Let It Be

' Cause I'm So Much More Than What Meets The Eye

Gerard's p.o.v.

This is so wrong, I shouldn't be doing this to her. Yet why does something in me feel that's right? But every time I feel guilty afterwords.... I hate myself for doing this to the one I love the most, at least I think I love her more than anything. If I do, then what the fuck am I doing?

But ohhh.... " Fuck that feels good!" I moaned as my threaded through the long black hair on the head bobbing up and down on my length. The head chuckled and sent vibrations into my erection the wet, warm mouth.
Lily is going to kill when she finds out, mainly because I didn't tell her before I started fooling around with him again.

" Bert!"

Lily's p.o.v.

Four a.m.

I had trouble sleeping last night because I forgot to take my meds, also Mikey and Kat were going at it in their bunk... again. How many times can someone have sex in one night?! So far they're up tothree four times now.


" Ah fuck it, I'm not going to be able to get any sleep. This fucking sucks...." I mumbled under my breath and took my sketch pad with some mechanical pencils, then I began to draw that tattoo design Sy wanted for her back.

8 a.m.

" Rise and shine my angels!" mom said as she came into the bunk area.

" Piss off mum." I said slightly annoyed.

" Woah, someone's got PMS this morning." she said handing me a white chocolate mocha.

" Thanks. Well I forgot to take my meds last night, had trouble sleeping, and a certain couple had sex four fucking times in a row last night!" I said, the last part a bit louder.

" Good thing I wasn't on the bus to hear that last night."

" Yeah, where were you?"

" With Brian."

" Ooooo........"

" No we did not do anything!"

" But you wish you did...." I said jokingly, but she didn't say anything and it dawned on me. " You really did want something to happen, like kissing, didn't you? You like this guy."

" Yeah, I do. He's not like Mark." Mom said, cringing at the memory of her last boyfriend.

" Then go for him mum, you deserve someone like Bri. He's a really good guy and like a second father and best friend to the MCR guys." I said smiling, recalling in my head some of the things Brian had done that I've seen and those that Gee told me about. Speaking of Gee, I'm really starting to really like him. He's always nice, such a gentleman to me, loyal, a lot like my dad.

" Lil, you do know that we're in West Chester now, right?" mom asked me.

" No, I didn't. Finally! I've been looking forward to seeing Hermy and Bam since before the tour!!"

Riley's p.o.v.

Frank is being sexy right now and it's driving me nuts due to the tent in my pants that I'm trying to hide, and I don't know if he even knows it!

" Does this shirt look better on me?" Frank asked me, he's modeling clothes, trying to decide what to wear.

" Kind of, try the black and green one." I said pointing to the black shirt with green oriental birds going across it.

" Alright." he said and bent over to pick it up with his cute ass in the air, my dick moved and I tried my best not to groan. But at least I have a pillow to cover it. Frank put the shirt on and the damn thing looked like it could qualify for body paint.

" Looks good." I said and he smirked.

" Yup, now for the tight skinny jeans." he said.

Ah fuck, is this guy trying to kill me?

" I honestly don't know how you can wear tight skinny jeans. There's no room to move around in and kinda hurts the crotch."

" Yeah, but you get used to it." then he stripped his sleep pants and boxers, and pulled on the jeans.

' This so isn't fair. I've got a raging hard on now!'

" Eh, if you don't wear boxers with em."

" Yup. Now didn't Lily say that she was gonna visit a friend here in West Chester?" Frank asked while I tried to keep my eyes off of his crotch.

" Yeah, Ville Valo. The lead singer of H.I.M."

" Cool."

" Lils is really excited to see him again, we haven't seen him since they left Finland for a tour in America."

" You haven't seen him since Finland?" his brow furrowed in confusion.

" Yeah. We live in Finland, but we're not Finnish. We're French. We moved to Finland when we were all adopted by my Aunt."

" Ah, so that's it."

" Yeah."

" So how does she know him?"

" I'll have to tell you the story of how she met Vile first." I said and began to tell Frank how Lily met Ville about two days after we moved in next to him.

~ Ten years ago. ~

Eight year olds Lily and Kat were playing on the side walk in front of their new home in Finland since it's pretty nice outside, with me watching them.

" Sembler se que MOI can font!" Lily said getting onto her hands and standing on them, walking.

" Wow Lils , thanksggiving plutôt refroidir." I said, smiling at her. " Mais s'il vous plaît méfier."

" MOI vouloir." she walked on her hands to the front of the neighbor's house to the left. " Ooo! Tenace!" Lily got off her hands and started walking on her feet to get to this black dog that was sitting in the neighbor's yard.

" Lis , méfier! Vous don't savons si thanksggiving chienne c'est amie ou pas." I said getting up from my seat to try and get Lily. Just then a man came out as I got Lily in my arms.

" Who're te?" he asked.

