‹ Prequel: Move



As we moved towards the building, it began looking darker. It looked as if it would leap up from the ground and attack us. I knew that if anyone was going to attack, it would be our kind. Not the humans.

I thought of why I was doing this. Why Sam was the one that led us here. Why it had to be me that had these powers. I also thought that I wasn't just doing this to find Peter. I was doing it as revenge for what we have become. Our kind had become monsters because of them. They thought we were monsters so, we became monsters. If they didn't make us this way,or whatever they did, we would be living normal lives. Instead, we were fighting for our lives.

The flaps of my coat stuck up next to my neck. My hands were shoved in my pockets. I moved my head down into my coat to stay warm. I looked on each of my sides. Riley and Sam walked a little behind me. I was apparently their leader.

We came to the large door which had large glass windows. I pulled out my hand from my pocket and pulled on the handle. The metal was cold on my hand. I walked towards the desk that stood ten feet in front of the door. The lady behind it smiled and turned away from the computer.

"Hello." She said. "Can I help you?" I looked around the lobby before answering. Riley and Sam stood behind me waiting for my next move. No one else was in the room.

I turned back to the lady. "No. Sorry." I pulled out one of my guns and pointed it at her head. My finger pushed against the trigger. She fell on the ground. I turned around to the men.

"Now what?" Riley asked. I nodded my head towards Sam.

"Get the info from the computer so we can get out of here." I said. Sam nodded and quickly went behind the desk stepping over the lady's body and touched the computer. He closed his eyes and was doing something to the computer.

Riley came up next to me. "How did that feel." He said referring to shooting the woman.

I creased my brows and looked away from Sam to him. "It felt damn good." Riley laughed. I looked around the room.

"Is anyone coming?" Riley asked. I shook my head.

"For such an odd place, they don't have much security." I said to him. Sam looked up from the computer.

"Got it." He said moving away from the desk towards us. "It's here in Mount Vernon."

"What's here?" I asked confused. I thought we were looking for someone named Peter. Not something.

He sighed. "The facility. This isn't the facility. I'm sorry I was wrong. People can see this building but, it still is for people like us. It's also for humans. But, Peter is in the facility and we need to get there."

I looked towards the desk. "This is a hospital, isn't it?" I said looking back at Sam. He shrugged.

"Are you saying that Alyssa just killed that woman for nothing?" Riley asked Sam.

I turned towards Riley. "Not for nothing. Everything is for something." I started walking towards the door. I shoved the gun back in my pocket and pushed on the heavy door. Sam walked out behind me and Riley behind him.

"Are we running?" Sam asked.

I didn't turn around to answer. I just kept walking. "You're the one that doesn't like to run. We'll take a cab." We walked along the river and came to a highway. A cab came by and Riley waved it down. It pulled over and I got in. Riley came in next to me. I slid over to the window and Sam climbed in next to Riley.

"Where to Samuel." I asked looking out the window.

"24 North Columbus Avenue." Sam said to the driver. The chubby black haired driver nodded. Of course he had the exact address. He was a technopath.

Riley took my hand. I just looked at our hands and glanced out the window. We began going by houses. I looked over at Sam. He was staring into his lap.

"What's bothering you, Sam?" I asked. He shook his head.

"You are just not what I expected." Sam said. His hair was still messy. I let go of Riley's hand and clasped mine together leaning forward to look at him.

"I hope you mean that in a good way." I said raising an eyebrow.

He nodded. "I do. I feel home with you."

"Home? Where's home to you, Sam?" I asked.

Sam looked up at the driver and shrugged. "Just to what my life use to be."

I sighed and leaned back in the seat. "That's what we all want, Sam. We're just not able to find a way." I picked my words wisely so the driver wouldn't ask questions. He just stared at the road.

"I wish we could just change our lives without difficulty." Sam said.

Riley sighed staring out the front window. "I wish it were that easy." I leaned my head over and laid it on his shoulder. He move his head and looked into my eyes. He grinned. It was different seeing his grin. It wasn't like it use to be. It use to be warming and human like. Now that I knew what he was, it was protective and loving. I still adored it. I gave a little smile back. He moved his head facing the front window again.

The car began slowing down and I lifted my head. We were stopping in front of three large apartment complexes. I was confused. How could there be a secret layer in there? I thought about it. It wasn't really that surprising. It seemed that these people could do just about anything.

I climbed out of the cab and looked up at the tall buildings. Riley came out behind me and squinted in the sun. Sam came out the other door and looked across the other side of the street.

"Great." Sam said. Riley and I turned around. The cab began rolling away. A small church stood in front of us.

"Just be grateful we don't have to do this in their." I said referring to the church. Sam sighed and came over to us. I flipped my collar back up and walked towards the small apartment door.

"Give me an update, Sam." I said.

He came up behind me and sighed. "Well, the building in the back is the one that has what we need."

"Meaning what?" I asked as we walked towards the new looking white building. It didn't even look like an apartment complex. It looked more like a prison.

Sam sighed again. "In this building, there are people that are like us. They are prisoners." So, it was a prison. We walked down an alley towards the building. The buildings on the side of the alley were dark red, unlike the white prison.

I walked up to the large, white door. I pulled it open. The silver handle was cold on my hand. Riley and Sam came behind me. I stopped as we stared at yet another lobby. This one was different. No one was in it. There was a white sofa and chair. The walls were white and so was the large wall that held almost fifty weapons.

I looked up at it. Riley came closer to me and stopped as he stood a little behind me. "They definitely are different." He said. I walked towards the hall that was between the sofa and the wall of weapons. I stopped as I came to it. I looked down the hall. It was wider than any hallway I've ever seen.

I began walking down it and all I passed was wall. There wasn't even a door. We came to the end of the hall and there was another large door. I pushed it open and came to a staircase. I held the door open and listened up the stairs.

"This is where it starts." I said.

We started going up the stairs. I partially jogged. My adrenaline was pumping. A man came charging down the stairs with a gun in his hand. He had one of the black suits on. I shot a bolt of lightning at him. He immediately fell to the ground. Sam looked at him as we kept going up the stairs. He took the gun from his hands.

Another man came down the stairs at us. I heard a shot and the man fell to the ground. I turned around. Sam was holding the gun up facing the man. Riley stopped and looked at me.

"I don't want to be a total waste." Sam said.

I nodded. We came to a door and I pushed on it. It wouldn't budge. There was a scanner next to it. It flashed red.

"Password please." It said.

"Screw a password." I said. I lifted my leg and slammed it against the door. The thrust slammed the door down and an alarm went off. It kept beeping. I ignored it and walked down the hall. It wasn't as large as the other one. The halls weren't white anymore. They were black.

We came to one of the alarm systems that hung on the wall. I looked at it and shot my hand at it. A lightning bolt hit it and the alarm slowly stopped. We came to another door and I pushed it open. I looked down the large and wide hallway. I stood frozen in the doorway, shocked at what I was staring at.