Let It Be

Baby don't stop

Riley's p.o.v.

About two days after the Chubby Bunny incident, we all left on a bus because the Warped Tour had started. We had to leave early because Slipping Psychotic was preforming first. And I can't believe the outfit my sisters are making me wear for the I Feel Perfect performance. A dress AND all pink! Those girls are fucking evil, but they told me that Frank would get horny over seeing me in this get up.

" Pfftttt..... if he doesn't piss himself laughing first." I said as Lily applied makeup to my face. Currently I'm wearing a bathrobe like the girls, so nobody will see the outfits till we do the song.

" I doubt it once we start preforming." she said.

" Yeah." Bri said.

All four of them looked nice tonight and I was worried about the way that the men in the crowd would be staring at them like they're meat.

" All done!" Lily said and put her makeup away.

" SP, you're due in 1 minute." a techie said and walked away.

" Alright, let's do this." Silence said and started walking out on stage with the rest of us in tow.

" Hello New Jersey. How the fuck are you guys doing?!" Lily shouted out into the mike, the crowd roared. " I can't fucking hear you! I said, How the fuck are you guys doing?!!" the crowd screamed this time. " Now that's more fucking like it. We're Slipping Psychotic and before we start the first song, I've got to tell you guys something first.

" About two days ago when we were having lunch at Gerard Way's mom's house with all of the MCR guys, Bri here made the mistake of telling the guys about the time we did a song called I Feel Perfect by Porcelain And The Tramps. So Frank made a bet with me that if I lose to Gerard in a game called Chubby Bunny, that we'd have to do a repeat performance of that with skimpy clothes and sexier dancing at our first performance in Warped Tour.

" And guess the fuck what? I fucking lost." Lily said and took off her bathrobe to reveal her outfit. Followed by me, Kat, Silence, and last but not least, Bri. A lot of wolf whistles came from the audience along with whoops.

" Oh you'll really cheer once we begin." Lily said. She looked back to see if we were all ready to play, we were and gave her the go ahead. " Okay, here's our cover of I Feel Perfect. Enjoy it because we're never fucking going to do something like this ever again!"

" The other day I had to stop and think
And boy I love the way you get to me
So I took a hit and poured another drink
Your perfect frame is where I sucked it clean
Oh Yeah ."
Lily started singing and strutted around stage.

" I can never stop myself from fallin over
You can never stop yourself from comin over
I can feel you comin closer and closer
Baby don't stop now
Baby don't stop now

I can never stop myself from fallin over
You can never stop yourself from comin over
I can feel you comin closer and closer
Baby don't stop now
Baby don't stop now."
Then she did the stripper move by sliding around the mike and to the ground.

" I love how easy you crawl at me
And the way it feels when you peel my clothes off me
The palm of my hand's where I hold the key
I fit you like the glove, it's not the ecstasy
Oh Yeah ."
She sang whilst looking at Gerard, she's been looking at him the whole damn time. I, on the other hand, look like I'm going to have an orgasm whilst playing. And the way I'm playing my guitar looks like the way I might touch myself.

" I can never stop myself from fallin over
You can never stop yourself from comin over
I can feel you comin closer and closer
Baby don't stop now
Baby don't stop now

I can never stop myself from fallin over
You can never stop yourself from comin over
I can feel you comin closer and closer
Baby don't stop now
Baby don't stop now

Don't stop till you please me
Don't stop till you please me
Don't stop (can you feel me?),
Don't stop, (can you feel me?) don't stop, don't stop
Why don't you come over
And slip into something a little more comfortable
Slip into me
How does that feel baby
Oh wait don't tell me, I already know
I feel perfect
I feel deep in you

I can never stop myself from fallin over
You can never stop yourself from comin over
I can feel you comin closer and closer
Baby don't stop now
Baby don't stop now

I can never stop myself from fallin over
You can never stop yourself from comin over
I can feel you comin closer and closer
Baby don't stop now
Baby don't stop now

Don't stop till you please me
Don't stop till you please me
Don't, don't stop till you please me
Don't stop till you please me
(*keeps going until end)

I can never stop myself from fallin over
You can never stop yourself from comin over
I can feel you comin closer and closer
Baby don't stop now
Baby don't stop now

I can never stop myself from fallin over
You can never stop yourself from comin over
I can feel you comin closer and closer
Baby don't stop now
Baby don't stop now."

