Let It Be

It seems so obvious

The ring tone is from this

Kat’s POV

Two days later Lily had received the e-mail telling us who was on tour with us the following day. How do I know? She started screaming at the top of her lungs at six am. What she was doing awake that that ungodly hour, I don’t think I will ever know. What she discovered, I will never forget.

“FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! The fucking Jonas brothers! You have got to be shitting me!” I rolled over in bed, Riley in bed next to me. He had, had a nightmare and crawled into my bed not three hours prior to our rude awakening.

“Shut up Lily! Some people are normal and like to sleep!” Riley turned in the bed, catching my eye. We could hear Silence screaming at Lily to shut up over Lily’s own screaming. I huffed and crawled out of bed. Today wasn’t a good day; this wasn’t a good way to start off. Who would wake me so early? It should be illegal to be awake at such a time. But nobody ever considers the other people in the house, they always just think of their selves.

I groaned, walking into the bathroom. There I can wait out my anger. I learnt this old trick when I was younger. When I was having a ‘bad day’ I could just sit somewhere else and let my medicine take over and help. So I chose the bathroom and sat in there, waiting for everyone to calm the fuck down.

Silence’s POV

I stored out of my room, only in a shirt and boxers. I didn’t give a fuck what anyone else had to fucking say, this was my god damn time to sleep! I needed sleep to function! I stormed into Lily’s bedroom, seeing her screaming and the computer.

“Shut up before I shove a sock down your throat!” I bellowed, hoping that would scare her enough to shut it. But she didn’t stop, she kept going. “If you have something to say, calm down and say it.”

“The fucking Jonas Brothers are coming on Warped tour with us...” She stated, turning the computer screen towards me. I read the e-mail

Dear Slipping Psychotic,

The following bands are scheduled to tour on the Warped Tour ’09 with you. If you need anything, please call the number in our signature.

My Chemical Romance
Three Days Grace
A Static Lullaby
Linkin Park
Jonas Brothers
Simple Plan
Mayday Parade
The All American Rejects
Panic! At the Disco

“Well...some of them aren’t bad.” I tried to reason.

“But the fucking Gay-nas brothers? Why?” She really looked on the verge of tears.

“You never know, Joe might have given the producer a blow job or something...Or Nick...who’s the other one? Well, he might have done it too.” She giggled lightly and nodded. Great, now that she’s happy, I can go back to bed right? Wrong.
I turned to see Riley in the door way, upset look.

“Oh come on, we can just beat their fucking asses everyday on tour. It won’t be that bad!” I tried to reason. I really just wanted to get to bed.

“It’s not that,” he said, serious tone to his voice-shit, “You guys put Kat in a bad mood. She’s in the bathroom. Help me get her out?” Instantly I nodded and followed Ry out of the room, Lily following suit. We went to the closed door that held Kat and Ry knocked on it. “Kat? Baby? Are you going to come out?” we didn’t hear anything so I tried. I went to the door and rasped softly.

“Hey sweetie, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” she replied through the door.

“We know something’s up. Can you tell us please?” She didn’t say anything so Lily knocked on the door, asking her to come out and talk. Ry looked at me before going to get Bri. After a while, and some persuasion on Lily’s part Kathleen walked out of the bathroom, looking perfectly fine.

“I said it was nothing. I was just a little mad I was woken up. But I calmed down.” She told us. I nodded and looked over at the other three. They shrugged too before engaging us all in a group hug. “I love you guys.”

A couple hours later we were asked to visit My Chemical Romance at the Way’s parent’s house, so we could figure out bedding and food supplies for the tour. When we got there we were welcomed into the house by a peroxide blond hair woman. She smiled, her black attire reminding me of the Way brothers.

“Well, if it isn’t the band wagon. What do we have here? Girls?”

“And one guy!” Riley yelled form behind us all. Lily giggled and looked back from Riley to Donna. I know. Creeper, stalker fan. Just, don’t mention it. Donna laughed at Riley and allowed us in, showing us to the basement where everyone had crowded. She said she didn’t want anyone around while she was cooking, but I thought it was because she didn’t want to be seen making out with her husband. Which is exactly what I saw her do, as everyone else walked down the stairs, I looked back at her. It was nasty. Like old people sex, only worse. It was old Way sex, I mean, young Way sex would be hot. Imagine watching Gerard or Mikey? Like, hello! Hotties! And then watching them make out with...say...no, never mind. I wouldn’t want to watch them making out with other people.

What’s important to say here is, Bob is my man. And no matter how much I can imagine Gerard and Mikey doing the nasty, Bob is the one for me. It’s times like these I would shift my eyes, but that’s only when I talk to other people. But I’m talking to myself right now. So maybe I should stop? Yeah. I thought so too.

