It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Fifty-Two

Honey watched as her current love interest rocked out on the stage, putting every ounce of his energy into being the best performer he possibly could. He held the microphone high, sweat dripping down his face and sung, giving his all.

Honey turned her attention to the other members of the band, watching as Frank rolled around on the stage with his guitar firmly in his hands. He had so much energy and Honey was just amazed at the strange angles he could play his guitar from, it didn’t matter what position he was in, he still managed not to miss one chord.

Honey saw some fans watching her from their position in the crowd and gave them a wave. They waved back, giving big smiles and whipping out a camera to prove that it had happened.

Honey turned her attention back to Gerard, who was now falling to his knees and gripping his hair. Honey thought it was funny that the whole world seemed to think she and Gerard were together, yet she was the one in doubt. Honey didn’t know if they were actually together, or more just friends with benefits. Honey had been a friend with benefits before, and it was not an experience she was keen to repeat. Even though she was sure Gerard would be a much better fuck buddy then Chad Michael Murray.

She pushed her thoughts aside as the boys finished the song they were doing and rushed backstage, the lights on the stage dimmed.

“Honey. Water. Now,” Frank demanded as he draped his sweaty body over her. Honey lightly tried to push him off, his sweat soaking into her white dress leaving a stain, but he remained stuck to her. She held up her own bottle of water for him, which he immediately grabbed and drank half, pouring some on his head. He handed back the empty bottle with a grin before going to the side of the stage to get his guitar.

“Having fun?” Gerard inquired as he walked past, a towel draped over his shoulders.

“It’s great, always fun,” Honey promised him, hoping he knew how much these concerts meant to her. She got to watch her hero do what he did best, and there was nothing better then that.

“Good,” he replied, leaning into give her a kiss but instead quickly pulling back and wrinkling his nose. “Honey, you might be getting a little too into this tour life, because when was the last time you showered? You’re almost as sweaty as me, and you haven’t even done anything!”

Honey looked down at her dress, pulled it up and sniffed. The smell of men’s sweat instantly filled her nostrils, making her cringe.

“Fuck off, it was Frank! Frank came and rubbed his stupid body against me and now I have his gross sweat all over me!” Honey protested.

Gerard raised his eyebrows. “Oh yeah, the old Frank’s sweat is somehow all over my body excuse, huh?” Gerard lowered his voice and leaned in towards her. “It’s okay, I like a dirty girl,” he said with a wink, before walking away to resume his place on stage for their encore.

Honey felt a big, stupid grin light up her face, reveling in the attention she was getting from this man. She looked up to see a couple of the runners for the venue looking at her strangely.

“What!?” she snapped at them, not enjoying being watched in what was meant to be a private moment. They went bright red and scurried away, leaving Honey feeling slightly guilty for being nasty. She let out a sigh and waved to Bob, who was watching her at the same time as drumming. He gave a small smile and returned to his drums, so Honey instead now watched Mikey, wondering how hard it would be for him to teach her how to play the bass.

“Raaaay?” Honey started, watching as the big haired man that was walking in front of her turned around.

“Yeah?” He asked, knowing that she wanted something from him, but he didn’t know what.

“Will you give me a piggy back?” she asked. They were walking from the venue to the bus, after being accosted by fans for the last half an hour they had finally managed to get away, to make the fairly long trip to where the bus was parked.

“What’s wrong with Gerard’s back?” Ray asked her, walking backwards and hoping he didn’t run into Bob, Frank and Worm who were in front of him.

“Well, you’re walking in front of me and I just noticed how appealing your back looks right now,” she explained.

“Aw, you have an appealing back, Ray,” Mikey teased, earning himself a glare from Ray.

Ray sighed and turned around, crouching down on the ground in front of Honey.

“Yay!” Honey squealed, let go of Gerard’s hand that she had been clutching and jumped onto his back, before he stood once more and began walking.

“Mikeeeey?” Gerard started.

“No,” Mikey said bluntly, knowing what was coming next.

“But you have such an appealing back,” Gerard whined, earning giggles from Honey, Ray and Frank.


“Please? Pretty please?”

Mikey let out an annoyed sigh, before he stopped walking and crouched down in front of his brother. Gerard let out a squeal of his own and jumped onto his brothers back.

“Gerard! You weight a ton!” Mikey complained as his brother wrapped his arms around his neck.

