It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Ray Toro was walking past the bathroom on his way out when he noticed a figure slumped up on the wall, staring at the same spot on the wall like they were frozen in time. He slowly walked into the room, expecting Honey to look up and notice him but when she didn’t he crouched down next to her.

“Honey? Are you okay?” he asked her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. Honey looked up at him for the first time, eyes wide and scared looking.

“Ray, I don’t want to sing tonight anymore. I can’t do it, I’m not good enough. Will you please go and tell Gerard?” Honey said calmly, though she was feeling anything but calm.

“Honey are you sure? Why are you so scared, for someone who is normally so confident?” Ray asked her, pulling her into a one armed hug.

Honey thought about it for a moment. “I really don’t know, this band brings out things in me I didn’t even know I had. I’m just scared because your fans aren’t as stupid as mine and there not going to be impressed with some shallow pop singer who survives only on her looks. They want more then that and that is just something I don’t have”, Honey told him, venting her fears to the older man.

Ray sighed, “Honey when are you going to realize that we like you for who you are and not because of your looks? We love you, our fans are smart and I’m sure that they will love anything we love just as much. I really think you need to give this a shot, you never know, you might surprise yourself”.

Honey smiled at him, taking in his words and feeling much better than before.

“You know your right Ray? How do I know they will hate me if I haven’t even given them a chance? I just hope I do okay”, Honey mumbled, feeling the butterflies return but this time it was because of her excitement.

“I know you will”, Ray said standing up and offering out a hand to Honey to pull her up, which Honey gratefully accepted and rose to her feet.

“And if I mess up or anything, then I will just kiss Frank and they will forget I was ever singing!” Honey giggled as they walked down the bus, as Frank, hearing the last part, turned around and gave Honey a strange look.

Honey and Ray stepped down the last few steps of the bus and into the cool night air, where a number of paparazzi were gathered, hoping to catch a shot of Honey that would fetch them thousands. They were not in luck tonight, as she merely waved to them before dashing towards the back stage door, ignoring the sounds of the camera’s snapping and the groans of the paparazzi.

“Why couldn’t they have been holding hands? My family does have to eat”, they said to each other in frustration of yet another wasted night.

Ray and Honey stepped into the confides of the backstage of the venue, people were rushing everywhere, yelling out orders and carrying the various things needed to make the show a success. The camera men from the television series were also on hand, to catch anything worthy of putting in the show. Brian came dashing over to them, a smile on his face and appearing reasonably calm amongst the chaos.

“Honey, Gerard wants to do the ‘Ghost of You’ last so you can just hang out in the dressing room or side of the stage”, Brian told her and then turned to Ray, “and YOU need to get your ass into the dressing room and get changed. You’re on in five”. A look of panic flashed across Ray’s face as he turned and ran for the dressing room.

Honey smiled at the staff hanging around the back entrance, nervously waiting for her just to see her in the flesh. Honey gave a small wave to them all, as Brian tugged on her arm and led her to the dressing room where the boys were quickly changing.

“Nice undies Frank”, Honey smirked as Frank quickly pulled up his black pants over his spongebob boxers, shooting Honey a glare. The rest of the band thankfully already had their pants on, so they were saved the embarrassment of Honey seeing them in anything indecent. Honey turned her attention to Gerard, who was looking unbelievably cute in his Black Parade costume, complimented by his flawless make-up Honey had applied.

“Okay boys, I want a hug from all of you before you go on because you all look good enough to eat in your adorable little outfits”, Honey announced to them, feeling a rush of love for them all hit her. Mikey was the first to come up and gave her a brotherly hug, followed by Ray who also pecked her on the cheek and left the room with Mikey headed for the stage. When it was Bob’s turn Honey let her hands drift teasingly down to just above Bob’s ass, causing the drummer to flush a shade of red and quickly leave the room. Frank tackled Honey into a giant hug, which made them both fall down onto the couch laughing.

“Frank you are so sexy”, Honey told him, looking the short man up and down in his cute outfit. Frank grinned and fluttered his eye lashes at her.