Recalling the finnish I know I said, " I'm Riley ja nyt kuluva on ainoa -lta minun sisarukset Lilja. Aikana paikalla toinen ainoa -lta minun vähäinen määrä sisarukset Kat. Me didn't alhainen jotta häiritä model after sinun aitaus. Ainoastaan jahka Lilja saha sinun koira , hän alku jotta johtua aikana häntä jotta hellitellä se."

" Oi it's alright , Kelmi on ystävällinen kerrakseen jotta hellitellä. Hän lempiä kids." the guy said.

" Continuer et poser Coquine Lis , mais permettre lui renifler les verso votre écriture première." I said to Lily, letting her go and she walked over the dog.

" Te haastaa Ranska?" he asked.

" Jaa-ääni we're Ranska."

~ back to present ~

" Ah."

" Ever since that day, they've been good friends. Lily would come over and listen to the band practice, then Ville would come and listen to our band pratice. It got to the point where they started dating, but they both broke up when they agreed that the feelings weren't strong enough. They're still good friends." I said getting up for the bathroom whilst still holding the pillow to cover my boner.

" Why the hell are you carrying a pillow in front of your crotch?" Frank asked with a smirk.

" Uh, to uh..." I stuttered, trailing off.

" Oh just tell him already!" Lily shouted from the other room. " He feels the same way, so just fuckin' tell him!"

" Oh god..." I groaned, looking at the ground. I bet my face was turning red by now, a simple cherry red.

" What does she mean by telling me?" Frank asked me.

This is it, I'm going to have to tell him thanks to one of my youngest baby sisters. " T-That I l-l-like.... I like you Frank." I stuttered, focusing on my oh so interesting shoes. Frank didn't say anything for the next few minutes, I hope due to shock.

After ten more minutes, I just couldn't take it anymore and started to leave, dropping the pillow on the way. When I tried, his hand grabbed my wrist. " Let go of me Frank. If you're not going to say anything, I'm just taking it as silent rejection." I said and yanked my wrist out of his hand, but failed. I turned around to face him and got shocked myself. The way he was looking at me, was out of happiness, longing, lust, and love?

" Please don't leave, I don't want you to leave. If it was up to me, I'd keep you all to myself in my bunk with me all day." Frank said. " And I'm not rejecting you Riley, never. It just came as a shock to me that you'd like me too."

" What? You like me?"

" Ding Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!!"

" Smartass." I said.

" But you love my ass." he said.

" That I do." and I grabbed his ass.

" Hey! Someone's horny." Frank said and pointed to my crotch.

" Shit."

" Did I do that?" he asked.

" Yeah, when you were parading around shirtless and then stripped your sleep pants and boxers."

" And I did it on purpose."

" Why you -" Frank cutt me off with his soft lips pressed against my own in a sweet kiss. I closed my eyes automatically and kissed back, my arms going to wrap around his waist and pull him closer to me.

Frank's p.o.v.

I smiled into the kiss when Riley started kissing me back and wrapped his arms around my waist to bring me closer. I licked his lower lip for entrance and got denied. " You want to play, eh Riley?" I asked. Riley smiled at me and nodded, so I started to grind my hips into his.

" Ah!" he moaned and I took this opertunity to slip my tounge into his mouth, not missing a single place inside. " Frankie!" We broke for air, but I continued grinding into him.

Lily's p.o.v.

" I am so out of here! Mind if I borrow your car so I can go see Ville, mum?" I asked mom.

" Go ahead." she said and tossed me the keys which I caught.

" Thanks." I said and stuffed my pack, grabbed my mocha, then headed for the door.

" Where are you going Lily?" Gerard asked just as I was about to open the bus door.

" Need to leave because Frank and Riley are going at it, and I want to see Ville. You coming with?" I asked him.

" Yeah." he said and put his jacket on.

I opened the door and walked out with Gee behind, and over to mom's car. " Wow, your mom has nice taste in cars."

" Oh yeah." I said, unlocking the and opening the driver's door and threw my pack in the back. Then I sat in while Gee got in. As soon as we got settled, I took off.


" It's 11 a.m, will anybody be up?" Gerard asked as I parked in front of castle Bam.

" Probably Ape, Bam's mom."

" Ah." Then he opened his door and got out, shut the door and went to open mine.

" Thank you." I said getting out with my back pack and the keys. Gerard shut the door, I locked the car. As soon as the car beeped, April Margera came out the front door smiling.

" You must be Lily! Oh it's so good to finally meet you! Ville has told us a lot about you." Ape said, pulling me into a hug.

" Nothing too bad I hope. Speaking of that Finnish Fairy, is he still sleeping?" I asked.

" Yeah. Bam got plastered last night, then dragged Ville to his bedroom.... nothing more needs to be said for what went on next." she said, making a face.

" Perfect. Got a big bucket and a lot of ice, Ape?"

" Yeah, why?"

" I've got a fun way to wake them up with ice water." I said smirking.

" You're evil."

" I've got my moments."

" Like you and me covering Ray's face entirely with your sharpies." Gerard said.

