dressed, so with that in mind I suggest you run”, Bob informed her, knowing the habits of his fellow band members. Honey nodded, flashing him a smile, and ran to the bathroom where she found Frank already in front of the mirror, carefully applying foundation.

“Move”, Honey demanded. Frank looked her up and down before pulling his features into a face that clearly said no.

Honey sighed, “Share then Frankie?” Honey pulled her best pleading face, which seemed to work as Frank moved over to allow her some room. Honey began the long process of applying her makeup, so that she resembled something of perfection.

“Are you going to wear X’s on your face tonight Frankfurt?” Honey asked as she applied her foundation before moving onto powdering her face.

“Frankfurt?” Frank said wrinkling his nose at his distaste of the name, “nope, normal tonight”.

“I think normal is your best look Frankie”, Honey told him, moving onto her eye shadow.

“Thanks”, Frank said with a grin as a figure entered the already cramped room.

“Okay, you two out”, Gerard told them, clutching his special make-up bag to his chest.

Honey continued applying her make-up as Frank flipped him off over his shoulder, telling him they were not going anywhere.

Gerard childishly stamped his foot. “You know how long it takes me to get ready”, he whined, mostly to Frank.

“You should have started getting ready earlier then”, Frank told him, returning back to the mirror.

“Gerard, can I do your makeup?” Honey asked him, as she loved applying make-up and who better then Gerard’s to do!

“I don’t know”, he replied uncertainly, not wanting to look like shit with no time to fix it.

“Oh please Gee, I actually used to be a makeup artist so you won’t look ugly if that’s what your worried about”, Honey begged, mascara brush in hand waving it wildly around in the air.

Gerard caved. “Fine, but hurry up”, he told her, retreating back into the lounge to wait for her.

“Yay”, Honey squealed, quickly finishing her own make-up at the same time as Frank.

Applying a dash of lip-gloss Honey pulled a kissy face to the mirror, feeling satisfied she looked good and dashed into the lounge to the waiting Gerard, who was sitting on the couch. He chucked his makeup bag at her which she quickly opened, finding what she was looking for.

Honey jumped on his lap, so that she could have better access to his face. “This won’t hurt a bit”, she told him.

Honey stood up, off Gerard’s lap to admire her work. She felt a smile creep up her face when she realized just how good he looked. She knew he would look good, but not this good. Honey had used a foundation that matched his skin tone, so he wasn’t the normal ghostly white that he was so fond of. His eyes were rimmed with a dark brown eye shadow, underlined with just one stroke of black eye liner under each eye and finished with some mascara. He looked better then good.

“Gerard…you look…” Honey trailed off, just continuing to admire her work.

“What! I look what?”, Gerard yelled, feeling increasingly paranoid he looked hideous. He jumped off the couch, headed for the bathroom with Honey following closely behind. Gerard pushed Mikey away from the mirror, who had been applying his own eyeliner and was now left with a black streak running down his cheek.

“Hey!” Mikey protested, rubbing his cheek to get the mark off. Gerard leant up close to the mirror, examining his face at every angle. He turned around to face a nervous Honey with a big grin on his face.

“Honey! I look hot!” he exclaimed excitedly. Honey laughed, as Mikey snorted at his brother’s lack of modesty. Gerard rushed to Honey, picking her up and twirling her around the small bathroom once before setting her back down.

"You look gorgeous was what I was going to say", Honey told him, noticing how beautiful the makeup made his eyes look.

Gerard just shot her a toothy grin, fluttering his eye lashes.

“The fan girls are in for a treat tonight”, Honey giggled.

“Yes they are, they get to see the great Honey performing with yours truly”, Gerard said.

“Not what I meant, but yes they get that too. I hope I do okay”, Honey said, suddenly feeling apprehensive about singing tonight.

“Honey, you have a good voice, you know the song, it will be fine”, Gerard reassured her.

“I know, but we didn’t even get to finish practicing the song. We only got to the first chorus. And your fans probably hate me, and I’m going to get bottled off the stage”, Honey worriedly rambled, chewing on her thumb nail.

“You will be fine. If not, make it up or start kissing Frank or something if you get lost”, Gerard told her with a laugh.

Frank popped his head around the bathroom door upon hearing his name, “We kissing tonight Gee?”

“Yes Frank, I already told you I thought we should”, Gerard sighed.

“We’re here!” Came the yell from the front. Gerard gave Honey a quick smile before leaving the bathroom to get his things. Honey suddenly felt incredibly nervous, a feeling she wasn’t used to having. It wasn’t nervous excitement, more nervous anxiety.

I can’t do this, she thought, slumping down against the bathroom wall, feeling a stray tear escape down her face.