
I woke up in a cold, sticky sweat, plastering me to my sheets like a helpless insect caught in the sneaky spiders web. I managed to shift my body to the side, trying to locate my clock to read the time. 4:23 a.m. How long was I out for? I didn’t remember much of the previous night. I searched deep inside my mind to recall the events that had happened. Nothing came to me. Nothing at all. I felt myself doze off in to a quiet, peaceful slumber. It seems my subconscious mind could recollect the lurid scenario of the night before. I soon awoke, finding myself sitting straight up. Soon, a rush of memories came crawling in to my head as a cool, tingling sensation began traveling it's way down my spine. I felt a pounding sensation on the left side of my head, and quickly began to remember how it had gotten there. During the process of checking for many other wounds I may of had, I caught glimpse of the clock.
8:23 a.m.
"Fuck," I thought, "I'm late for work." No time to think now, my ass is on the line here. I can think of all this when I had the time... Hence... my lunch break, if I were lucky enough to get one today.