It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Forty-Nine

”Our Chemical Whore,” Honey read aloud from the web page that had been brought to her attention by Kirstin. The site was of course referring to the ‘fact’ Honey was sleeping her way through the band, supported by the pictures of Frank and her, Gerard and her and now Bob and her.

“Wow, they sure got those pictures and story out quick. They were taken just last night,” Frank commented, leaning over her shoulder to look at the screen.

Kirstin nodded. “Well they probably had this story in the backburner for ages and now just got the pictures as evidence. You have to be quick in this industry,” she explained in a patronizing manner.

Frank just nodded dumbly and pulled a face at her when she turned her back, he didn’t really like this woman. Honey giggled at his actions and rolled her eyes, closing her laptop.

“Well they have really used their imaginations in dreaming up this story,” Honey decided, pulling on a pair of white leather converse.

“Well hardly Honey, seeing as you throw yourself on any man in a band. It can only be expected that they will draw such conclusions,” Kirstin told her plainly.

“What a stupid thing for you to say!” Honey glared at Kirstin. “Anyway, I don’t care because of all the rumors that have been dreamt up about me, this would be the coolest one.”

Kirstin opened her mouth to speak again, probably wanting to say something about Honey’s attitude, but was interrupted by a knock on the door which Frank jumped up to answer.

While he was gone Honey turned to face Kirstin and looked her straight in the eye.

“No more. No more lectures about my attitude, no more lectures about my appearance, no more lectures about my personal life. Just. Stop. Okay?” Honey told her sternly.

Kirstin looked straight back at Honey, as if challenging her, before replying with a small, “Fine.”

“Good,” Honey said as Frank returned with Brian, escorting him into the penthouse suite the band and Honey had spent the night in.

“Nice place,” Brian said, admiring the lavish room they were in.

“I know, its awesome. It only has five bedrooms though so me and Gerard had to share which sucked because he was moping most of the night and wouldn’t even cuddle me because I got really cold and I wanted him to warm me up,” Frank said in one breath.

“Aw, you should have come to my bed,” Honey told him.

“Honey, this is exactly what I’m talking about!” Kirstin exclaimed. “How do you think that sounds, inviting a rock star into your bed? Stop being such a flirt all the god damn time!”

Honey’s jaw dropped. “I am NOT flirting with him, I am just being a friend. Why should I discriminate against him just because he’s a boy? If he was a girl I would invite him to sleep in my bed, and I bet you wouldn’t have a problem with that. You are so old fashioned Kirstin, get with the times!” Honey yelled at her.

Frank and Brian exchanged nervous glances and began slowly heading for the staircase as Honey launched into another attack.

“Shouldn’t you be glad I’m inviting men into my bed, because I am a fucking lesbian of course!”

“Oh not this again,” Kirstin cried, throwing her hands up in the air.

Frank and Brian looked at each other once more, nodded and run up the staircase and down the hall. Frank yanked at the door handle for his bedroom and burst into it, closely followed by Brian who shut the door quickly behind him. Frank jumped onto his bed, waking the previously sleeping Gerard up in the process.

“Frank?” Gerard mumbled, leaving his eyes closed and swatting his arm out to try and feel whoever had landed next to him.

“Yes honeybun?” Frank replied.

“What are you doing, and more importantly, why the fuck did you wake me up!?”

“Good morning to you too, sunshine. Brian and I were just escaping world war three that’s currently going down in the living room,” Frank explained.

“Brian’s here?” Gerard asked, finally opening his eyes and slowly sitting up, waving to Brian when he spotted him sitting on the chair opposite the bed.

“Hey man,” Brian said to him in greeting.

“Ray and Bob having a lovers tiff again?” Gerard asked Frank as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

“Close. Honey and Kirstin are at it again. We barely made it out alive,” Frank replied, sighing and flopping down on the bed.

“He’s not definitely not lying there,” Brian agreed. “Anyway, I just came to say bye for now and that you all have to be down at the bus in half an hour.”

Gerard and Frank let out simultaneous groans at the thought of trading the large penthouse for the small cramped bus.

“Well, I’m going to go break up Honey and Kirstin, and then I am out of here. Bye for now, boys,” Brian said to them before opening the door, the sound of women’s bickering voices coming through the open door momentarily before the door was quickly shut again, leaving just Frank and Gerard in the room.

“Ten bucks says Kirstin has a thing for Honey,” Frank said, to which Gerard just groaned in annoyance. “Seriously Gee, think about it. It would explain why she hates Honey having so many boyfriends and why she is glaring at you like you’re here to steal Christmas every time you’re in the room.”

“Frannnnk,” Gerard said in a warning tone, hitting him in the head with a pillow.

“What? Just think about it Gee, it all makes sense!” Frank cried, his imagination going into overdrive, ignoring the pillow that was now regularly hitting the side of his head.

“Better make your move soon, Gee, before Kirstin gets there.”

That was the last straw for Gerard, who leapt up from his sitting position and tackled Frank onto the bed, raging a tickling attack on his body.

Honey sighed to herself as she zipped up her brown Louis Vuitton overnight bag. Brian had come down after a while and put an end to their fight by dragging Kirstin out the door with him, instructing her to get on a plane and leave for a few days. Honey was glad he had done that, but it worried her in a way because she had never been on her own before. She always had assistants and minders around her, even if she couldn’t see them or hear them, they were always there, telling her what to do and when to do it. Kirstin had been the one instructed to look after Honey during this tour, but with her gone who would be there to tell her what to do?

No one, that’s who, Honey thought to herself with a sudden burst of independence. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door which she quickly jumped up to go and answer.

Honey pulled open the large door to reveal a old, balding man standing there in his grey pants and green vest.

“Hi, can I help you?” Honey asked, assuming the man must have the wrong room.

“Yes, you can actually Honey,” he replied, smiling a large smile at her.

“Okay. How?” Honey asked, flashing him a small smile in return.

“By coming with me,” he told her, his smile getting even wider.

“Coming with you…” Honey repeated, “coming with you where? Are you a reporter, because you will have to schedule a time through my publicist. I really don’t have time now.”

The man shook his head, the smile not leaving his face. “No, I am not a reporter.”

Honey just gawked at him, the lack of information he was supplying to the conversation was beginning to annoy her. She didn’t have time to play these stupid games.

“What do want then?” she asked him bluntly.

The man looked Honey straight in the eyes and replied, “You, I want you, Honey.”