‹ Prequel: Move


Not Happy

I turned around slowly to face Riley. I didn't want to let Peter out. He was always extremely ignorant to me. I haven't exactly talked to him much. The last time we saw each other was about two and a half months ago. Of course Ann talked about him but, I always blocked out the conversation. I hated Peter. He deserved to be in there.

"Just let him out." Riley said. I tried to speak. "No, Alyssa. I don't care if you don't want to. If you don't, I will." At least I didn't have to say it.

I looked back into the glass. Peter was looking down at the ground. His hair was sticking up almost like Sam's. Peter's was neat though.

My fist balled up and I kept it at my side. I felt Riley's stare on me. I raised my arm and slammed my fist into the glass. The glass shattered and Peter didn't move. He stood in the same place letting the glass fall on him. I lowered my fist and let the glass fall out. It regenerated quickly. Peter stared up at me and smiled. I frowned in disgust. My feet turned me away from him and I looked at the others.

Peter jumped up gracefully from the room. He walked around me. "So, you're the infamous Alyssa Gray." He said. I was surprised he said 'Gray'.

Riley came over to us. "What does he mean 'Gray'?" He asked.

I sighed. I hated Peter. "I changed my last name after I thought Hunter died. Our mother died years before Hunter supposedly did. I was so upset that I changed my name."

Riley raised his eyebrows and his jaw dropped. "You are to say that you have a ballroom and a company named after a name that doesn't even exist?"

I shrugged. "It's still my last name and I don't plan on changing it."

Riley let out a breath and waved his arms in the air. "Alyssa, I worked so hard on everything for you! Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?"

Peter came between Riley and me. Riley stood staring at me. "Well, well, well." Peter said. "Looks like our leader here isn't a very good leader after all."

I gave him a cold hard stare. "And you're not? Mr. Levi? Wait a second, that's not your name is it? Oh yeah, it's Latner! You lier! You lied to Ann and everyone else!" I yelled at him.

He clenched his jaw. "Life has curious ways of shuffling one's priorities." Peter grinned. His grin was just as perfect as everyone else in this hall.

The white haired man stepped behind Riley. "Not that it's any of my business but, can we discuss this later so that we don't get killed?"

I sighed and looked at the floor. "Peter, we need your help."

"Why would you need my help, Queen." He said.

I clenched my teeth and balled my fists. "Because if you don't, I will kill you and you will be no more."

He raised his hands up sarcastically. "Oh no! What are you going to do?" He dropped his hands and his voice turned stern. "You of all people should know that I can't die."

I gave a sarcastic laugh. "Yes, I do. But, one bullet to the back of the head and your gone." I said showing him the berretas in my pockets. He backed up and clenched his jaw.

"Fine." Peter said.

"Fine." I said as I moved away from him towards the others. I looked at them. "Let's go." They followed me out of the door the woman blew up and down the long flight of stairs. There were doors on every small stop on the stairs. I ignored them and kept moving. This was not going as planned.

Several men came running down and up the stairs to meet us. I barged through them and the others slaughtered every one of them. I didn't even pay attention to what exactly happened. I hated Peter so much that I didn't care.

We got to the lobby and there was a line of men crouched on the ground pointing guns at us. I motioned to the nuclear girl. She walked carefully in front of all of us. She closed her eyes and put her hands out. Another explosion fired out of her hands hitting all of the men and exploding the front of the building.

I ignored the burnt bodies laying on the ground and walked over them. The others followed me. The explosive woman ignored them too. I walked out into the opening between the buildings. I stopped and turned towards everyone behind me. Sam came up to me.

"Alyssa, these people have extraordinary abilities. They can be very helpful."

I looked into his blue eyes. "You are not doing your job, Sam."

He sighed. "What's my job."

I flicked my hand up and made it into a 'U' shape. I used my force and moved Sam's body over to a wall. I didn't touch him. I just used my telekinesis. My hand tightened around his throat.

"Your job is to listen to me and do what you are told." I pulled my fingers closer. "Your job is to not bother me when I don't want to be bothered." Sam's hands went to his throat. A sickening sound came from him. Realizing what I was doing, I dropped my hand and Sam dropped to the ground. He stood up and stared at me.

Peter came up to me. "Well, look who's tough."

"I hate you!" I said. I flung my hand back up and grabbed him by the throat. I held his body up and pushed him against the building. "I am going to kill you whether you like it or not. I have been with you for five minutes and I am going to kill you."

He didn't hold his throat. The brown eyes just stared into mine. "You're not a killer. I don't believe you would kill me."

Hunter and Riley rushed up behind me. I forgot all about Hunter. They took me by the arms and pulled me back. I forced them off. They both fell to the ground. I stared deeply into Peter's eyes.

"Do you want to bet on that?" I asked.

Peter shrugged. "How much?" I flung him against the other wall. He fell to the ground and looked up at me. Blood began flowing from his forehead.

I walked slowly over to him. I looked down at him with no regret at all. "I will kill you. But, right now, I don't think I need you. You can sit in this world alone and eventually get captured by the same people and die in a cell. I don't care."

He looked up at me with fright. "I'm not afraid."

I smiled. "Yes, you are." I shot my foot out at him with full force. It hit him in the ribcage and he collapsed to the ground. I heard a snap from somewhere inside him. Peter fell unconscious.

I turned and walked back to the others. I walked towards the road and they all followed me. Riley stood behind everyone. Sam was right behind me. I turned around towards him and he looked at me with worry.

"I'm sorry, Sam. It's just, Peter was never the kind of person that made your day easy. I truly am sorry." His eyes turned a bright blue.

Sam grinned his perfect grin. "It's okay. I should probably get use to it anyway." I smiled. I turned back around and walked towards the road. Hunter came up beside Sam. They both came to my sides. I didn't look at my brother. It was too painful.

All of this was happening too fast. I stopped at the road and turned towards the others. "Okay, everyone come here. We have to make a plan."

They all came over and made a circle formation. I looked at each of them. The black curly haired woman looked up at me with pure excitement. The man with white hair looked into my eyes. Sam and Hunter still stood at my sides. Riley stood next to the white haired woman.

"Okay, what's all of your names?' I asked the people we just rescued.

"I'm Tobey and I can manipulate memory." The white haired man said.

I sighed. "Great, we might need that." I leaned back and my back cracked. I looked at the white haired woman.

"Well, I am Meredith and you probably already know my power." She said. I nodded and looked at the black haired woman.

"I'm Eve and I can transport or teleport any where or any time." She said. I raised my eyebrows.

"Well, Eve, we will definitely need that if you plan on staying." Eve nodded. Her bouncy hair shook her head.

Eve looked around at everyone. "I'll definitely do my best. I don't suppose any of us has anything better to do."

Everyone gave an awkward look without glancing at her. They all stopped talking. I assumed it was because they wanted to have something better to do. I know I did. I'd rather be on vacation in Hawaii, if that was possible.

"Well, here's what we have to do." I said. "Sam, go with Tobey and get the information you need from their computer's. Get every sort of information inside that brain of yours of whoever has powers and the people who are after us. I want every bit of information you can get. Anything that can help."

Sam nodded and he rushed back to the building. Tobey followed him without running. I turned back and looked at Eve and Meredith. They looked at me with concern.

I sighed. "If they don't get the information, we can't do a thing."

Meredith looked up at me. "I know one thing." I looked up at her with excitement. "There is another building in Texas that has even more people like us and even more guards."

I raised my eyebrows and sighed. "More people? Texas?'

She shrugged. This was getting harder every moment.