It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Forty-Three

“Gerard, do you know who the couple was that was being loud last night?” Ray asked the man who was shifting uncomfortably on his feet.

Gerard looked up at them and nodded.

“Yes?” Ray prompted.

Gerard hesitated, not knowing whether or not he wanted to tell the truth or not.

“Gerard,” Bob growled and folded his arms across his chest.

“Okay,” Gerard paused, “what I am about to tell you cannot leave this room.” He glared at them individually to ensure they understood his point before continuing on.

“I slept with Honey last night,” he told them plainly and awaited their reactions. For a moment the lounge was completely silent, as they all just stared at Gerard comprehending what he said.

“Why?” Ray finally said, looking up at Gerard with an expressionless face.

Because she is fucking hot, Gerard thought, although of course he didn’t say that.

“Because I wanted to,” was his explanation.

“You wanted to?” Mikey repeated slowly.

Gerard nodded, “Oh yes, I wanted to. Very much wanted to. So did she, so we did”.

His band members looked at him like he had lost his mind. In a way, he had.

“Gerard, in case you have forgotten you are engaged!” Bob yelled at him, hoping to get through to the man who was standing there with a large smile on his face.

Gerard’s face instantly dropped at Bob’s words. He fell back onto the couch and put his head in his hands.

“I know, I know. I don’t know what I was thinking, actually I don’t think I even was thinking. I’m a stupid fuck who gave everything up for a stupid fuck. I just…feel something for Honey, she is fucking gorgeous, and I couldn’t help myself,” he weakly explained, feeling much less cocky then before.

Mikey came over and put an arm around his brother.

“It’s okay Gee. You’re a man, she’s a good looking woman, your both on tour. Things happen in this small amount of space. The question is, what are you going to do?” Mikey asked him, providing his brother with much needed comfort.

Gerard shook his head, “I don’t know Mikes. I am so fucking confused. I mean Honey is just an amazing woman but Eliza is my fiancé and I should be faithful to her.”

“Yes you should Gerard, but if you don’t love her anymore that might be a problem. Do you love her still Gerard?” Ray asked him.

“I…don’t know,” he replied miserably.

“Do you love Honey Gee?” Mikey asked his brother, his arm still around his shoulder.

“No, I like her a lot but it’s too early for love. I think I could love her maybe,” he replied.

“Gerard you have to be careful with Honey. You need to make sure your feelings for her are real and not just lust because I’m sure all of us are attracted to Honey. We just don’t act upon it like you are,” Ray wisely told him.

Gerard looked up from his hands, “You’re all attracted to Honey?”

“To an extent Gerard. She is very good looking, anyone can see that. We’re obviously not as attracted to her as you are and she is more of a sister to me, as she would be to Mikey and Bob. Maybe not Frank, there more like best friends,” Ray explained.

“Was it worth it Gee?” Bob asked him, curious to his response.

“Was what worth it?”

“You know,” Bob said, embarrassed, “sleeping with her?”

Gerard’s face lit up with a grin. “Amazing, easily one of the best night’s of my life. It was truly incredible.” Bob gave him a small smile that said ‘I’m glad for you, but damn I wish that was me’.

“Would you do it again?” Ray asked, raising an eyebrow.

Gerard paused again before grinning once more, “Hell yeah.”

“Gerard!” Mikey exclaimed.

“I know, I know, Mikes. I shouldn’t even say things like that…but it was just so damn good,” Gerard said with a long sigh and running his hands through his hair.

Silence filled the room, the only sounds coming from the mini recording studio where Honey was learning how to play ‘Cancer.’ She wasn’t very good yet, but it was at least distinguishable enough to be recognised as the song.

“You can’t tell anyone about this, okay guys?” Gerard warned them, giving them each a glare again.

They all nodded quickly and he knew he could always trust them.

In a truck that was following the buses sat young Sam Dungle. His face was fixated on the monitors in front of him, large headphones placed on his ears. His face broke out into a grin and he jumped out of his chair, throwing the headphones down.

“Clive, Clive!” He yelled for the producer, his excitement just barely contained. The producer came grumbling to the back of the make shift editing room to where the young boy was jumping up and down.

“What?” he said gruffly.

“Look, you have to see this,” Sam gasped out breathlessly. He pushed Clive into the chair he had vacated just one minute ago and rewound the tape back ten minutes. He watched with anticipation as the producer watched the scene unfolding in front of him on the screen. When it was finished Clive stood up and turned to face the boy.

“Fucking brilliant,” he said, shock etched on his face. He clapped the boy on his back and went to stand in the middle of the room.

“Stop production!” he bellowed, commanding the room’s attention, “We have had an interesting development that we are going to have to work on quickly if we want to make it to tonight’s show. Gerard and Honey have finally given it to their desires and we want to exploit that people!”

Clive immediately set to work giving directions, ensuring that a promo was cut immediately and sent to MTV so they could start playing it. Tonight’s show was going to be huge.