“I know”, he replied blowing her a kiss before leaving to join the others at the side of the stage. Gerard shyly approached Honey, looking like a bashful school boy, to which Honey responded by flinging open her arms and letting him walk right into them, enveloping him in her warm embrace. After a few seconds Honey pulled away and looked Gerard in the eye.

“You look very gorgeous tonight Gerard”, she told him, admiring the effect his make-up had when combined with his outfit.

“So do you”, Gerard blurted out loudly before realizing what he had said and blushing, knowing Honey had been mostly referring to the effect her make-up had on him.

Honey looked up at him in surprise at the return of the compliment. “Thank you, I guess I will see you on stage later then”, she said to him as Brian came running into the room.

“Gerard, get out there NOW!” he yelled at him, making frantic pointing gestures with his arms. Gerard flashed one last smile at Honey before running out the room to find the rest of his waiting band.

Honey stood at the side of the stage, watching with interest as Gerard proactively rubbed his hands up and down Frank’s body before grabbing his head and pulling him into an open mouth kiss for all the fans to see. The crowd cheered loudly, loving the sight they were seeing as the camera’s went crazy, taking pictures by the second.

“We have one last song for you lucky people tonight; I think you might have heard of it, it’s called Helena”, Gerard told the crowd as the band started playing the opening of the song.

“So long and good night”, Gerard screamed to the crowd as they ran backstage, with the crowd now chanting “MCR, MCR”.

“Ready for our encore Miss Honey?” A sweaty Gerard asked as he approached Honey who eagerly nodded, any feelings of anxiety having left her.

Ray handed Honey her microphone before the band, plus Honey, crept onto the stage under the cover of darkness. Ray, Mikey, Bob and Frank all took their place behind their instruments, whilst Gerard stood at the front with Honey hidden behind him.

The opening chords of the ‘Ghost of You’ began, much to the delight of the fans who screamed their approval. Gerard opened his mouth, pretending that he was about to sing, but instead of his voice came a woman’s.

“I never, said I’d lie in wait forever”. Honey stepped out from behind Gerard, to reveal herself to the audience who cheered louder then they had all night.

“If I died we’d be together, I can’t always just forget her, but she could try”, Honey continued, feeling more and more confident with each word.

“At the end of the world or the last thing I see, you are never coming home, never coming home, could I, should I, and all the things that you never ever told me and all the smiles that are ever ever”, Honey sung with Gerard joining her for the chorus before continuing onto the next verse which he sung by himself. As Gerard sung, Honey looked around at the faces that were staring up at her, so enthusiastic and so happy to be where they were. Honey quickly realized that Gerard was up to the next chorus and once again joined him in singing it before the instrumental kicked in, and even though they hadn’t practiced this part, Honey felt confident in her abilities to fluke it…until she realized Gerard was going to start moaning any second now.

"Woah, woah oh ah" Gerard sung, getting closer and closer to the inevitable.

“OH” Gerard moaned into his microphone and Honey made a quick decision of what she should do.

“OH”, Honey echoed his moan, much to the surprise of Gerard who turned around to face her, walking towards her and letting of his next moan, which was almost drowned out by Honey’s equally loud moan which had joined his own as she rolled her eyes back. Honey and Gerard intertwined their wrists, so that they were still holding their own microphones, and faced each other staring intensely into the others eyes. They were seemingly unaware of everything surrounding them because nothing mattered except for this moment.

“UGHHH AHHHHH”, with one final loud moan Gerard and Honey ripped apart and screamed before singing the final chorus together, this time standing much closer then they were previously.

“and all the ghosts that are never gonna” Gerard finished the song, as Honey found herself unable to sing the last lyric due to the lust that was currently penetrating her body because having Gerard moaning like that to her, not to mention his sweating exterior, had been far to much for the fan girl part of her heart to handle.

Gerard turned to face Honey, microphone dangling from his hand that was resting limply at his side, lust clearly blazing in his hazel eyes as he stood there panting.

And Gerard couldn’t help what he did next.