It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter Nine

Honey, the band, Christa, and Alicia stepped out into the cool night air and began walking across the street. They hadn’t even reached the curb when ten paparazzi suddenly came out of no where and began taking photographs. Honey gave them a small smile, as more of them began appearing. The band looked a little confused before remembering who they were with. They were lucky because women’s and teenage magazines didn’t find pictures of their band buying coffee that interesting, so they didn’t really have paparazzi following their every move, Honey however wasn’t that lucky. She put her head to the ground, as she always did when she had paparazzi following her and grasped onto her bag as she made the last steps into the small café. She finally looked up again and bit her lip, half smiling at the same time.

“You have to go through that every time you just want coffee?” Ray asked curiously looking at her with widened eyes.

“Welcome to my world, strange as it is," Honey replied rolling her eyes. Ray just smiled at her as they followed the rest of the band and girls into a booth.

“You know what I hate?” Frank said to no one in particular, “salad. I mean, what’s the point?”

Everyone at the table laughed, but Honey said that it was good if you were like her and had been on a diet your whole life.

“What! A diet your whole life?” Gerard asked looking fairly shocked at this revelation.

“You’ve never just pigged out on a whole bag of chips or chocolate?” Mikey asked.

“Nope, well I eat them, but only really small amounts at a time,” Honey replied, shocked at the reaction she was getting.

“That’s it”, Frank declared scanning his eyes down the menu, “You’re getting…the…pizza, pasta, sandwich, mm…French toast and chips. Oh and a burger, but not with meat because that’s not very nice.”

Honey was forced to order something other then just lettuce, so she ended up getting some fries, though she didn’t eat all of them. She knew there was a lot of pressure in her industry to be a certain body shape in order to be accepted and she didn’t want to start losing her career because she ate too much.

It was almost time to leave. Everyone had finished eating and were paying for their food.
Ray turned to Honey, “Do you want to come with us all to a new club just opened down the street? It has karaoke, plus we know the dude, so he said he would give us lots of time with the mic.”

Honey bit her lip hesitating, “I do, but I don’t think I can. It’s just that, I have an image to uphold and getting seen going into that sort of place…well, lets just say I could tell you what would be inside every women’s magazine next week. With so many paparazzi outside…I don’t know.”

“Oh I think we can sneak you in,” Frank said mischievously. Honey raised her eyebrows.

Ten minutes later Honey was standing inside the club. They had asked the owners of the café if they could go out the back and Honey had been forced to wear, not that she minded, Gerard’s hoodie so that she couldn’t be recognized as easily. It had worked surprisingly and Honey was able to enjoy herself for once. The club was darkly lit and all the other club goers were all too drunk and consumed in their own business to take any notice of the girl in skinny jeans and a black oversized hoodie. For the first time in ages, Honey felt completely normal and had a lot of fun dancing with the girls and watching the boys try and dance. By the time Honey got home, it was past two and even though she had a meeting at nine, she really didn’t care.


Honey sat in her agent’s modern office listening to the two men from MTV’s proposal. She glanced at her agent, Dave. He seemed to think it was a good idea. She frowned as she tried to grasp what was being said to her.

“So basically,” Honey said, “I travel around with My Chem in America for two months to be the gofer girl? I don’t really understand how that makes for an interesting show.”

The two men glanced at each other. Oh they knew it would make for an interesting show, but they couldn’t tell Honey why they knew it would be so interesting.

“Well basically,” one of the men said, “Your whole experience on the tour would be filmed and the audience would get to see you in a different situation. It will allow them to see who the real Honey is, and how she responds to being in a small bus travelling everywhere with the band. It’s a win, win situation for both you and My Chemical Romance.”

Honey loved this idea, but of course she couldn’t show it. Imagine spending all day and night with the band, my favorite band! What a dream come true.

Honey cleared her throat, “Well I suppose I can see how it would benefit me. If there up for it, I sure am”. Honey smiled the men a final smile and walked out of the room, her heart racing. I get to spend days and nights in a small cramped bus with Gerard Way!, she silently squealed to herself.