The crowd roared, wolf whistled, and applauded us. " Thank you! Next up is a song called You're My Angel and it's dedicated to Gerard fucking Way!"


Lily's p.o.v.

" The sun is setting
Sad to say, it's time for us to go
So long and see you tomorrow
And just remember
Needles are something you should never borrow."
I sang into the mike as a good-bye and then announced Hinder as they came on stage. I exited while the lead singer, Austin, was looking me up and down. Once in our dressing room, I got extra clothes and made my to the showers they had at this place.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Five minutes later ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

" Lily! Hurry the fuck up! We've got an interview in 15 minutes!!!" Riley shouted over the roar of the shower.

" Alright Ry, don't get your panties in a twist." I shouted back, then sighed and shut the shower off. I dried myself quickly and pulled on my clean clothes, then walked out of the showers.

" About damn time." my brother said. I flipped him off and he chuckled. " Sorry, but that would be incest."

" Oh shut the fuck up Ry." I said. " You got your makeup off?" I asked him

" Yeah."

" So where's the interview at and is it just our band being interviewed?"

" In the lounge room and no, it's a double interview with The Used."

" YES!"

" I knew you'd love that. So move it!" Riley said and pushed me through the door.

" You ass, don't push your baby sister." came Silence's voice from the love seat where she was sprawled over.

" Sy, you didn't change?" I asked, lifting up her legs so that I could sit down and put them across my lap.

" No shit Sherlock, too lazy." she said and yawned.

" Heh, typical." I laughed. Then came some laughing and loud steps.

" BERTY'S HERE!" boomed a loud voice.

" I guess Bert's here." Riley said from the couch across from us as Bert McCracken and the rest of The Used came in and took the rest of the seats.

" Oh really?" I asked sarcastically. " Now where the fuck are-"

" We're here!" Kat shouted cutting me off, coming in with Bri and plopped herself on Riley's lap with Kat right next to him.

Feeling a little shy due to The Used being in the room and getting a little bored waiting, I began tickling Silence's feet knowing that they were sensitive. She began to laugh and tried kicking, but I held her ankles in one arm. " You're evil!" she laughed.

" And yet you love me anyways." I saidsmirking smiling.

" That I do Lils. Now fucking stop that! The interviewer person is here!" Silence said and I stopped.

" Hello, my name is Cindy and I'll be interviewing you guys today." the woman named Cindy said.

" 'Ello." I said.

" And this interview is live, so there's a screen out there and the audience will watching this." she said and the guy that came with whom had a camera turned it on. And with the lovely luck I have, my phone went off.

" You wanna fuck me like an animal
You'd like to burn me on the inside
You like to think that I'm a perfect drug
Just know that nothing you do
Will bring you closer to me."

I opened the phone saying a quick sorry to Cindy before saying into the phone, " Jesus Christ Vallo, you sure do have ruddy timing."

" What?" Ville asked.

" You called during an interview again." I stated plainly. " And now I've got The Used laughing due to my ring tone that I set for you when you call."

" Oops, sorry."

" Can I call you back Hermy?" I asked him.

" Sure, if Bam hasn't preoccupied my attention doing wonderful-"

" I do NOT want to hear about the wonderful things Bam does to you when no one's around! I don't need to hear about your sex life Hermy!!!"

" Heh, sorry love. Well I gotta g-O. B-Y-e!" and with that he quickly hung up.

" Oh god....." I said pinching the bridge of my nose when I closed my cellphone. " I'm sorry about that, he has the worst timing sometimes."

" It's alright. Let's start off with your guys' names and what you do in the band." Cindy said.

