It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Forty-Seven

Honey sighed in boredom as yet another wannabe male model tried to chat her up, insisting he was the ‘next big thing’ and it was only a matter of time before everyone knew his name. Honey thought it was funny, but at the same time thought it was quite pathetic of them to try and use her to reach stardom.

“..and then Ben Stiller asked me to appear in his movie, but I had to turn it down because the weekend we were meant to be filming I was at Playboy Mansion,” the wannabe model was saying, droning on and on about how important he was.

Honey decided then that she had had enough of his namedropping for one night, not to mention his constant flirting.

“I’m sorry, but I think that’s my girlfriend over there waving at me,” Honey told him, pretending to wave back at someone over his shoulder.

The model gave a quick glance over his shoulder then looked back to Honey with a perplexed look.

“Your…girlfriend. That woman in the magazines…really is your girlfriend?” He asked slowly.

Honey nodded, “oh yes,” she dropped her voice down to a whisper. “Actually don’t tell anyone, but I’m thinking of proposing soon.”

The models face visibly paled. Honey simply gave him a wink and walked away, leaving him to digest what he had just heard.

Wow, that worked well. I’ll have to ask Eliza to really be my girlfriend now, Honey thought to herself before realizing Eliza would probably never want to speak to her again. For a moment, she had forgotten that anything had changed, that with one act she had destroyed this woman’s life. Honey suddenly felt saddened, Eliza had been her friend and she had totally betrayed her. Honey shook her head to get rid of the thoughts she was having, she was young and hot, she should be having the time of her life, not wallowing in the misery that was surrounding her.

Honey looked around the brightly decorated room for someone to talk to, her eyes eventually finding ‘date.’ Honey waltzed up to him and draped a lazy arm over his shoulders, interrupting his conversation with Joel Madden.

“Hello, date,” Frank greeted her, putting an arm around her waist.

“Hello, date,” Honey replied, grinning at him then turning to Joel. “Hello Joel, how are you?”

“Hello Honey, I’m great,” he replied, leaning forward to give her the obligatory kiss on the cheek.

“Nicole here?” Honey questioned him.

“Yeah, she’s around. I think she’s hiding from Paris though so you might not see her for a while,” Joel told them, rolling his eyes and tipping the remainder of his drink into his mouth.

“Frank here is my date for tonight,” Honey said to Joel, rather proudly.

Joel’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “I thought you had a thing going with Gerard? Or are they just rumors?”

Honey didn’t get a chance to reply because a small person with a protruding belly launched themselves at Joel.

“I don’t think she saw me,” Nicole whispered to Joel then turned to Honey upon seeing her. “Honey!” she exclaimed and pulled her into a hug.

“I think it’s so cool that we’re both dating rock stars!” Nicole said excitedly.

“Actually I’m very much single right now. No men for me,” Honey informed her. Nicole pulled the same facial expression that had been etched on Joel’s face only seconds ago.

“I thought you and Gerard had a thing going?”

“That’s what I said!” Joel exclaimed.

“No, that was more of a…moment of confusion,” Honey supplied.

“Oh,” Nicole said, understanding exactly what Honey meant. Frank snorted, he didn’t believe a word of that but he found Honey’s explanations amusing none the less.

“Frank!” A voice called out behind them. Frank whirled around, giving the nod to whoever had called his name and excused him self from the group. Honey smiled at Nicole and Joel, suddenly feeling rather out of place so she too excused herself, and besides the couple had suddenly spotted Paris making a bee-line towards them.

Honeys eyes once again scanned the room, finally finding the man she was instinctively looking for. Gerard. Again, for that moment where she was captivated by his naturally good looks, she forgot about the past as her eyes wandered up and down his body, admiring how good the suit jacket looked with his black skinny jeans. Even though she didn’t particularly like his behavior at the moment, Honey still liked to look at him, watching as he awkwardly smiled at the person who was animatedly talking to him. Honey looked at the person who was talking to him and felt anger seep through her when she recognised the red hair of Lindsay Lohan. She may not like Gerard right now, but there was no way she was having her get friendly with him.

Honey marched up behind her, gagging to herself when she heard what she was saying.

“I just love your band,” Lindsay said flirtatiously, touching Gerard’s arm as she talked.

“Thanks,” Gerard replied with a small smile.

“I’d love to see you play some day. Maybe even get a private show?” Lindsay continued, licking her lips seductively.

Honey decided that now was the time to act, even though she was enjoying Gerard’s obvious discomfort.

“Gee, baby!” Honey squealed, attacking Gerard by throwing her arms around him and resting her head into his chest. Gerard stood still for a moment, before wrapping his arms around Honey as well. Honey leaned up and attached her lips to his neck, running her hands up and down his body. She did that for a few moments until she heard a small cough behind her. Honey turned around and opened her eyes wide with fake surprise.

“Oh! Firecrotch, I didn’t see you there,” Honey exclaimed, using Paris Hiltons nickname for Lindsay.

Lindsay just smiled an extremely fake smile, the anger showing in her eyes at her distaste of the name.

“So what are you doing here talking to my beautiful, sweet little honey-bunny?” Honey asked her, wrapping an arm around Gerard and forcing him to do the same to her.

“I was just telling Jared how much I love his band,” Lindsay said. Honey almost burst out laughing, especially when she saw Gerard’s face at being called Jared.

“I didn’t think you’d be into that type of music,” Honey commented.

“Oh yeah, I love '30 Seconds to Mars’, they’re amazing,” Lindsay told them, smiling widely at ‘Jared’. Honey could feel Gerard holding back his own laughter at Lindsay’s stupidity.

“Right,” Honey said, detaching herself from Gerard and leaning forward so that she was next to Lindsay’s ear.

“Hey, Lindsay?” Honey whispered, “If I ever see you talking or even looking at Gerard, or 'Jared', ever again, I swear to god, I will make sure you never fucking work in this town again. Do you understand me? I will bring you down.” Honey pulled back and gave her a wink.

“You couldn’t,” Lindsay said, glaring at Honey.

“Try me bitch,” Honey replied, glaring right back. Lindsay looked Honey up and down and then decided that it would not be worth pushing Honey, because that would be one fight she wouldn’t win. So instead, she spun around on her stiletto and stomped away to find some other guy to pester.

“What. Was. That?” Gerard turned to Honey and looked expectantly at her.

Honey look up at him angrily, he still wasn’t forgiven for before, and replied, “I was not going to stand there and watch that little hussy get her claws into you.”

Gerard watched as Honey turned to go find someone more worthy of her time, but as he watched her disappear, or rather watched her ass, he smiled to himself. That little act right there had shown him no matter how angry she was at him at the moment, she still had feelings for him that were obviously rather strong. Now all he had to do was figure out if they were reciprocated.