It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Forty-Four

“Found you!” Honey screamed to the man hiding in Bob’s bunk underneath his covers.

“Damn,” Frank said, scrambling out from the covers, “Hurry up, go and hide.” Honey ran away quickly as Frank went to the bathroom to count to 20 before coming out to find Honey. He looked in all the bunks first before heading out into the lounge area. He looked under some of the pillows, then under the dining table, then in the kitchen – no Honey. Frank scratched the back of his head before returning to the bunk area to look there again, not hearing the giggle coming from behind the couch. After searching in the mini recording studio and the bunks once more, even trying the bathroom Frank came back into the lounge.

“You guys seen Honey?” He asked the four men who were sitting on the floor playing snap, Mikey’s suggestion of course.

They all shook their heads innocently and replied with a ‘nope.’

Frank frowned and flopped back on the couch, thinking of where she could possibly be.

“Honey! I give up,” he yelled. No reply came, but instead something, or rather someone, fell into his lap.

“Hello Frankie,” Honey giggled, adjusting herself so she was comfortable after falling ever so gracefully over the back of the couch upon hearing Frank forfeit.

“Where you there the whole time?” He asked her, feeling stupid for not thinking of it.

Honey nodded, “Yes I was!”

“Thanks for telling me guys,” Frank cried to his unfaithful band members who just shrugged in response. Honey began tracing the tattoos on Frank’s arms, admiring how good they looked on him.

“I wish I had a tattoo Frankie,” she said to him. Frank looked at her.

“You could get one,” he told her.

Honey bit her lip. “I wouldn’t know what to get,” she confessed.

“Just wait until something strikes you then,” was Frank’s advice.

“Woah dudes, our show is about to start,” Bob cried after looking at his watch.

The boys immediately dropped their cards and raced each other to the couch, Mikey and Gerard winning the places next to Frank and Honey with Ray and Bob sitting sulkily on the floor.

“Can I stay here Frank?” Honey asked him, to make sure he was comfortable with that.

“Yeah, just don’t move around too much,” Frank replied.

“Why?” Honey immediately asked, turning her body around on Frank’s lap to face the television.

“It’s a boy thing,” Frank replied darkly.

“Wha-OH,” Honey caught on quickly and made a mental note not to move at all.

”This week on My Chemical Tour, all the pranks and fun that normally stays on tour is shown to you tonight, including Honey’s surprise morning wake-up call. Honey performs with the band, knocking the audience of their feet with her amazing performance. The band runs into trouble, breaking down just hours before a show and having no other way to get there and finally its not just a chemical romance, but a Geroney romance with Gee and Honey finally hooking up. Watch his shock confession to his band and see their reaction. That’s all tonight!”

Gerard and Honey looked at each other in horror for a few moments, eyes wide and scared. The other band members exchanged nervous glances before returning their attention to the screen in front of them. They watched as Frank woke Honey up by shouting in her face, the watched the moments that seemed so normal to them yet somehow it made it to the small screen, such as Bob making Honey coffee in the morning. They watched as the bus lurched from side to side, with all of them falling down and Bob running down to be sick.

They watched as the anticipation built as the show neared the end. Finally it showed Gerard and Honey practicing for the ‘Ghost Of You’. It was amazing how they took something completely innocent and made it seem like something more. It then cut to the actual performance, the passion and lust evident through their actions and body language.

Honey found her hand sneaking down to Gerard’s, for no other reason then she wanted to try and provide him with some form of comfort for the scenes she knew were coming.

They all watched as Gerard pulled Honey off the stage by her hand, running down a corridor before pushing her into the store room. At the time Honey and Gerard hadn’t even realized they were being followed, again proving how consumed in their own thoughts and desires they had been.

“You did it in a store room Gee?” Mikey asked, looking slightly disgusted at the tackiness of it.

“No we didn’t!” Gerard snapped back to Mikey, not once diverting his eyes from the screen.

The screen was now playing some of the sneaking glances Honey and Gerard had exchanged in the lobby before they had climbed on the bus. Gerard’s heart race increased at the prospect of them showing what he had said to his band earlier in the day, he hoped they didn’t play it. Just as those thoughts crossed his mind the screen showed him standing in the middle of the lounge on the bus.

Gerard didn’t hear what he was saying on the screen, he didn’t need to. He already knew what was being said. They had cut out the part where he had talked about his confusion, only leaving a man who seemed highly satisfied with his night of passion. It made it worse for him, it made him seem completely heartless. After the television had shown Ray explaining how they all found Honey attractive and finally Gerard gloating to everyone about his ‘conquest’, the show ended. Bob switched it of and they sat in silence.

Honey and Gerard had been exposed to the world through the crude methods of the producers of MTV.

Honey brushed away the tears that were falling down her face, the feeling of exploitation evident. She didn’t dare look at Gerard, she knew he would be more angry then her. He had just been caught cheating by the whole world.

Frank wrapped his arms around her as Gerard stood up and marched to the bunk area, slamming the door behind him. His muffled screams and cries then the only thing to be heard.

Hearing Gerard like that only seemed to make Honey cry more, until she was full on sobbing in Frank’s arms. Ray, Bob and Mikey didn’t know what to do. They knew better then to try and talk to Gerard, he needed to cool down before he was approachable.

The sound of a phone ringing pierced the air, coming from behind the closed door of the bunk area. Mikey jumped in shock as Gerard ripped open the door and threw his phone as hard as he could into the lounge, the electronic device shattering into small pieces before he slammed the door once more to resume his crying.

“Oh Frankie, what have I done?” Honey asked him, turning more in his lap to semi-face him.

Frank didn’t know how to reply to this, so he simply responded with an, “It will be okay.”

Honey nodded, agreeing with his words but not really believing them herself.

She didn’t think it would ever be okay again.