It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Gerard grabbed Honey’s hand, pulling her quickly off the stage amongst the screams and cheers of the crowd who were still reeling from having witnessed this performance that was unlikely to be seen again, all thinking of the exciting story that they would now have to post on INO.

Gerard dragged Honey along the empty corridor practically running, their sweaty hands still linked, both still breathing heavily from their lust filled performance. Gerard stopped in front of a door and pulled it open, revealing a store room filled with towels, table clothes and other linens that may be required at various events.

Gerard wasted no time in pushing Honey into the dark, musty room closing the door behind him so that no longer could any sounds be heard but the heavy panting rising from both of their chests and no sight could be seen as the door had shut out any form of light.

“I’ve wanted to do this for so long now”, Gerard murmured as his hands found Honey’s face in the darkness, the cold sweat from her face turning him on even more. Gerard’s hands found the back of her head as he pulled her head to meet his, her breath tickling his lips as her face remained merely millimeters from his. Gerard pushed his lips onto her hers, pausing for a moment to ensure she didn’t pull away before beginning to kiss her passionately. Honey’s hands wandered up from their place at her sides, tangling themselves in Gerard’s sweaty black hair as he worked his lips against hers, lust fully consuming his body so that no other thoughts were even entering his mind.

Gerard slammed Honey against the shelves of the store room, causing her to gasp out in pain before resuming her place against Gerard’s mouth. Honey’s hands left their place in Gerard’s hair and trailed down his back, lingering at his shirt hemline, teasingly playing with it before placing both her hands underneath it and onto his bare skin. Gerard ripped his mouth from Honey’s, only to quickly replace it on her neck, sucking and biting as she let out a low moan.

It was getting very hot in the small room, not that either Gerard or Honey realized, both too consumed in their own desires to notice anything else. Honey and Gerard stayed in that dark store room for a good half an hour, exploring each others bodies with their wandering hands whilst still kissing furiously as if their lives might depend on it. It was a simple phone call that brought reality crashing back down.

Honey felt a soft buzzing on her leg, which currently was wrapped around Gerard’s waist with his hand on her thigh rubbing it up and down. Gerard felt it too, he could feel it vibrating next to his growing bulge and it was doing nothing to help matters, if anything it was making him more turned on. The phone eventually stopped and Gerard and Honey were able to resume like that small distraction had never occurred. It was when it started up for a second time that it became a bigger distraction.

“Gerard…phone…ringing”, Honey gasped throatily between breaths.

Gerard pulled himself away from her neck to look at her sweaty face, which he found simply irresistible.

“I should get it?” Gerard asked her. Honey nodded and began detaching herself from him, so that he could answer his call in peace, but leaving her arms wrapped around his waist. Gerard reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, flipping it open to answer.

“Hey…Eliza”, Gerard said and with those simple words the situation became very different, no longer one of lust and desire but more of mistakes and a hint of regret. The moment was gone.

Honey quickly drew her arms away from Gerard’s waist, crossing them over her own body as she backed across the room so that she was further away from Gerard.

“Yes, I’m good…the show was good tonight too…I miss you too…the boys are great and Honey is fine”, Gerard shot a guilty look in Honey’s direction as he said her name; he did not want to talk about her to his fiancé.

Honey sat down on an empty box, putting her head in her hands, as Gerard talked on the phone. Honey couldn’t believe what they had just done, even though they hadn’t gone any further then ‘second base’, it wasn’t right what they had done to Eliza. The thing was, to Honey everything had felt so right and it had felt perfect to be in Gerard’s arms having him kiss her.

“I can’t wait to see you too, anyway E I have to go, the boys will be waiting for me…I love you too, bye”. Gerard finished his conversation with Eliza, not really wanting to get off the phone knowing the situation he was about to have to deal with.

The awkwardness that filled the room was simply suffocating. Gerard let out a sigh and sat down on the box opposite Honey.

“So...” Honey said, looking up from her hands.

“So”, Gerard repeated eventually, grasping his hands together and twiddling his thumbs. The mood that had filled them before was completely gone, and now they were left to deal with the underlying emotions, mistakes and regret that remained.

Gerard stood up, no longer wanting to be in this situation. “I’m going to head back to the bus now”, he told Honey before striding towards where he thought the door was.

Honey quickly rose from her place on the box. “Me too”, she stated and walked towards where she thought the door was which resulted in crashing into Gerard. Gerard jumped back as soon as Honey’s body made contact with his and began to frantically search for the door handle.

“Found it”, he said before pulling it open and dashing through it, practically running for the bus with the mind set that he would be running away from the problems that now remained behind. Gerard saw the bus in the distance from across the car park and ran across it, giving the photographers and fans little time to respond to his presence. When he reached the bus he pounded on the metal door until it was flung open and then raced up the steps in the sanctuary of the bus. Gerard was met with the shocked faces of his fellow band mates.

“Uh Gerard? Where did you go?” Frank asked him from his place on the couch. Gerard flushed an even darker shade of red, that did nothing to compliment his sweaty face that was surely giving him away.

“Nowhere, I just felt sick is all”, Gerard said quickly before dashing to the bunk area, away from his band to avoid anymore awkward questions. Gerard heard a familiar pounding on the door as he reached his bunk and couldn’t help his curiosity as he turned to watch a sweaty, flushed Honey run up the steps to meet the same reception from the band as Gerard had.

“and where did you go Miss Honey?” Frank said in a slightly accusing tone.

“Nowhere, I…didn’t feel very well”, Honey stammered, looking at the ground not wanting the band to see her face, as she was simply glowing, her eyes sparkling from the excitement of the nights events.

“You and Gerard must have both eaten something bad then”, Ray told her, not believing the excuse for a minute.

“Huh?” Honey said, looking up at the sound of Gerard’s name.

“Mm…Gerard didn’t feel very well either apparently. Which is funny because he seemed perfectly fine when he dragged you off stage”, Mikey said in a patronizing tone that Gerard didn’t like the sound of.

Honey flushed again, wiping her sweaty forehead. “He thought he was going to puke and I think he wanted someone with him when he did”, was Honey’s feeble excuse.

“Oh?” was all Mikey said in response as the others all raised their eyebrows.

“I’m going to go take a shower. Call me when were at the hotel”, Honey told them, running away to the sanctuary of the bathroom.

“Do you think they…?” Ray asked the remaining part of his band. These words and the thoughts that accompanied them were not taken well. Bob looked angry and surprisingly so did Frank. Mikey simply looked annoyed at his brother’s stupidity and inability to control himself.
“I think Gerard might have another addiction”, Mikey said darkly.