It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Five

Honey had never felt more at home or more comfortable than she did sitting at the My Chemical Romance table. It felt more like she was sitting at a restaurant with friends, not another boring awards ceremony. She had laughed so much in the past hour that her sides were beginning to hurt. The rest of the band had stopped having one on one conversation and were now talking as a group.

“Nicole would win, she’s pretty psycho,” Frank exclaimed as they debated who would win in a punch-up between Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie.

“I don’t know,” Alicia said, “Paris is much bigger then Nicole.”

“Her ego is!” Honey chimed in, remembering how Paris had looked at her with jealousy all night at a party, “but personally I think she would be scared shitless if even the girliest girl came at her.”

“Like Mikey!” Frank exclaimed.

“Hey!” Mikey protested, sticking his lower lip out, “I’m tough.”

Gerard laughed, in that loud way he does as his voice gets higher. Mikey just glared at him.

Alicia comforted him, “Aw baby I think your tough.”

This time it was Frank who laughed. “Alicia you could beat Mikey’s ass in a fight any day.”

This time it was both Alicia and Mikey who glared at him, but Frank had already looked away.

“Can we go home now guys?” Frank whinged, “please, pretty please Gee?” He looked up at Gerard with his big puppy dog eyes. Gerard rolled his eyes.

“NO! Were in the last thing, how would it look if we just left?”

“Maybe like we didn’t give a shit about these stupid lame awards,” Frank said grumpily and looked down.

Honey laughed at Franks sudden mood changed. He was right though, it was really boring. She wondered how much longer it had to go. She glanced up at the stage and realized with a fright that they were reading the nominees for the artist of the year, the final category. Her eyes widened quickly, do I have time to get back to my table? Everyone is going to be so mad at me.

“Hey! Guys! It’s the last award now,” Honey said.

“Oh it’s us versus you Honey. Hey what are you doing mingling with the opposition anyway?” Frank said, mockingly narrowing his eyes at her.

“What do you think I’m doing!? I’m checking out the competition of course. I’ve already messed with Fall Out Boys heads, and Fergies, Oh and Christina’s. Now you are all my last victims, the only thing standing in the way of my award,” Honey joked. Gerard laughed at Honey’s sudden competiveness.

“What are you laughing at Way?” Honey asked narrowing her eyes at him, “scared of losing?”

“No, but I am kinda scared of you winning. I won’t be able to live that one down, will we boys?” Gerard replied. Eliza just glared at him, as she didn't want him even speaking to this pop sensation.

Will Ferrell was on stage along with Jon Heder. He was already announcing Fall Out Boy, and again the camera showed them all waving. They looked slightly nervous, Honey noticed. Honey wasn’t nervous. She didn’t get nervous. Everyone loved her no matter what, and she knew it.

“Honey Meadows,” Will Ferrell said into the microphone. An image of Honey’s empty seat flashed up on the screen. opps, Honey jumped out of her seat.

“Here I am!” Honey posed in typical Marilyn Monroe pose, arms up in the air with a huge open mouthed smile. The crowd laughed when they saw her, yes she was a show off, but she sure knew how to work the crowd and make people fall in love with her.

Will Ferrell went on to read the next one, “and My Chemical Romance.” Honey quickly jumped down from her standing position, not wanting to take the limelight from them. The band all gave smile smiles, except for Frank who mimicked Gerard in the film clip for ‘I’m not okay’ and pumped his fist down and said “yeah!”

Honey smiled at him. He really was quite adorable. Honey suddenly realized she was up against them and felt some small butterflies in her stomach. She wanted to win, but in another way she didn’t because she didn’t think it was fair. Oh well, nothing I can really do about it. She felt Christa grip her hand next to her, she smiled at her gratefully. She is just so sweet!.

Jon Heder stepped up to the microphone, “and the winner is…wow unexpected…HONEY MEADOWS," he screamed. Honey jumped up and was pulled into a hug by Christa, and was soon grabbed by all the member’s of My Chemical Romance who came to congratulate her. The camera’s soon found Honey and flashed images of her up on screen. She smiled and waved, and then laughed as she was roughly pulled into a side hug by Frank who then started dragging her up to the stage. They wound their way past all the tables, were some of the celebrities were even standing up giving her a standing ovation. Honey grinned at them all, because it was quite nice of them, and then lifted Franks arm off her shoulder and linked arms with him and then she dragged him on stage with her. Kissing Will, then Jon, she accepted her award from them and went to the microphone.

“Well, guess I should make this speech longer then the last,” The crowd laughed.

“Thanks mainly to my fans and everyone who supports me in someway or another. I wouldn’t be here without you. Hope you had a nice night everyone, oh and Ray? I’ll try not to stab you with this one!” Honey gave one last smile and left the audience slightly confused but none the less happy for her. She linked arms with Frank again and together they walked off stage. Although this award was a big deal for her, she couldn’t help but feel that there was a band slightly more deserving then of it then her.