‹ Prequel: Move


Not Surprised

I lifted my head when I realized Riley was hoovering down. His feet gently landed on the ground. Riley didn't put me down. I looked around to see where we were.

We were in a grassy area that was bright and shaded with trees. No one was around. Riley walked towards a bench with me in his arms.

He sat me down on the bench. Riley sat next to me and looked in my eyes.

"I could've walked you know." I said.

Riley nodded. "I don't see why it matters."

I looked across the field. "Ah!" I screamed as Tobey, Eve, Brittany, and Sam came out of no where.

"Sorry." Eve said.

My heart began beating faster. "It's okay." I said calmly.

"Did you get the vile?" Sam asked. I looked around for Hunter ignoring his question. Hunter wasn't there.

"Yeah, I have it. Where is Hunter?" I asked.

"I'm sorry." Tobey said. I looked up at him in confusion. "They used my power to make him forget everything about his life. He was no use in getting. He doesn't even know who he is."

"Are you sure?" I asked. Tobey nodded. "Well, good things can't last forever."

"What about the vile?" Sam asked.

I took it out of my pocket and showed them. "I'm not sure how to destroy it." I said.

Sam grinned. "You need Peter to do that."

I looked up at him. "Why?"

Sam gave a little laugh. "He's the only one that can do it. You have to get rid of it completely."

I thought about it for a moment. "Can't I just freeze it and then smash it?"

Sam creased his forehead. "You can freeze things?"

I nodded. "You'd be surprised."

"Well, then." Sam said. "I supposed you could."

My fingers touched the vile and I clasped my hand over the vile. Ice began forcing out of my hand. It wasn't cold but, it felt different. I've never iced anything. My hand lifted from the vile and the it began cracking.

"Break it. Now!" Sam exclaimed.

I slammed my hand down on the vile. It broke into a million little pieces. I took a deep breath to see if it was gone.

Riley looked up at me. "Is it gone?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

My eyes caught the movement of a figure coming towards us. He was wearing a black pea coat and his hands were stuffed in the pockets. As he came closer, I noticed the face.

Peter moved through everyone and stood in front of me.

"I thought I warned you." I said.

"You did. Now that I know about Ann, I feel the need to help you." Peter said.

I looked at him in shock. So did everyone else. "You feel like helping us?"

He nodded. "I know it seems odd but, I don't know what else to do." Peter sounded scared. "Did you get the vile then?"

I nodded. "I'm not certain if it's destroyed or not."

Peter gave a little laugh. "You can't really find out until people start falling to the ground. If they don't, well, you did a good job."

I gave a little smile. "You sure know how to give advice."

Peter smiled and looked at the ground. "What do you need, Miss?"

I shrugged. "I need all of you to be close to New York, in case I need you again. Right now, I don't think there is anything we need to do."

Sam nodded. "I'm sorry about your brother. We don't even know if he is alright. If he is well, he will probably escape on his own."

I stood up and walked over to Sam. I wrapped him in a hug. He hugged me back.

"Thank you." I whispered in his ear.

"If you ever have the need to go kill some people, I know the place." He said. I smiled and let him go. I walked back over to Riley and sat down.

I looked at each of them. "I'll meet you all in New York and we'll get things settled." They all nodded. They all turned around and walked down the field together. Riley stayed sitting on the bench. I sat back next to him.

Riley took my hand. "May I ask you something?"

I nodded. "You might as well."

Riley dug into his coat pocket and took something out. It was a small velvet box. I hoped he wasn't doing this.

He flipped the box open and revealed a shining diamond ring. Riley got on one knee before me.

"Will you marry me?" Riley asked.

I opened my mouth. "Riley, seriously?"

He nodded. "I know it's not the opportune moment but, it may be the only moment."

I smiled. "I will, Riley Ackers."

Riley smiled and slipped the little ring on my finger. "I knew you'd say that."

"Of course you did."

"Life has it's ways." Riley said as he shrugged. He moved back onto the bench and I leaned my head against his shoulder.

From now on, I knew, we'd be running from people who wanted us. I also knew that we'd run together.