‹ Prequel: Move


Conversing to the Heart

My thigh began to vibrate. I opened my eyes and pulled my cell phone out. Riley looked at me. Hunter was asleep. I looked at the number. It didn't have a name and I didn't know the number.

"Who is it?" Riley asked.

I shrugged and flipped it open. "Hello?"

"Alyssa?" The girls voice said. "It's Eve."

I sighed. "How'd you get my number?" I thought about it for a second. "Put Sam on the phone."

"Hold on." She said.

I heard the phone being switched from each hand. "Hello." Sam said in his casual voice.

"Hi, what's going on?" I asked.

He sighed. "We have to wait for a plane. We were informed that there wasn't anymore seats and the only seats left were first class. We didn't have enough money so, we are waiting."

I laughed a little. "Sorry."

"It's okay. We can wait." He said.

I laughed even more. "No, I am sorry that we took the first class seats."

"Are you kidding me?" He said.

I looked up at Riley. He smiled and leaned his head back. I knew he could hear everything.

"Okay, so is that all you called about?" I asked.

Sam gave another sigh. "We'll call you when we get there."

"Alright." I said. The line dropped and I stuffed it back into my pocket. I looked at Riley. His eyes were closed.

I moved my lips to his and gently kissed him. He kissed me back and kept his eyes closed. I stayed leaning over him and inhaled the rich aroma of his breathing. His eyes opened as his head stayed back. He looked at me from the corner of his eye and smiled.

"Wine's coming." He said.

I shrugged off of him and sat back in my seat. The same woman came through the curtain with a cart and our drinks. I cleared my throat as if nothing happened. I bit my lip and watched as she handed Riley his white wine. He gave his dashing smile and she blushed. I looked over at him and gave him a frown. He gave a little smile to me and took a sip of the wine. The woman handed me my wine and asked where she should put Hunter's Pepsi. I took it from the tray and placed it in his cup holder. I gave her a small smile and she left.

Riley gave me a glance. I stared at him. "What?"

"You were flirting." I said.

He sighed. "Why would I flirt with a human? None of them can compare to your beauty."

I sighed and leaned my head against his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and took another sip of his wine. I took a sip of mine and we sat there staring at each other.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

He nodded. "Anything you want."

I shrugged and took another sip of my wine. "What do you especially like about me?"

He sighed. "Everything." Riley paused and looked into my eyes. "Alright, you want detail. You smell wonderful and you have that twinkle."

"Is that it?" I asked.

Riley smiled. "No that's not it. You want to know in which ways you are different and how I love your differentness." I smiled at his play on words. "I love the way you show people your power by making them run with you. That's a very interesting way in doing it. I love how you are never afraid of anything."

"Except bugs." I said.

"Except bugs." Riley smiled. "I love how you love to take charge and how wonderful you are at it. I love it how so many people look at you and don't see what I see."

I frowned. "What do you see, Riley Ackers?"

Riley smiled and I moved closer to his arm. "I see a girl, woman, that has been so much in the past month and loves adventure. I see a woman that has so much passion in her heart that she can only share it with one person at a time. I see a woman that is beautiful, lovely, smart, funny, and most of all a leader."

I smiled and looked at his glass of wine. I moved my glass towards his and clinked them together. Riley moved my arm from my shoulder and placed it on my lap. I took my hand on placed it on his.

"To living a life full of an adventure." I said.

"To love. May it last in every man and woman's heart." Riley said.

We took a sip of wine and I placed my glass in my cup holder. Riley placed his glass in his cup holder. I glanced at his lips and the many features of his face. My head moved towards his and I placed my lips on his. He eagerly kissed me back. I placed my hand on his head and he moved his hand from my lap to my hair. I bit his lip and he slowly moved his mouth from mine. I looked deep into his eyes and saw the love he had for me. He looked me in the eyes and looked away. We heard a grunt from Hunter and I quickly moved away from his face.

Hunter's eyes opened and I fixed my hair. He looked at the can of pop and opened it. I watched him take a drink eagerly.

"Thirsty?" I asked him. He nodded as he took another sip.

The can was placed back in it's holder. "Yeah, I had a weird dream."

"Please don't tell me about it." I said sarcastically.

He gave a little laugh. "You're still my brat of a sister."

"Always and forever." I said. I leaned back in my seat and looked out the window on the other side of the plane. Riley caught my stare.

"Lovely, isn't it." Riley said. I nodded as I watched the bright blue clouds go by. It was lovely. They looked like you could just bounce on them. So fluffy and white. I looked over at Riley.

"When will we fly again?" I asked.

He looked at me in confusion. "We are flying."

"Not what I meant." I said.

"Oh." He said. "Do you like flying?" I nodded. "We flew this morning." He said. I nodded again.

"I just like to fly with you." I said. Hunter grunted.

I looked at him and frowned. "You don't get out that much do you?"

He shook his head. "Almost eight years in that prison, Alyssa. I wasn't exactly allowed to get out." His head turned to me and he creased his forehead. "What happened to you when you thought I died?"

I didn't think he'd ask. I thought about that night when I found out Hunter was no longer going to be in my life, until now.

I looked into his brown eyes. "A man in a black suit that had a black escalade came to my house and he said you got in a car accident. He said you didn't survive. The man said that he found a gift box that had my name on it and in it was a silver heart." I reached down my neck and pulled out the little silver heart with the three tiny diamonds. Hunter moved towards it.

"You did get it. I was coming to your house to give you it and that's when they captured me. I wanted to get it for you as a Valentine's present. You knew I didn't exactly have a Valentine besides my big sister." He said smiling.

I thought about the night harder. It was a few days before Valentine's Day. I looked up at his grown face.

"Thank you. I didn't think you could be nice." I said with a grin. "I've worn it since." He looked down at the heart and smiled. I leaned back in my seat. Hunter did the same.

It was working. I wanted them specifically to come with me so we could get this whole bonding thing under control. That's exactly what we were doing. I looked at Riley and he smiled. He reached for my hand and I gave it too him. We stared at each other smiling.

"Just like the good old days." I said to him.

"They aren't that old."