It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Forty-One

A wave of guilt crashed over Gerard as he entered his immaculate hotel room. The wave of guilt was then followed by another and then another as the severity of his situation sunk in. He had just cheated on his fiancé and what was even worse was that thought had not even crossed his mind once during his time with Honey.

Gerard ran over to his bed and jumped on it face first, his muffled yells silenced by his comforter. After a bit of screaming into his mattress Gerard felt considerably better and poked his head up.
He had messed up. He didn’t regret it, but more regretted the hurt that this could cause if it became known to certain people. Gerard felt torn. The night he had spent with Honey had gone beyond his expectations but a small part of him knew that the night would remain at just that, one night.

Gerard rolled on his back and looked up at the white ceiling above him, guilt seeping through his veins. The thing that was annoying him the most was that he couldn’t ignore how Honey made him feel every time he was around her. His heart would start beating that extra bit faster, his mouth would go that bit drier and his thoughts would go straight to the gutter.

“Ugh”, Gerard groaned and rolled back over to put his face back into the bed. One hand reached out to the phone next to the bed and began pressing on the buttons. He pulled the phone back to his ear and waited for them to pick up.

“Hello?” came the voice.

“Mikey”, Gerard said timidly, rolling onto his back once more.

“Gee”, Mikey breathed back, almost as if he had predicted this call. The brothers sat in silence for a few minutes, not having to say anything to each but still both knowing exactly what was happening. Gerard just needed to know his brother was there for him.

“Want me to come over?” Mikey eventually asked breaking the silence.
Gerard shook his head, for his own benefit as he was fully aware Mikey couldn’t see him. “No”, Gerard told him.

“Okay”, Mikey said softly before ending the call. Gerard sighed and tossed the phone towards the foot of the bed, slumping back into his pillows. Had he made the worst mistake of his life or the best one?

Honey grinned happily to herself. She felt like the bird who always got the worm, but of course, she was always the bird who got the worm anyway. She did feel slightly guilty because Gerard was already involved, but that guilt was easily pushed aside by her own desires.

Honey decided to pack her things now so that she would for once be ready when the knock came at the door telling her it was time for them to leave. She quickly swept around the room, picking up any clothes, shoes or accessories that came in her path, including one discarded sock of Gerard’s which smelt like it had been worn for years but never washed. Honey put that one in the bin, not wanting it to contaminant her clothes.

Honey then made her face look picture perfect, ready for the cameras and fans outside, fixed her hair so it was flawless and stepped into a gorgeous summer dress. Once she was completely ready she looked around her boring room and decided that it was not worth her time. Grabbing her room key she skipped to the door, intending to go and visit Frank.

Harry looked up just as a beautiful woman emerged from the room Gerard Way had come out of not so long ago. She was glowing, every inch of her was just breath taking and every with every step she took she seemed to glide. Harry felt himself rising up of the floor and directly into the path of where the stunning woman was walking. She looked up from the ground at which she had been looking at and stared right at him. Harry cracked open his mouth, revealing his crooked teeth in a strange smile.

“Honey”, he gasped out the name of the angel walking his way. It was now or never for him, this was their moment, he was sure of it.

Honey smiled her breathtaking smile. “Hello”, she said in her light voice that Harry thought was the best sound he had ever heard.

“Hi”, Harry managed to choke out, still standing in the middle of the hall and staring with wide eyes at Honey.

Honey took his awkwardness in her stride, she was used to people clamming up around her. “So are you staying here?” Honey politely asked him.

Harry shook his head, then nodded, then shook his head again. His mind was failing him, he was brain washed by the vision of loveliness in front of him.

“No, yes, no?” Honey asked with a girlish giggle.

“Yes”, Harry blurted out, his eyes still staring at her. It was beginning to creep Honey out.

“Well, okay then”, Honey said for the sake of conversation. One of the doors along the hallway opened and Frank Iero stuck his head out.

“Honey, I thought I heard you! Want to come hang out for a bit?” He asked coming down the hallway to meet her, his tattooed arms crossed making his muscles seem larger then normal.

“Love to, I was just coming to find you anyway”, Honey replied as Frank approached.

It was then Frank noticed Harry standing in the hallway. He nodded his head at Harry in greeting and then wrapped a protective arm around Honey’s waist. Harry felt his eyes burn with rage when he saw the tattooed dwarf touch his precious Honey.

“Well…it was nice to meet you…um…” Honey trailed off. Harry didn’t respond immediately, his eyes were locked on Frank’s hand which was, unknowingly, gently rubbing Honey’s side.

“Harry”, he snapped, finally moving his head up from where Frank’s hand had been burning holes in his eyes.

“Harry”, Honey repeated with a smile before walking away with Frank, giggling to them selves as if they were the only people in the world.

Harry felt an unstoppable fury building up inside him. It was not supposed to happen like this, he was sure any minute now Honey would turn around and come running back into his arms where she belonged.

When she didn’t, Harry felt all hope leaving his body as he slumped back against the wall. He stared at the door where Honey had stepped out of just minutes ago. Had he known she had been in there the whole time he would have joined her, it was just because Frank was there that she couldn’t see he was the one. Harry felt angry at Frank for ruining his chances.
He stared at the door once more when he realized something. Wasn’t that the very same door Gerard Way had stepped out this morning, looking flushed yet entirely satisfied? Harry felt the rage boiling up inside of him once more, even more then before when something inside him clicked. The hot and steamy Ghost Of You performance, the sex noises from the room, Gerard coming out of the same room Honey did in the morning, it all added up to the obvious. Gerard was fucking his woman. He was going to pay.