" I'm Lily A. Williams and I sing." I said.

" I'm Silence K. Nightmare and I do the drums. She's Katherine A. Tragic and she plays bass. She's Briony Lola Strant, call her Bri if you want to live, and she plays guitar. And he's Riley J. Farmer and he plays lead guitar." Silence said pointing to Kat, Bri, and Riley. Then The Used introduced themselves.

" Slipping Psychotic, your fans really want to know, are you guys single?" she asked.

" No, I'm taken by Gerard fucking Way. Or did you not hear the song I dedicated to him on stage?" I said.

" I'm taken by Mikey fucking Way." Kat said.

" Single and I've got a crush." Bri said.

" Same." Silence said.

" Single, I've got a crush, and I'm gay." Riley said and Cindy's face dropped.

" You're gay?" she asked.

" Yeah. I likey thah cock." Riley said with a semi-straight face and I laughed, shaking my head in amusement.

" The Used, how does it feel to be back on the Warped Tour?"

" Pretty fucking good." Quin said.

" Now for some more questions from the fans. This one from Nikki down in Gotham. 'Any shenanigans?'"

" Hmmm..... Yeah. I happened to find my bag full of sharpies that I was looking for somewhere in my backpack and I was bored. So I happened to find Ray asleep and got Gerard to help me draw all over Ray." I said giggling.

" I wish I could've seen that!" Bert said laughing.

" Lily has just a touch of ADHD. So when she gets bored and curious, chaos ensues." Riley said with a smile.

" Next question comes from Nikki again. ' How the bloody hell did the Jonas Brothers end up with you guys?'" Cindy asked.

" No clue." Bert said.

" I have no fucking idea. When I asked the guy who was with the head of the Warped Tour, he said that it was complicated and hung up on my ass." I said.

" McCracken, there has been really peculiar rumors goin' around you and Mr. Gerard Way. Care to explain?" Cindy asked.

" Nope." Bert said.

" Okay. This next one is from Meg, location unknown. This is a little random, ' What do you sleep in?'"

" Mountain Dew PJ's, no bra." I said.

" Ooo....sexy." Bert laughed.

" Yeah, just ask Gee." Silence said smirking and I slapped her feet. " Ah fuck! That hurt." she said glaring at me.

" Oh I can make it hurt even fucking more."

" This one is from Zap. ' SP, do you have any criminal convictions?'" she asked.

" Yeah, we each do." Riley answered.

" Three more, then we're done. Ever blown up a condom and batted it around like a beach ball?"

" Fuck yeah!" Bert and me answered at the same time and laughed.

" What's the kinkiest thing you've ever done in the bedroom?" Cindy asked.

" What the.... who sent that?" I asked.

" A fan called Bam."

" Oh I think I know who that is. As for the answer.... Doggy style whilst chained up and wearing a collar." Riley said. I made a face.

" Tied up with velvet." Bri said.

" Three some with a girl, a guy, and some dildos." Silence answered.

" I'm still a virgin." Kat said.

" Same. And hearing what my sibs did in the bedroom is so wrong on so many levels!" I said.

" Wait, you guys are siblings?" Jepha finally spoke up.

" Adoptive sibs. We've known each other for almost fourteen years, been siblings for almost eleven years." Bri answered.

" Alright. Ever fantasized about a minor?" she asked.

Everyone answered yes to that one.

" Okay, last question. I wasn't going to ask this one, but I think we've crossed the sexual line. Bert, will you be showing off your penis again?"

Bert laughed and said, " Maybe."

" Okay that's it for the interview. Thanks for your time!" Cindy said and signaled for the camera guy to turn off his camera.
♠ ♠ ♠
The song, You're my Angel is by Unwritten Law. Thanks to Meg, Lightning Zap, and Little-Nikki for the interview questions. And thanks again to Meg for letting me write this chappy. this chappy was 11,412 words in word. I updated now because I'll at my Aunt's house for teh weekend.

~ Renji