Let It Be

Just a memory

Gerard's p.o.v.

It seemed like so long ago since first and last saw her. She said that her name was Lily. Ah, what a beautiful name. After getting to know her in the meet and greet after the concert, I think I started to fall for her. But..... she had to leave, so I never saw her ever again. Only in random dreams my mind had forced upon me.

Just like had been exactly two years ago, I saw her sitting on one of the couches back stage with a girl who had brown hair. They were chatting with each other and laughing.

" Someone ought to make sure that you control your sugar intake, you're crazy on that stuff Kat!" Lily laughed.

The girl named Kat laughed with her.

" Like I would ever let them! You know nobody could ever stop me Lily!!!"

" I really shouldn't have let you have that red bull before the concert."

" Red Bulls Lily."

" Red Bulls?"

" I had more than one."

" Lord help us all." Lily said dramatically, but with a smile still on her face.

Kat looked at me, noticing I was staring at her and Lily, mostly Lily.

" Don't look now, but Gerard's staring at you." Kat whispered into Lily's ear an Lily's eyes went wide.

" Honestly?" Lily asked her.

" Honestly Lils, I would never lie to you." Kat said in a serious tone.

" Hello girls." I said flirtily. Is that even a word?

" Hi Gerard." Lily said to me, still smiling and Kat smirking.

" It's her 16th birthday today!" Kat blurted out all of a sudden.

" Sorry for that Gerard, she's had red bull today."

" Five of 'em! All 16 ouncers!" Kat exclaimed and Lily's eyes looked like they might pop out of their sockets.

" Dear god!"

I couldn't help but laugh. " She's like the female version of Frankie." I said.

" Yup!" Kat said.

" Who's like the female version of me Gee?" Frank asked as he came up from behind me, nearly giving me a heart attack.

" Me! And that rhymed!!!"

" Again, sorry. She's had five 16 ounce red bulls today."

" And skittles!!" Kat shouted.

" KAT! You know what too many skittles does to your stomach!! The girls and Ry are gonna shit bricks when they find out." Lily said, concern flashing through her eyes.

" Uh-oh, you're right." Kat said, starting to calm down at that.

" So how did you two like the concert?" Frank asked, trying to change the subject.

" Awesome!!" Kat said.

" It's was absolutely great and free soft porn." Lily said chuckling.

" Good. We do that stuff on stage because it's fun and gives off this vibe to keep the homophobes away." Frank said.

" I know, I watched the interview video on youtube that mentioned that."

" Know it all." Kat said. Lily just smacked her upside the head. " Meanie!"

" Don't make me do it again Kat, you know I will." Lily said in a warning tone, but was smiling.

Kat rolled her eyes and smiled as well.

" Too bad Ry couldn't make it to the concert." Lily said.

" Why? What happened?" I asked.

" He got sick with the flue. I don't fucking know how, but he did. And he's always such a neat freak!" she exclaimed.

" So now he's heart broken that he couldn't come and see Frank." Kat said with a smirk, Lily smacked her upside the head again.

" Wha-, what?" Frank stammered.

" Not telling." Lily said and glared at Kat. " You are so going to get it later." she added under her breath. Then Mikey, Bob, and Ray walked in to join us. I couldn't help but notice the way Kat blushed when Mikey sat beside her and Lily smirked at her.

" Don't you even dare Lily!" Kat warned her.

" What? I wasn't going to do anything!" Lily exclaimed with a smiled on her face.

" Pas de , Je sais thanksggiving sembler!" Kat said in a different language. French I believe.

" Calm down. I wasn't going to do anything, honest." Lily said and pulled at into a hug.

" D'accord Lis."

" Êtes vous état du terrain à s'entretenir dans Anglais tellement vous can parler aux amour de votre vie who's séance équitable à côté de vous?" Lily asked her.

" I am so going to get you back later." Kat told her.

" Ah. But Mon amour, you love me."

Kat rolled her eyes and looked the other way, at Mikey. Her blushed deepened on her face and I smirked.

She likes my little brother. I mean, who doesn't? I do, well not the incest way you pervs!

Riley's p.o.v.

We were told last night that we'd be going to a meeting with My Chemical Romance and their manager to go over the last details for the tour. Project Revolution was the name of the tour.... I think.

Well now it's that next day and all of Slipping Psychotic (the band I'm in) had just arrived from the airport at 6 fucking 30 in the morning, and we're currently on our way to the meeting place. Lily fell asleep on my lap and I was stroking her hair softly whilst she slept. She looked so peaceful and innocent like this, you'd never guess the horror she's seen.

Lily's p.o.v. and dream

It's crisp clear day. I'd just gotten out of high school and ran all the way home to Gerard. " Gee!" I cried out upon seeing him and hugged him.

" Lils!" Gerard said and hugged back. " How was your last day school?" he asked.

" It was alright, I missed you though..." I said. Shyly looking up at his handsome face, I leaned in closer to kiss him. Just as our lips almost touched, I felt myself being shook.

" Lily, wake up." a voice said.

I ignored it and leaned in closer, just one centimeter away....

" LILY! Wake up damn it!!" the voice said again and it sounded like....

" Riley, you bastard." I mumbled when I woke up, my eyes fluttering open to look at my band mate who's lap that I had been using as a pillow.

" Now, now. No need for name calling." Riley said cheekily and smiled.

I slapped him upside the head.

" Ow! What the fuck Lily?" he asked, rubbing the back of his head.

" That's for waking me up from a great dream and great sleep." I grumbled.

He rolled his eyes. " Well you need to get your ass out of the hummer because we're here." Riley said.

My eyes lightened up.

" Yeah, I thought you'd rather see him in the flesh than in dreams." he said.

I rolled my eyes, unbuckled my seat belt, and got out of the car to join the others.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys liked the first chappy! And the song in the short description with a couple of lines from Mayday Parade's song, You Be The Anchor That Keeps My Feet On The Ground, I'll Be The Wings That Keep Your Heart In The Clouds.

Pas de , Je sais thanksggiving sembler! - No, I know that look!

D'accord Lis - Alright Lily

Êtes vous état du terrain à s'entretenir dans Anglais tellement vous can parler aux amour de votre vie who's séance équitable à côté de vous? - Are you going to speak in english so you can talk to the love of your life who's sitting right next to you?

Mon amour - My love