It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Eight

“If you wanted honesty that’s all you had to say. I never want to let you down or have you go, its better off this way. For all the dirty looks, the photographs your girlfriend took, remember when you broke your foot from jumping off the second floor. I’m not okaaaay,” Honey belted the song out to her 10,000 strong crowd.

“I’m not sure if you’ll all know this song, but its one of my favourites and I had the pleasure of meeting this band recently and so I want you all to love them too!” Honey had said to them before the guitar had started strumming the first chords of the song. The crowd went wild for it, and she was instantly glad of her decision to sing it, sure it wasn’t as good as the real thing but hey it was a pretty cool version.

“I’m not okaaaaaaaaaaaaay!” Honey finished and bowed to the crowd dramatically, laughing as she did. It was such a fun song to sing, and the words did ring true to her, although no one would ever think that.

Honey finished the rest of her show off, singing a few more of her songs making the crowd go wild for her. She did love performing and she would miss that during her break. Not enough to not have a break though, she thought to herself smiling as she gave a final wave to the crowd and wished them good night before exiting the stage. Grabbing a bottle of water from a stand in the unglamorous back stage area, she walked down the hall and into her dressing room to take a desperately needed shower. Honey felt herself relaxing the instant the hot water hit her sweaty body, and enjoyed sensation for at least ten minutes before stepping out and wrapping her body in a white fluffy towel. She dressed quickly and slipped a pair of black boots over her blue skinny jeans which she was wearing with a Used shirt and grey cardigan. Walking out of her dressing room she was surprised to see a small group of people waiting outside for her.

“It’s about time! I was about to come in and see if you had killed yourself from having to sing those awful songs all the time!” A man in skinny black jeans with a black fringe sweeping down his face said.

“Frank! What have I told you before about thinking before you speak? An eight year old has more class, and better behavior I might add,” A man also in skinny black jeans and a black jacket scolded Frank, who surprising looked slightly guilty.

Gerard continued, “Now Frank, don’t you have something that you want, no make that have to give to Honey?” Honey was surprised and wondered what Frank could possibly have to give to her, and she hadn’t noticed before that he was keeping his hands firmly behind his back.

Frank pulled one of his arms out from behind his back, and in his hand was a shiny triangle shaped object with the words ‘Artist of the Year, 2007’ in scripted on it.

Honey gasped, “My award! But how did you get this?...” As Honey reached out for her award something in her brain clicked and her eyes widened then narrowed as she faced Frank. He grimaced trying to hold back laughter.

“YOU thieving, jealous little man!” Honey exclaimed laughing as she began to chased Frank around backstage with the point of her award heading straight for his backside.

Frank scambeled to get away, “you didn’t deserve to winnnn! That should be mineee, mine I say.”

Honey laughed as she caught up to Frank quickly and pulling her award back she quickly and mercilessly rammed it into his ass.

“OWWWW! Fuck, that hurt.” He turned to face Honey, breathing heavily from running. She merely shrugged.

“That’s what you get when you mess with me,” Honey said placing her hands on her hips. She laughed at Frank who was now bent over with his hands on his knees, exhausted from running, “Lets go back silly.”

“Fine,” Frank wheezed, “but you have to carry me. Can’t walk. Legs broken.” Honey rolled her eyes and put an arm under Frank to support him and helped him walk.

“Why did you guys come anyways? Gerard told me you were all busy”, Honey asked as they walked the fair distance back to where everyone else was.

“I dunno, Gee cancelled something. Said I had to give your award back to you…something like that,” He mumbled and then suddenly perked up, “Hey your version of I’m Not Okay was awesome. Best song of the night actually.” Honey scoffed, pretending to be offended and jabbed him in the side with her award.

“Ow, ow okay the rest was killer too. Happy?”

Honey smiled, “Frankie you are too sweet.”

“I bet that’s what you say to all the boys,” Frank said as they reached the group and dramatically fell on the floor, pretending to be too exhausted to move. Bob kicked him.

“Were going to go to a café across the road now, coming?” He asked.

“No, cant move. Been beaten too badly, you all go on without me,” Frank said pretending to weep.

“They have coffee and cinnamon toast.”

Frank sat up instantly, “Well are you just going to look at me or help me up?”