“Aw Mikes, I love you too,” Gerard replied, resting his head on Mikey’s shoulder.

Honey turned around to look at Gerard. “Now we both have rides, Gee,” she told him, a big, childish grin lighting up her face.

Gerard smiled back. “Yes, we do. Except my horse is a bit slow…maybe this will make him hurry up,” Gerard said and kicked Mikey in the side. Mikey let out a small gasp of surprise, even though the kick didn’t really hurt.

“Do that again Gerard, and your down,” Mikey told his brother sternly.

Gerard poked his tongue out behind his brother’s head, which only Honey saw and giggled at. Honey turned back around and faced the front, nestling her head in Ray’s hair and wrapping her arms around his front.

“Ray, you’re going to make some lucky woman a great pillow one day,” Honey told him.

“Uh, thanks,” he replied unsurely, but smiled none the less.

Gerard felt a twinge of jealousy and wondered why Honey hadn’t asked him for a piggy back ride. He was her boyfriend after all…wasn’t he? Gerard shook his head, he needed to get rid of these stupid thoughts. He needed to understand that Honey was friends with all of them, and Ray had been right there. And, on the plus side, at least with Honey riding on Ray’s back in front of him he could see her. In fact, he could look at her all he liked because she couldn’t see him without turning around.

His eyes rested lustfully on her tan, smooth thigh that was wrapped up on Ray’s hips, his hands gripping her legs preventing her from falling. Gerard could see a small part of her white lacy underwear, almost teasingly taunting him from underneath her dress, which was pushed back to allow her to ride comfortably on Ray’s back. And as he thought about all this, his imagination began running wild.

Honey rested her head comfortably on Ray’s fro, it providing her with a decent pillow. She could almost fall asleep right there, bouncing up and down on his back as he walked.

“Ray, you are so comfy,” Honey told him sleepily, to which he just chuckled.

“Gerard, what is that?” Honey heard Mikey ask Gerard from behind her.

“OH MY GOD!” Mikey suddenly shrieked and Honey turned around just in time to see him throw his brother of his back, where he landed on the concrete with a loud thud.

“Fuck, Mikey that really hurt,” Gerard said from his awkward position on the ground and glaring up at his brother.

“YOU GOT A FUCKING HARD-ON ON MY BACK!” Mikey shouted, throwing his hands up in the air.

Gerard’s angry glare quickly changed to one of embarrassment. His whole face went red and he looked down at the ground, his legs drawn up to cover whatever ‘problem’ he might have from the group in front of him.

Frank started snickering, along with Bob and Worm. Ray didn’t laugh, but instead felt very sorry for his friend, whose brother was currently trying to wipe the back of his shirt, as if to get rid of the ‘germs.’ Honey didn’t know how to act, whether or not she should stay where she was or go and help the poor guy. She wasn’t sure if he would get even more embarrassed with her there, she didn’t want him to feel pathetic. Honey quickly mentally weighed up the pro’s and con’s before deciding that is was probably her turn to help Gerard.

Honey slid down from Ray’s back and made her way over to the man who was still on the ground. She stuck out her hand in front of him and said in her most seductive voice, “You know, I could probably help you with that.”

A series of wolf whistles erupted from behind them, but Gerard took no notice and looked up at the woman smirking above him. He grabbed onto her hand and she pulled him up from the ground, slamming her lips to his in a heated embrace.

“Oh fuck no, we are getting hotel rooms tonight. If not, separate hotels all together. I am NOT witnessing anymore of Gerard’s ‘sexy times’,” Mikey complained loudly.

Gerard pulled away from Honey with a smack of their lips, his previous embarrassment vanished and now replaced by a cocky smirk.

“Don’t pretend you don’t love it Mikey,” Frank told him, poking him in the side.

“I DON’T!” Mikey shrieked.

“He’s not you, Frank,” Ray said, as Frank mocked offence.

“Aw, don’t be harsh on poor Frankie…he’s just lonely,” Honey said, remaining cuddled into Gerard.

Frank nodded in agreement and pretended to wipe a tear from his eye.

“Yes, its just me and my hand tonight,” he said with a fake sob, quoting Pink as everyone wrinkled their noses.

Honey spoke for everyone.

“Mikey I think your right. It is definitely separate hotels tonight.”