" Oops. Ape, this is Gerard Way. He's my boyfriend. Gee, this is April Margera. She's Bam's mom."

" Well it's nice to meet you too Gerard." Ape said and gave him a hug.

" Let's go wake up Hermy and his boy toy."

" Bam's door is the third one down the hall, on the right.


" Damn this is heavy!" I said as I lugged a big bucket full of cold water and ice.

" So as soon as you throw the ice water on them, I blast barbie girl?" Gerard asked with a smirk.

" Brilliant! Fuck yeah Gee."

The last step up the stairs, we headed down the hallway. Remembering what Ape said, we stopped at the third door on the right and Gerard opened the door ever so slowly. When we looked inside, there were clothes everywhere and light snoring that cam from Bam. " I guess Bam couldn't wait to get Ville into bed." I whispered to him before going in.

" On the count of three." he whispered whilst he set up the ipod to play in the speakers on top of a shelf, I nodded and walked over to the bed. " One," I started swinging. " Two," Faster now. " Three!" Gerard raise his voice on the last word and I dumped the ice water on the sleeping love birds.

Hi Barbie
Hi Ken!
Do you wanna go for a ride?
Sure Ken!
Jump In...

I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
Come on Barbie, let's go party!

I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation

" FUCK THAT'S COLD!!" Bam shouted at the top of his lungs, Gerard took that as his cue to start blasting barbie girl. I bolted out of the room, down the stairs, and to the pirate bar with Gerard trying to keep up.

" They'll start thundering down an sec-" Ape started, but was cutt short due to me squeeling because an icey cold Bam picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. " Bam! Put her down."

" I will Ape." Bam said smirking and started walking out to the pool.

" Oh fuck, oh fuck!" I started saying while trying to get loose but with no avail.

" You might want to put her down Bammie and not in the water." Ville said from the door way.

" Nope." Bam said, then the bastard threw me into the pool.

" Huvila , auttaa we! I'm säikähtänyt! Oikeastaan säikähtänyt! Haluta auttaa we!!!" I yelled and started to cry because I was scared.. " Haluta auttaa we! I-KIRJAIN don't wanna kuihtua!!" I sobbed. Suddenly, all went black.


Gerard's p.o.v.

' Not good, not fucking good! I've never heard Lily that scared.' I shouted in my head.

" Damn it Bam! Why the fuck were you blasting Barbie Girl?" this guy asked as he came out to the pool in only his boxers. He looked like he was going to shout, but stopped when who I think is Ville came out of the pool with Lily. " What the fuck happened?"

" Novak, this is Lily Williams. Bam threw her into the pool because she dumped ice water on us a few minutes ago and blasted barbie girl." Ville said.

" But why is she out cold?" the guy named Novak asked.

" Because she's got a big fear of larger bodies of water that are bigger than a bath tub." he said.

" Shit! I honestly didn't know!" Bam said.

" Is she going to be okay?" I asked, close to tears now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Been a while since one of us updated, hasn't it? Anywho, I deticate this chapter to Dead! whom is really excited for this update and wasn't happy when I wouldn't tell her the suprise. I bet she and a bunch of you want to kill Gerard and Bam now, right? Btw, I'm leaving you with Mr.CliffHanger.

~ Renji

Sembler se que MOI can font! - Look what I can do!

Wow Lils , thanksggiving plutôt refroidir. - Wow Lils, that's pretty cool.

Mais s'il vous plaît méfier - But please be careful.

MOI vouloir - I will.

Ooo! Tenace - Ooo! Doggy!

Lis , méfier! Vous don't savons si thanksggiving chienne c'est amie ou pas. - Lily, be careful! You don't know if that dog is friend or not.

I'm Riley ja nyt kuluva on ainoa -lta minun sisarukset Lilja. Aikana paikalla toinen ainoa -lta minun vähäinen määrä sisarukset Kat. Me didn't alhainen jotta häiritä model after sinun aitaus. Ainoastaan jahka Lilja saha sinun koira , hän alku jotta johtua aikana häntä jotta hellitellä se. - I'm Riley and this is one of my sisters Lily. Over there another one of my little sisters, Kat. We didn't mean to intrude on your yard. But when Lily saw your dog, she started to come over her to pet it.

Oi it's alright , Kelmi on ystävällinen kerrakseen jotta hellitellä. Hän lempiä kids. - Oh it's alright, Rogue is friendly enough to pet. He loves kids.

Continuer et poser Coquine Lis , mais permettre lui renifler les verso votre écriture première. - Go ahead and put Rogue Lily, but let him sniff the back your hand first.

Te haastaa Ranska? - You speak French?

Huvila , auttaa we! I'm säikähtänyt! Oikeastaan säikähtänyt! Haluta auttaa we!!! - Ville, help me! I'm scared! Really scared! Please help me!!!

Haluta auttaa we! I-KIRJAIN don't wanna kuihtua!! - Please help me! I don't wanna die!!