‹ Prequel: Move



Sam and Tobey came rushing out of the building. They both came up behind me and I turned around waiting to hear some new news.

Sam started panting. "There is a company in Texas that has more people and several other things that might help us."

I nodded and pursed my lips. "Where in Texas and what sort of things?"

Sam waved his arm towards Tobey. Sam bent over and panted. He must have ran really hard. Tobey looked comfortable with his breathing. "Midland." Tobey said.

I nodded again and turned around to face the others. "Alright, here's the plan. Eve, Sam, Meredith, and Tobey," I pointed at each of them, "you'll all meet us in Midland and we'll go to the building."

Eve looked confused. "How will we get there?"

Meredith let out a breath. "Well, lets see. We can fly, run, or teleport."

Eve looked down at the ground. "I'm not so use to this."

I creased my eyebrows. "Anyway." I said turning to Sam and Tobey. Sam finally caught his breath. "Where is the building and what other sorts of things are in there?"

Sam looked down at me. "Well, it's hidden underneath a paper company called Monotech. The other sorts of things are, well, let's just say a virus that can sweep the entire human race off of th planet if it is released."

Everyone sighed. I even did. "Okay. Well, we'll get that first and we'll destroy it. If there really are people in the company, we'll get the good one's out somehow."

"What about us?" Riley asked without a tone.

I looked at him and frowned. "You'll come with me of course." I looked at Hunter and back at Riley. Hunter looked down at the ground. I gave a slight smile and turned back to the others.

"So, are we going to fly?" Meredith asked. I looked at Riley. He backed up.

"On a plane." I said facing Riley. Riley stuffed his hands in his pockets. I reached into my pockets and took out the guns. I handed one to Meredith and Tobey. "Use them only if someone is trying to capture you. I don't want to be going to jail because you flip out. Alright?" They all nodded.

I reached back into my pocket and took out a wad of money. They all looked at me. I raised my eyebrows and counted several hundreds. I handed them off to Sam. He was the only one I knew that I could trust. "Use it wisely."

I put the other money away and began walking across the road. Hunter followed me and the others stayed behind. I turned around and looked at Riley.

"I won't wait." I said from across the street. I turned back around and went into the grassy opening next to the church. Footsteps started coming towards me. I kept walking. Riley came up beside me. Hunter on the other side.

I turned to look at Hunter. "What happened to you?" I asked him.

He gave a sarcastic chuckle. "Well," He began. His voice soft as velvet. "when I supposedly got into a car crash, they captured me while I was in my car. My car crashed in the process and that's why they used that idea."

I shrugged. "I figured that out, I mean, what about your powers."

Hunter gave another sarcastic laugh. "When I was flying to see you that one summer, I got too high in the air and I started making thunder. I didn't know it was me until I stopped thinking about it. When I thought about it, it became active."

Riley sighed. "That's how it always starts. You do something to activate it and then it's there inside you forever."

I glanced up at him. I turned my glance back at Hunter. I stopped walking and I stood with my body turned to him. "What can you do?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I can make anything the weather makes with a twist. I can make it small, big, in one area, or I could put it on a person."

I nodded. "Show me."

Hunter raised his eyebrows and lifted his palm up for me to see. I looked at it and saw how big his hands had gotten. He looked deep into my eyes and I saw that he had a large white dot forming in his eyes. He looked at his palm. I did too. There was something floating above it and disappearing when it hit his palm. It was snow. It was snowing on his hand. There was no snow on the ground, it was just cold, almost spring.

I smiled slightly and looked up at him. "Now I get to show you my power." I took his hand. I touched Riley's hand and he took it firmly. At least he wasn't completely angry at me.

My feet told me to run. I did. I ran across the newly growing grass and into the woods. The wind rushed past my face as we zoomed through the woods. I looked at the blurry trees and smiled. Being a monster wasn't so bad. It was but, there were some good parts.

I started to slow down as we rushed out of wilderness, into city, and into more woods. I stopped and looked around. We were standing in the middle of Bryant Park. I turned around to look at Hunter.

He was holding his head. "Woah." I lifted my chin.

Riley folded his arms. "That's not all she can do but, let's do that later." Riley unfolded his arms and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He began walking through the woods away from us.

"It's a long way from here." I said to him.

He turned around. "How do you know where I am going? You aren't the mind reader here!"

I rushed over to him and stopped him by standing in front of him. Hunter was a couple yards between us already.

"Since you are the mind reader, maybe you should read my mind and see what I am thinking." I said looking up at him.

Riley's deep brown eyes looked into mine. I looked at him with love and concern. He looked away from me and sighed.

"I always believed in you Ms. Gray." I sighed and opened my arms and held his body to mine. His mouth went to my ear. "Just, no more surprises."

I smiled as my head rested on his shoulder. "I promise but, I can't promise I won't surprise you and myself." His quiet chuckle made me smile even more. Riley's lips went to my hair. He rubbed my back and I let him go slowly. I looked up in his eyes. They were shining like they were when we were on our first and only date.

Riley held out his hand and I took it with happiness. I looked over at Hunter. "Come on Hunter!" His head perked up and he came running over to us. Riley pulled me closer to him and I let go of his hand and hugged his arm. Hunter came up beside me and looked at us.

"So, you have been protecting my little sister?" Hunter said.

Riley gave another little chuckle. I rested my head on his arm. "Well, you can say I've been supervising her. She doesn't exactly need my protection."

I lifted my head and looked at him. "It helps though." We both smiled.

I let go of my grasp on his arm and held his hand. I held my other hand out for Hunter. He took it and gave me a little smile. I smiled back and my feet pushed my faster than I had just gone. Riley and Hunter became a blur. I rushed through New York City and ran through the woods to my house. I let go of Hunter's hand and held on to Riley's for a while. It slipped from my hand as I moved towards my house.

"I'll be right back." I said. Of course I had to climb through my window again. Although, this time, I had a little faith.