It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Six

Two MTV executives had been watching the whole thing. After finding the awards ever so slightly dull, they had turned their attention to the mega superstar that was sitting amongst the slightly emo band, although they, nor their fans, would ever call them that. What is she doing sitting with them, they wondered. They knew Honey. They spend a lot of their time watching her, and reading about her. They knew she rarely moved from her table, considering herself too “special” to even mingle with other celebrities. Yet here she was, sitting with My Chemical Romance chatting like they were long lost friends.
The executives sat there eavesdropping. They heard all about how Honey would love to tour like a proper band and not fly everywhere. They saw her laughing with them as they joked about other celebrities. They saw Honey go under the table, and Gerard follow her. And they even saw the look Gerard’s fiancé gave Honey, well actually she didn’t stop looking at Honey.
Watching all this gave them an idea. They looked at each other and raised their eyebrows. They knew it was a good idea. It had drama, romance and celebrities. It was a perfect combination. They clapped loudly as the show finally ended with a final performance from Justin Timberlake. They put a reminder in their sidekicks to contact Honeys agent in the morning, and stood up to head to the after party.


“Awe it was so nice meeting you all,” Honey said looking at the band with a little sadness that the night was over and it was time for her to get back in her limo and go home to her empty two story mansion in Beverly Hills.

“Yeah you too,” Frank replied, “your music kinda sucks, but you’re alright!” Honey laughed.

“Thanks…I think.”

Honey just looked at the band members one by one with a little smile on her face. They all looked back at her Wow this was fun tonight, I wish it wasn’t over. Honey stood their just slightly playing with her hair until Kirstin came running up to Honey, interrupting her thoughts and ruining the moment.

“What were you thinking running away like that?” Kirstin demanded to know with her hands placed on her hips. Honey looked at the floor. This was the part of her life she hated the most, the whole being told what to do.

“I’m sorry,” Honey replied, eyes focused on the ground below her, “I just got a little distracted I guess.”

“Distracted Honey! Distracted?” Kirstin was almost yelling, “You nearly messed up your entire acceptance. Hurry up now, let’s go." Kirstin marched away, shooting the band a filthy look.

Honey looked up and gave them a sad smile before following Kirstin out to the car.

Gerard Way stood their watching her walk away. She was so different to what he expected. He never thought he would see her get pushed around by a bossy assistant and she was no where near as conceited as he thought she would be. Strange world, he thought. He looked down at his side and saw Eliza standing there smiling for the first time that night since Honey arrived. She almost looked smug, like she had won. He turned away from her and instead looked at Frankie. Catching his eye, he jerked his head to the door as if to say lets go. Frank didn’t need to be told twice, he jumped up and started running to the door, with his hands suspiciously under his jacket.