It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Forty

When Honey woke up the next morning it took her all of two seconds to realize where she was, who she was with and what had happened the previous night. It then took her all of five seconds to realize that the gorgeous man next to her might not be as pleased with the current situation as she was.

Honey began to fret, with mixed emotions swirling inside of her. Gerard was happily engaged and she had practically forced herself upon him, or she had at least done nothing but encourage the lust he obviously felt for her. It wasn’t the first time Honey had woken up next to someone having helped them cheat on the partner. The last time it was Pete Wentz, after one particularly drunken award show after party. Pete and Ashlee had fought, Pete got drunk and Honey was there to help him feel like a man again. She shuddered as she recalled the morning that had followed their drunken night of passion, Pete fleeing her hotel room faster then she called say ‘I slept with someone in Fall Out Boy and I all I got were these stupid memories’.

Honey felt the sleeping man next to her stir, as she silently dreaded the moment he would wake up. Last night they had silently agreed that it would be a like a dream, one moment in time that wouldn’t count for anything because it didn’t feel real. However the morning after was more real then reality itself and Honey was anxious as she set herself in for an awkward morning.

The man sat slumped against the wall of the hotel hallway. He had followed the band to the hotel after waiting silently in his car until the bus left. He had quickly parked his car and dashed into the hotel lobby, just in time to see them all get in the elevator followed by a camera and crew. He had waited patiently as he watched the numbers go up as the lift rose before stopping on floor 22 and descending down to the lobby once more. He had smirked to himself, realizing that they would be on that floor and now all he would have to do is wait for the right opportunity.

However the right opportunity had never come for Harry that night. All he could do was sit with his back against the wall, listening to the sounds of passion coming from the room he was sitting outside. Eventually he had moved further down the hall, figuring that as no one from My Chemical Romance had a partner with them that their rooms must be further away and not where he was currently sitting.

He was now sitting wide awake waiting for something to happen, and at eight o’clock in the morning the chances were that nothing would. Harry sighed, day dreaming of his ideal way of meeting Honey and how she would fall instantly in love with him.

He was brought out of all thoughts of Honey and himself living in her mansion together by the sound of a door creeping open and a flushed man stepping out into the hallway.

Gerard slowly opened his eyes, his mind gradually coming back into consciousness and beginning to wonder where he was exactly. He silently gasped as memories of last night came flooding back to him, remembering the passion, excitement and lust that had filled the room giving him the best sex he had experienced in a very long time, possibly ever. Gerard began to feel nervous at Honey’s reaction upon finding him in her bed. He couldn’t tell if she was awake or not so decided to just lay there silently, panicking on the inside.

God, I slept with Honey Meadows last night, he thought to himself, feeling a burst of male ego erupt inside him giving him a type of ‘whose the man’ thinking. He was, of course, the man. He had done what thousands could only dream of and jerk off to.

It was a childish way to think, but Gerard couldn’t help but feel a small sense of pride.

The beautiful woman next to him slowly rolled over on her side so she was facing him, locking eyes with him and staring contently.

Gerard shot her a toothy smile, which she returned before he awkwardly leaned forward and gave her a small kiss on the lips, desperately hoping she still found him as attractive this morning as she did last night. Gerard pulled away, shooting her another smile before laying back on the pillow as the awkwardness of not knowing how to act or what to say filled the room.

Gerard was the first to speak. “I think I should go back to my room before I get stuck in here”, he told Honey, watching her face fall before she nodded a little.

“Honey you know I’d love to stay here but we both know that the guys will come along and then they will find me in here and we don’t really want to have to talk our way out of that one”, he told her gently, planting another kiss on her forehead.

“Yeah, I know. I don’t really want to give everyone a reason to hate me either”, Honey replied, smiling sweetly.

“That’s true”, Gerard said earning a punch in the arm from Honey.

“Hey! You agreed, your meant to say ‘no Honey, they wouldn’t hate you’ Gerard”, Honey told him, punching him again.

“Your right they wouldn’t hate you, they would hate both of us”, Gerard said thinking about it.

“Yeah, well at least we could be a team”, Honey said, making her way over to Gerard to lean her head on his chest.

“That’s right, team…Geroney”, Gerard said with a laugh, wrapping his arms around Honey. They lay there for a few moments, soaking in the others warmth and enjoying the sensation of being able to be that close without fear.

“I really should go”, Gerard whispered into Honey’s ear. Honey turned over onto her bare stomach and looked up at Gerard.

“Yeah”, she whispered back in agreement, getting lost in his eyes once more as they stared down at hers before he moved his head down to share one last passionate kiss. His tongue swirled around her mouth as she climbed up his body so that he didn’t have to lean so far down for the kiss he desperately craved. He regretfully and eventually pulled away from her with a resounding smack before jumping out of the bed.

Honey immediately began laughing when he left the bed to start the hunt for his clothes. Gerard turned around to face her with his hands on his hips.

“What?” he demanded, eyes narrowed.

“You’re naked!” Honey said between her giggles.

Gerard glared at her. “So are you!” he shot back.

“But I have this sheet covering me”, Honey replied laughing even more, clutching the white linen.

Gerard felt the corners of his mouth turn up as he watched her laughing, a sight which he found truly beautiful but he quickly replaced it with a mocking frown.

“Well, not for long!” he declared, running over and jumping on the bed, beginning a sheet tug-of-war with Honey.

“No!” Honey howled grasping at the sheet to cover her modesty.

“Yes!” Gerard yelled back, using his stronger arms to slowly win. That was until Honey kicked his ‘manly pride’ with some force.

“Fuck”, Gerard gasped letting go of the sheet and collapsing on his back onto the bed, holding his parts.

Honey chuckled, relishing in her win until Gerard crawled off the bed and onto the floor groaning in pain and Honey began to feel guilty.

Honey jumped out of bed, all modesty forgotten, and scrambled over to the man on the floor.

“Gerard, I’m so sorry”, she cried putting both her hands on his chest.

“Cheater”, he gasped back, opening his eyes, looking Honey up and down before grinning, “Where’s your precious sheet now?”

“Gone”, Honey said in a low voice before crashing her lips and body to his in what she hope he saw as her form of an apology. After a few minutes Gerard scrambled out from underneath her. Although he liked it there he needed to go and was getting a little too excited for his liking. Honey nodded exasperatedly at him, throwing him his clothes before retreating to her bed and watching him get dressed. Gerard gave her a final peck before creeping out the door, a pink flush evident on his cheeks.

Gerard inwardly sighed as he made the short trip down the hall towards his room, running a hand through his hair and listening for any signs of life omitting from the rooms he was walking past. He blinked in surprise at the figure that was slumped against a wall near Gerard’s own room. Gerard peered down at him to see if he recognised the man at all, but when he realized he didn’t he thought he should ask why he was there anyway.

“You okay man?” Gerard asked, stopping and standing in front of him.

The man looked at up at Gerard and glowered. “I’m fine”, he replied through clenched teeth, hating the image in front of him and wishing it was the love of his love instead.

“What are you doing in the hallway?” Gerard asked, surprised at this mans unfriendly attitude towards him. Oh well, at least we can rule him out as some crazed fan of the band,Gerard thought to himself.

“Uh…the misses and I had a fight last night and she kicked me out into the hall”, Harry quickly said, praising himself for thinking of an excuse on the spot.

“Oh, I’m sorry”, Gerard said. No, your not, Harry thought bitterly to himself.

“Uh…have a good morning then”, Gerard said politely and continued down to his room, his head filled with thoughts and memories of last night, totally unaware of the man that was mentally stabbing him just three meters away.