It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Four

Honey had spent the last half hour talking to Christa. She was surprised that they got along so well, plus it served as a welcome distraction from the boring awards taking place around them. She was still slightly irritated that the rest of the band still didn’t acknowledge her existence, figuring that they had either seen her and chose to ignore her or they really didn’t know she was there. She hoped it was the latter; she wasn’t used to people not wanting to talk to her.

“…I think that’s what I like best about touring with the band. It’s really fun,” Christa was saying, as she and Honey discussed the differences between a real band touring and a pop-star.

“Awe I wish I could do that.” Honey said, because she really did wish she could go on tour like a real band would, “but normally I…” Honey was interrupted by hearing her name being called.

“Honey!” someone was whispering loudly as they walked around the tables, “oh I am going to kill that little…”

“Eeep.” Honey looked around quickly. She was enjoying sitting here far too much to go back, so she jumped off out of her seat and scrambled under the table. Oh my god! I am sitting underneath My Chemical Romance’s table, Honey silently screamed to herself, having a major fan-girl moment. Then she remembered why she was under the table in the first place and strained her ears to see if she could hear the person who had previously been calling her name. There was too much noise in the room and she couldn’t hear anything. Hmm…maybe I should stay here a couple of seconds longer, Honey thought to herself. A head suddenly appeared from under the table, paused and then crawled under the table to join Honey. Oh my God, it’s Gerard Way! Honey thought she had died and gone to heaven.

“Hey,” He whispered, “What are you doing under here?”

Honey swallowed before replying, trying to comprehend what was happening. She was so attracted to this man, and she had no idea why. It was usually men who followed her around like little puppy’s.

“Well…I didn’t want to go back to my table. So I’m hiding.” Honey felt embarrassed realizing how childish she sounded.

“Ahh…I see,” Gerard said, playing absent mindedly with his jet black hair, “hiding from whom?”

Honey swallowed again, wishing he would stop twirling his hair around his finger like that. She knew he wasn’t doing it on purpose or to flirt with her, but it was a real turn on. “Uh…I don’t actually know who I’m hiding from. Probably just another person I have never met, wanting me to do something I don’t want to do…you know…” Honey shrugged and trailed off.

“Well hows about I check if the motherfuckers gone and you can come out… unless you want to stay there all night.” He smirked at Honey and disappeared back up above the table.

Honey took a deep breath, trying to come to terms with what had happened. What was wrong with her? Why was she getting so swept up from just that? She was Honey Meadows for god sake, not some crazy fan that spent her whole life worshipping him. Honey sighed as a familiar face poked his head under.

“I think your safe sugar, com’mon up.” Gerard pushed his chair back and offered Honey his hand to help her up. Honey crawled over towards him and placed her hand in his. He gently pulled her up and Honey quickly looked around, to see if the person was around. Nope, Honey couldn’t see them, but she did feel someone’s eyes on her. She looked down to the table and saw someone glaring daggers at her. Whoa that must be Gerard’s girlfriend, Honey realized, because she looked like she could kill Honey. Honey turned back to Gerard and realized with a start her hand was still holding onto his. Oh god, could this get any more embarrassing? Honey thought and she quickly withdrew her hand from Gerards.

“Uh thanks,” Honey started, “I…better go see how Christa’s doing, seeing as I just left her rather quickly.”

“Sure thing,” Gerard said easily and smiled at her one last time before sitting down. Honey resumed her seat near Christa and apologized for exiting the way she did. Christa just laughed and said she thought it was funny. Honey smiled back and they started chatting again, but Honey wasn’t really concentrating. Her heart was racing, and she couldn’t avoid the fact that she knew two people were staring at her with completely different looks in their eyes. One was Gerard, who had a thoughtful look in his eyes and the other, Eliza who was staring at Honey like she was chewing gum on the bottom of her shoe. Oh God, its going to be a long night.