After having the most confusing conversation I have ever had with myself to date, I continued downstairs. The room was filled with smoke. From what kind of rolled substance? I think I will never know. But when I got in there I immediately saw noticed Mikey giving Kat the googly eye. Well, that was until Kat turned around and he snapped his head away. From there, she was giving him the googly eye. Jeesh, they should just have sex already. Make up for time well wasted.

Even though he was talking to Frank, Riley noticed too, I could tell. Same as Lily and Bri. We could all tell, everyone but Kat and Mikey.

“Everyone miss me?” I announced, strutting my stuff and plopping down onto Bob’s lap.

“Well, seems like someone missed me.” Bob noticed. It was true, I did miss him. But not enough to get embarrassed.

“Like hell, you should join me there one day.” He laughed and sat back, letting me take over his lap. Gerard peeked a look over at Mikey and Kat who were silently sitting two seats away from each other. Gerard looked at Lily, Bri, Riley, Frank, and Ray, motioning for us to lean in.

“I have a plan. It will make this go a lot faster.” I grinned, loving his plan already.

Lily's p.o.v.

" This so isn't going to go over well." I muttered whilst shaking my head. " She's gonna get pissed."

" Says the one who woke her up at 6 am screaming." Silence said.

" How can I not scream when I learn that the Jonas Brothers are gonna be on tour with us?!"

" Wait, what?" Frank turned around and asked me.

" The Jonas fucking Brothers are on the warped tour!" I repeated.

" Oh god...." he said and pinched the bridge of his nose. " This cannot be happening."

" Oh but it is. And just to piss them off, I'm only speak french around them."

All of a sudden my phone went off, with the ring tone I normally have when people I don't know or have their number in my cell call me.

" So can I ask you this?
Not to be forward, miss,
But I think I'd kill myself
If I never knew...

What do I have to do
To get inside of you?
To get inside of you?
Cuz I love the way you move,
When I'm inside of you.
When I'm inside of you...

Just ask and I will do
Anything you want me to."

" Hello?" I asked as soon as I opened my cell and put it to my ear, trying to ignore the looks that I was receiving from the MCR boys.

" Is this Lilly Williams from Slipping Psychotic?" the person from the other line asked me.

" Yeah, who wants to know?"

" I'm with the head of the Warped Tour '09 and in the email we forgot to mention two bands that'll be joining because they were joining at the last minute."

" Who are they?"

" The Used and Tokio Hotel."

" Are you serious?!"

" Very. I take it that you're happy with it?"

" Hell yeah. I didn't think I was ever going to be able to see The Used preform live, this is a dream come true!" I said very excited. Gerard gave me this look when I said it.

" Well you're welcome."

" Though one thing. What the hell is up with the Jonas Brothers going on the tour?"

" That is complicated. Good-bye." then the bastard hung up on me.

" Jackass. Well two more bands'll be on tour with us." I told them.

" Who?" Gerard asked.

" Tokio Hotel and The Used. I'm finally going to see The Used preform! Yes!" I said, the excitement clear on my face and in my voice. " I wasn't even sure if they were alive or if they o.d."

" Great, The Used...." he muttered.

I sighed, then walked to Gerard and whispered in his ear, " I heard rumors of something bad that happened between you and Bert McCracken. Tell me later what happened between you and Bert, okay? If you don't want to right, I'll wait for when you're ready to tell me. And in exchange, I'll tell you something that happened to me." and stepped away with a sad smile. If he told me what had happened between him and Bert, I'm going to tell him about when my biological mom tried to murder me.

Kat's p.o.v.

I'm sitting on the couch two spots away from Mikey whilst our friends were talking together, then Lily's phone went off with that funny ring tone and she said something about The Used and Tokio Hotel being on Warped Tour with us, but I was mainly focusing on Mikey.

" Hey Kat, there's some pencils and a sketch pad I need from the closet. Can you go get them for me please?" Gerard asked me, breaking me out of my trance.

" Sure." I said, got up and walked to said closet that he was pointing to. When I opened the door, I groaned seeing that the pencils and paper were all the way at the top. A little too fucking high! This closet if about 6' 5" and I'm 5' 6", so I'm too short. " I can't reach them! I is too fun sized!!" I whined.

" Mikey, you go and help her!" Lily said.

" Why me and not you?" Mikey asked.

" Because you're taller then me. Me and Kat are both the same height, so move it!"

" Fine." he said and walked over and into the closet alongside me. All of sudden the door was shut and I heard the lock click.

" God damn it! Open this motherfucking door!!" I shouted. Their was no answer. " Great." I'm locked in a closet with Mikey fucking Way and I feel like my heart is going to explode from being so close since this closet isn't too wide.
♠ ♠ ♠
'Ello, Renji here. You see the part of the this chappy that's red? well I wrote that part. Sorry it's been so long since we've updated. Huggles,
- Renji

p.s. Comments = cookies &sex. kidding