It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Forty-Eight

Honey smiled in confusion as she once again looked again at the man who had been staring at her since he had arrived and slid into a booth near theirs. After enduring a few more hours of the MTV party, Ray and Mikey had decided they were hungry and so the band and Honey had trooped into a diner, much to the surprise of the bored waitress who was not used to such famous people turning up in their finery to her diner.

“I think someone has a crush on you,” Frank sung to Honey, gesturing his head towards the man who was still blatantly staring.

Honey hit him playfully on the arm.

“Don’t be mean, I think he might have something wrong with him,” Honey scolded him. Upon hearing this Bob turned around and shot the man a death glare, which basically told him that if he continued to look at Honey like he was then he would have Bob to answer to. The man got the message because he quickly buried his head in the menu, not wanting to cross Bob Byrar, who was much bigger then himself.

“I wish I could do that Bob,” Frank suddenly said.

“What?” Bob said gruffly.

“Make people do what I want with one look, because they know if I don’t I’m gonna beat the shit out of them. Most people just think I’m cute.” Frank wrinkled his nose when he said the last part.

“Aw, that’s because you arecute Frankie,” Ray told him, ruffling his hair affectionately.

Frank just glared at him for a number of seconds before giving up the hope that Ray would suddenly become scared of him by just one threatening look.

“I think you’re all cute!” Honey told them, “You’re all like brothers, it’s rather adorable.”

“And now you are our sister!” Frank exclaimed to which Honey beamed at him.

“A sister who sleeps with one of her brothers?” Mikey questioned, raising his eyebrows.

Honey immediately blushed as Gerard grimaced. A silence fell upon the table as no one really knew what to say to that mood killer of a statement.

“Woah, awkward,” Frank finally said.

“Yep,” Bob agreed, “so time to go?”

Everyone nodded in response, slid out from the table and left the small diner. As they were walking out Frank shot the man who had been staring at Honey his best evil glare, hoping he got the message. What Frank didn’t realize was that he had encountered this man before.

Harry sat there in the booth of the small diner, watching as the group ate, talked and laughed. He could practically envision himself sitting there with them, minus Gerard of course, making everyone laugh at his stories, his arm around Honey and her gazing up at him adoringly. Then they would go home to her mansion where she would make love to him all night, whispering how amazing he was and how lucky she was to have him in her life. Yes, that was exactly the life Harry was sure he was destined to have, just as soon as he put his plan into action.

He watched as Honey smiled brilliantly at Ray and then laugh at something he said to her. Harry frowned when he saw this, because Honey seemed to flirt with every man around her, whether she realized she was doing it or not. He would have to make her stop that when they were together, he wanted her to be his and only his.

He loved what Honey was wearing that night, she looked amazing and it was no wonder that every man on the red carpet had his eyes on her. Harry had arrived to where the party was being held at eight o’clock that morning, just so he could stake out the best viewing spot in the part the public were allowed to stand at to see their favorite celebrity. He didn’t like how close Frank and Honey seemed either, but he much preferred that to the kiss he had seen Gerard give Honey. That had made him shiver with disgust and it had taken all his willpower not to go and do something about it.

He was pleased to note that Gerard and Honey were not sitting near each other, which allowed him to gaze at Honey to his hearts content without her looking at Gerard with the adoring look that should have been for Harry.

Harry suddenly noticed someone looking at him. Honey had glanced his way a few times, obviously feeling the connection they shared but this time it was not her looking at him. No, Bob Bryar was now looking at Harry as if he was gum on the bottom of his shoe. Harry knew this was because he had been looking at Honey and Bob was feeling threatened by him, because Bob obviously wanted Honey for himself as well. Bob’s look of hate intensified and Harry suddenly felt threatened himself. He buried his head into the menu, not wanting trouble from Bob who was much bigger then him. To Harry’s disappointment the group left five minutes later, taking Honey with them. As they walked out Harry noticed Frank Iero was glaring at him as well, accurately impersonating the look Bob had given Harry minutes before.

“I swear you have a ratio Honey,” Frank started saying once outside, “for every normal guy who likes you, you get about five weirdo’s who think you’re going to be with them.”

“Tell me about it, Frankie. Some of them are really nice, but some are just plain scary!” Honey groaned as she latched herself onto Bob’s arm.

“Yep,” Frank agreed, kicking a stray rock on the street.

“Thank you for saving me in there, Bobby,” Honey said smiling at him. Bob flushed a pink color and mumbled something about him ‘not really saving her and it was no trouble.’ Bob knew he would do it over and over again for her. He had this manly urge inside of him that made him want to protect Honey and if by one look he could do that, then he would be happy to do it for her.

“Aw, young love,” Frank said, teasing Bob and Honey even though he knew it was perfectly innocent.

Gerard glanced at Honey and Bob with a look of jealousy flashing in his eyes, wishing that instead Frank was saying that about Honey and him. There was nothing he could do about it, he didn’t know what his feelings for Honey meant. Was it just lust, was he on the re-bound or was it really love? Gerard shook his head to get rid of his confusing thoughts, there was no point dwelling on anything. Instead he should just ‘go with the flow’, see what happens.

Everyone let out loud groans as a bunch of paparazzi came running around the corner, having been tipped off that Honey Meadows was walking through the streets on the arm of Gerard Way.

The paparazzi let out groans of their own when they realized someone had mistaken Bob for Gerard. The amount of money some magazines were willing to pay for a picture of Honey and Gerard together was ridiculously high and so they would go to any lengths to get the money making shot. Unfortunately tonight, they would have to be content with what they got. Perhaps they could sell the story that Honey was cheating on Gerard with his own band member, even though that angle had already been done.

Honey gave them a quick smile as they followed them back to the hotel, creating quite a stir as they walked through a busy street that played host to many of the local clubs. Some people even cheered when Honey walked past, many of the drunk men yelling out for Honey to ‘give us a kiss.’ Bob just shot them his best glare by which their drunken pleas were silenced.

Honey smiled up at him, resting her head on his arm as she began to get sleepy, blissfully unaware of Frank’s secret smile, Gerard’s slightly jealous, yet slightly confused face, Mikey and Ray both ducking their heads to avoid paparazzi, both feeling quite famous…and the man that had been following them since the diner, only meters behind.