Road Trip

Sister, Sister, Lover?

Beep Beep Beep

I roll over, and press the snooze button on the Clock. Heidi sleep peaceful next to me, snuggling up against my shoulder. We had about two hours to get ready. We were leaving at 6:30am. I looked down at her as she nuzzled her cheek against my shoulder. Her sweet face touched mine. It felt comforting. Her hand slipped up my shirt, bringing my body closer to her’s, and feeling up and down my side. She moved closer, and licked her lips. She was still sleeping, I think. She placed half her body on mine, resting her head on my color bone, under my chin, as her legs wrapped around mine.

My face flushed, was this really happening?

She yawned as I slipped from her tight and tempting grasp. She sat up, stretching her arms, and yawning again. “Morning already?” She smiled scratching her head, an slipping from her bed.
Then once she walked to her dresser, something I didn’t expect came from her soft lips.
“You still didn’t answer my question from last night Jessica.” She shifted though her dresser looking for the correct clothing to wear, but I thought she looked good in everything.
“Um,” I stuttered. “I…Don’t Know.” I sighed, sitting my self back on the edge of her bed holding my head in my hands. “How about you?” I wondered trying to get my self from the conversation.
“Yeah, Me either. Kind of confused, I liked y…” Her tone got quiet, and then shook her head.
“You liked what?” I wondered.
“Nothing, I’m just not sure about my self.”
I smiled as I saw a smile blush, and a smirk on her face, I walked over to her half dressed body and gave her a hug. “No matter what you chose,” I hugged her tight. “I’ll be with you.” I gave I comforting smile, just to reassure her.

I walked over to her bathroom, with was Huge! The shower had two shower nozzles, and had a Jacuzzi. I took my clothing and placed it neatly on the toilet seat. I took off my Pajama’s and turned on the shower and started washing my self.

I couldn’t help to thing, what she was thinking about. What was on her mind? What was she going to say? And why was the shower so cold? I heard the door shut, and opened the shower door, “Hell---” My mouth was covered by some one else’s.


I looked at the tears that ran down her face as our mouth’s met, and so did our tongues. I closed my eyes, trying to believe in this moment. She pushed opened the shower door and pressed her halfway dressed body on my wet one. Her hands ran up my back, I blushed, as she backed me up in to the shower’s cold tile corner. She was still crying as she hugged me.
“Heidi?” I drifted off as she cried.
“I love you.” Her lips whispered.