(Jackie sucks at writing stories, no creativity what so ever, be sure to keep this in mind throughout the story. Thanks) 

I lay awake in bed, not being able to close my eyes. Every time I started to doze off, I saw the pictures of the dead girl as if they were burned in to the back of my eyelids. I even shuttered at the sheer thought of it…

I recently received an unsolved murder case down at the station. This one, like all the others, will stick with me until the day I die. But this one caught my attention much more than all the other’s that I have seen. The girl had burn patterns on her wrists and distinct scratch marks on the back of both knees. The burn mark was of a crescent with marks around it I could not understand.

Feeling sick to my stomach, I sat up slowly. It took every bit of strength I had to climb out of bed. I staggered to the bathroom like a drunk who had overstayed his welcome at the local bar. After using the facilities, I washed my hands and glanced at myself in the mirror.

“Ugh, don’t you look dashing tonight, love” I told myself.

I then again proceeded to splash ice cold water on my face, giving it time to sink in to every individual pore. I took one last look at the reflection in the mirror. I saw nothing but vacant eyes, burning right through me. I quickly shut the taps off and turned around to the towel rack to dry my hands.

My stomach began to form knots and I keeled over in pain. Something was not right. I could feel it in my very soul. As if God was trying to make the already shitty scenario much worse for me, I heard a crash coming from downstairs.

“Great, just FUCKING great” I thought, frightened for my life.

“W-who’s there..?” I stammered. No response, just pure silence. I could hear my heart pounding rapidly through my chest. I pressed on and found myself in the heart of the living room. I had just moved in to this house not even a month ago, and still found myself stumbling over objects I had placed there and rearranged periodically. After picking myself up, I ventured on in to the kitchen: the home of the strange noise.

I tip-toed in to the kitchen, hearing the gruff voices of men. I could not distinguish how many were there. Two, maybe three, but I took my chances anyway.

“Who the FUCK are you and why the hell are you here?!” I screamed… there was a hint of fear in my voice.

I was right. There were two men standing in front of me. One had to of been about 6’2, and very skinny. The other man was of average height and a bit heavyset. I could not attain a decent profile of their faces for the room was dark and my heart was pounding with anticipation of what was to happen next.

“Hmm, well, if it isn’t Sarah, my my, we have waited oh so long to meet you” the tall man sang in a sinister voice.

“Ah’s a reckon we shoold tell tha boss, Jim” The fat man suggested with a wild grin on his face.

“I suppose, but, we could just kill her instead” Jim smiled sadistically at the words coming out of his mouth.

When Jim’s words sank in, before I could think of where I could escape to, I felt my legs move swiftly and start bolting down the hallway. I stumbled up the stairs in a frantic confusion.
“Why are these men here, what do they want with me!?” I thought.
I soon slipped out of my deep trance and snapped back in to reality. I heard the fat one come in to contact with the desk, falling down, and writhing in deep pain. I felt myself let out a slight chuckle at the thought of the fat ass tripping over my desk, wondering myself where the hell I had even placed it.
Suddenly, I heard a creak in the floor boards behind me, breaking the hilarious thoughts that had been rushing through my mind. With dread, I turned around and saw the raised hand of Jim right in front of me. I could not tell what was in his hand, before I could even fathom the thought it could be deadly, I felt something blunt hit the crown of my head with great force, and the last thing I remember was my limp body crashing to the ground.