‹ Prequel: Move



I stared into the sad blue eyes. "You know him?" Riley said looking back at me.

"He's Bria's ex." I replied.

"You make ex sound so mean." Sam said.

I looked down at him. "Why did you dump her?"

He looked down at his lap. "It isn't what it seems."

"The hell it isn't!" Riley yelled at him. Why was Sam working for the company that wanted to kill us? His expression went from shock to sadness.

"What is it then, Sam?" I said gently.

The blue eyes came up to mine. "I'm on your side."

"You think we are supposed to believe you?" Riley exclaimed.

I turned towards Riley. "Just let him tell us." He sighed.

"Anyway," Sam began, "I'm undercover." I raised an eyebrow. "I'm just like you two."

Riley and I shared glances. I looked back at Sam. "Show us then." I folded my arms.

Sam chuckled. "I think you have the wrong idea. I don't have any of your powers." We all stared at each other for a moment. "I have technopathy."

"You control technology?" I asked knowing that's what it meant. Sam nodded.

"You did your homework." Riley said with a grin.

I shrugged. "I've been looking at all the different types of powers. There are a lot of them out there."

Sam looked at me. "The reason I went undercover in the company is because I wanted to find others like me. I couldn't get to the computers so, I just followed them to you."

I sighed. "How do we know you're telling the truth?"

"What if I told you that there is a man who can help us? What if I told you he had been looking for you for about a year? What if I told you that I needed you to help me save the people that are caged in the company building?" He said strictly.

Riley sighed and looked at me. "Who is this man?"

"His name is Peter. I didn't catch his last name. But, I do know that he has power mimicry. He is a very powerful one of us. Although, Alyssa is the most powerful." Sam said to Riley. I noticed how his eyes sparkled just like Riley's.

"Where do we find this Peter?" I asked.

Sam turned to me. "I don't know. Like I said, I didn't get to the computers. Now, will you get me out of these cords?"

I rubbed my forehead. My life was so weird. "So, why did you dump Bria?" I asked.

He looked up at me with his sad blue eyes. "If Riley wasn't like you, would you still be with him? It would drive you crazy. I know that. Hiding it within you and not being able to say anything. Trust me, I didn't want to. I just didn't want her to get hurt. If I told her about us, they would hunt her down too. Anyone who knows and anyone who is involved gets killed by the company. That's why I need you and the Peter fellow."

Sam was completely right about what he said. It would be hard not to talk to Riley about it. It would be extremely difficult. Half of our conversations were about it.

It somehow didn't surprise me that Sam was one of us. He was extremely charming and good looking just like Riley. Riley looked slightly more mature considering he had been 23 for a while. Sam was just turning a different age every year. I didn't think Riley and I's looks would change by much anymore.

Riley looked over at me. "Do you believe him?"

"I believe him but, you're the one that reads minds." I said. Riley nodded and stared into Sam's deep blue eyes.

"He is telling the truth." Riley said as he stopped staring at him.

"Now will you let me out of this restraint?" Sam asked twisting in the chair. I walked over to him and quickly removed all of the bungee cords. Sam sat up and removed all of the cords that were tangled on him. He moved his hand across his head making all of his hair stick up. Sam looked even more dazzling. Bria was lucky.

"What now, boss?" I asked Sam.

He shrugged. "I have to get this stupid suit off. It's quite heavy." Sam unzipped the suit and let it fall to the ground. He removed his legs from and stood next to me. He was about the same height as Riley. Riley walked over to us and I looked at both of their faces. They were extremely similar. Both amazingly beautiful. I figured I had similar traits too. Having powers made you rather stunning.

Sam was wearing washed out jeans just like Riley and me. He had a black STYX t-shirt on. It clung tightly to his body. His brown hair was covered with sweat and it was perfectly messy. Riley's hair was, as always, cropped up in the front.

"Okay, step two. What now?" I asked. Riley looked at Sam and crossed his arms.

"You can turn invisible, right?" Sam asked me.

"I'm almost positive I can do anything, now." I said. "But, let me tell you. I am getting really sick of turning invisible. When are my other powers supposed to help me?"

Riley smiled. I think he liked it when I was stressed. Sam grinned at me. "You'll use them as soon as you get me...us..." He said turning to Riley. Riley gave him a glare. "As soon as you get us into the company's building."

I sighed. "Can I change first?"

Riley grinned at me. "They'll be gone from our house soon, won't they?" He asked Sam.

"Yes, they should be." Sam said.

I sighed. Two men and one of me. I rolled my eyes. "Life has it's ways." I said. Riley smiled and lifted his chin.

"It sure does."